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Everything posted by VEGRUNNER

  1. Mini Forklift, Thanks for the information. I will definitely up the calories and go with the three days per week of weight training. I would have to say that I consider myself a runner first (I have been running competitively on and off since I was 12 years old), but my primary goal right now is to gain some weight. Most of the races that I currently compete in range from 3-5 miles. Right now I am just starting a weigh training phase for the summer and then start a running phase in October and then a powerlifting phase in January. I should also mention that I compete every year at the Arnold classic 5k pump and run in March and my main goal for that event is to bench my bodyweight 20 times (I currently do 15) and run a sub 20 minute 5k (I currently run a 21 minute 5k and in college I ran a 15 minute 5k). What do you think of the following weekly mass routine? Monday - Chest/Triceps Tuesday - Run (3 miles) Wednesday - Legs (includes 3 sets of squats and 3 sets of deadlift) Thursday - Off Friday - Back/Shoulders/Biceps Saturday - Run (speed workout) Sunday - Run (3-5 Miles) Thanks again for helping me out with this.
  2. I am a 36 year hard gainer that enjoys both lifting and running. I only weigh 150 pounds and would like to gain 10-15 pounds of muscle. How many miles a week do you think I would be able to run and still gain muscle mass?
  3. I am currently training for the 5k pump and run at the arnold fitness classic in March. Below is my current training program. I was wondering if there are any exercises I should add or change to help improve my bench press. My goals for this year are to bench my bodywieght 20 times and break 20 minutes in the 5k. I am also concerned about overtraining (mucsles have been sore for more then 2 days lately) and was wondering if I should shorten my workouts or take more days off (I am 35 years old). For the bench press portion for the workout I am integrated the following workout into my routine (http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/workout-plans-4). SUNDAY SETS REPS DEADLIFTS 3 sets 8 reps DUMBELL ROWS 3 sets 8 reps DUMBELL SHOULDER PRESS 3 sets 8 reps PULLUPS 3 sets 8 reps CRUNCHS 3 sets 15-20 reps 5 MIN WARMUP AND COOLDOWN ON TREADMILL MONDAY RUN 3-5 MILES TUESDAY SETS REPS BENCH PRESS 3-5 sets varies INCLINE BENCH 3 sets 8 reps PUSH UP HOLDS 2 sets 20 SECONDS FLYS 3 sets 8 reps CRUNCHS 3 sets 15-20 reps 5 MIN WARMUP AND COOLDOWN ON TREADMILL WEDNSDAY RUN 2-4 MILES THURSDAY SETS REPS SQUATS 3 sets 8 reps GOOD MORNINGS 3 sets 10 reps LEG EXTENSION 3 sets 8 reps LEG CURL 2 sets 8 reps CALVE RAISES 2 sets 12 reps CRUNCHS 3 sets 15-20 reps 5 MIN WARMUP AND COOLDOWN ON TREADMILL FRIDAY RUN 2 MILES SATURDAY SETS REPS BENCH PRESS 3 sets VARIES SKULLS CRUSHERS 3 sets 8 reps CLOSE GRIP BENCH 3 sets 10 reps TRICEP EXTENSION (DUMBELL) 3 sets 8 reps BARBELL CURL 3 sets 8 reps CRUNCHS 3 15-20 5 MIN WARMUP AND COOLDOWN ON TREADMILL SUNDAY RUN SPEED WORKOUT 1 MILE WARMUP 6X400M SPRINTS 1 MILE COOLDOWN MONDAYOFF
  4. Just wondering what everyone on this board thinks about this study. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19741313 http://www.hairloss-research.org/UpdateCreatine10-09.html
  5. Has anyone on this board competed in a 5k pump and run? This past winter I competed in my third one and benched my bodyweight 14 times (I only weigh 145 lbs) and ran a 5k in 21 minutes. I will be competing in a 5k pump and run at the arnold classic in about 7 months and would like to get my 5k time down to 18 minutes (I used to run a sub 16 minute 5k in college) and bench my bodyweight 20 times. I should also note I am currently trying to bulk up over the next four months and put on 15 - 25 lbs. Does anyone have any tips on how to improve my bench press for an event like this? Last year the first 50 finishers were able to bench their bodyweight 30 times.
  6. Does anyone add coconut milk to their pre or post workout shakes? I just started putting half a can into my pre-workout shake with soy milk, soy protien powder (about 15 grams) and 5000mg of L-glutamine. I am trying to gain about 25lbs.
  7. Hi everyone. I am in the proccess of becoming a vegan (I have elimated chicken, pork, beef and dairy) and enjoy reading the posts in this forum. I used to be a track runner in high school and college and started really hitting the weights after college. I have always struggled with gaining weight (I am a classic ectomorph) and hope to utilize the information on this board to reach my bodybuilding goals.
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