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Everything posted by Mellon

  1. Okay, so I haven't been loggin here for a while. Main reason being that I now have 5 training logs, damn! I think I won't update all those weeks of training (from dec 20th to last week nothing much happened anyway) but I may post the most important videos of that time and the comp reports. And then continue with this week of training.
  2. Thought this table had the same rules as the one on veganfitness.net except ranking lifters by wilk's score instead of absolute weight. (didn't read the rules, tbh) In this case, ignore what I said earlier (though I would have to have a max bench of 126 kilos, then - did 6 x 105 kg some time ago)
  3. You cannot calculate a barbell bench from what you did with dumbbells, same as you cannot (accurately) derive a 1RM from a rep PB. Would be like calculating your time for a 200m dash based on your 110m hurdles. It's just not the same.
  4. Got some new PBs in the end of december at my last meet of the year. Squat is now 190 kg (though i wanted 200 so bad ) and bench is 115 kg from a few days after the comp. Wilk's are down a bit because my bw is now at 81 kg but increased strength is most important, I think. Actually I didn't even gain weight. I just didn't do a water cut before the comp.
  5. I wouldn't really agree. Some points are right but powerlifting training has a number of aspects. Speed training is high in the number of sets and very low in loads used. Also, in my case 80% of a day's movements are moderate in weight with a medium number in sets and reps, 5 sets x 10 reps being a rough guideline for good volume. Plus, if you're a bodybuilder, using max strength training can improve your hypertrophic results indirectly.
  6. Actually, I did find some more detailed results here: http://www.gfsa-strongman.de/pdf/einsteigercup-hannover-2013.pdf Of 30 contestants I shared 2nd in the overhead event, placed 13th in the farmer's walk, surprisingly only got 18th in the loading race and placed 26th in the final event.
  7. Strongman Beginner Cup Went there expecting to place midfield in my weight class but wanting to win the axle and be good at farmers. This is what happened: Axle Floor to Overhead (55 kg or 75 kg/121 lbs or 165 lbs) Chose 75 kg obviously. 55 kg felt like a toy, so I expected to get loads of reps but then lots of people had trouble getting it up, it seemed. Anyway, went kinda good, used all the time I had and got 9 reps. I think this placed me quite well even in the overall standings, though I don't know any detailed results yet. Btw, this event was fucking hard on the system. Hardest event of the day for sure! Farmer's Walk (Last Man Standing) The rules: Weight will be increased by 10 kg (22 lbs) per hand every round. You can pick or skip any weight you want. But as soon as you failed to carry a weight for the full 12 or 14 meters in one go, that weight with the distance you got will be your final score. Time didn't matter but there was a limit of 60 or 75 seconds or so. Started at 90 kg (198 lbs), easy but very unsteady, so I walked very slowly. Continued with 110 (242 lbs) just the same. Decided to play it safe and walk 130 (287 lbs) through the course before attempting 140 or 150 but then lost my grip halfway through the course, damn! Pick up was easy as fuck, so I coulda walked 140 or 150 for a few meters and placed 3rd-7th. Ended up somewhere mid-field, which cost me dearly in the end. Keg Loading Race (50 kg, 70 kg, 90 kg/110 lbs, 154 lbs, 198 lbs) Before it started I didn't think I could load all the kegs but then everyone before me did, so I figured speed would be of the essence. Shouldered 50 kg and ran like hell, sprinting back, picked up 70 kg and so forth. Only lost a few seconds at 90 kg because I had to try twice to pick it up first and then lift it on top of the platform. Still a very good time. Prowler Push (Last Man Standing) Odd event. Same principle as in the farmer's walk, only we couldn't drop it of course and we could try 3 weights max. Lots of people started at 260 kg (573 lbs), so I figured I would risk taking 280 (617 lbs) to place ahead of them. Managed to get it moving okay but then extended my arms to push at a better angle, which actually slowed me down a lot. There was a bump in the ground after 2/3 of the course, which stopped me with the little speed I had. From then on it was tons of fighting for just a few centimeters more. So a good choice to pick this weight because I think 300 kg (661 lbs) coulda been too much. Placed rather poorly but at my low bodyweight and with slippery shoes I expected that. Results: 2nd place @ 90 kg (198 lbs) class and 13th place overall Happy because it went way better than expected but unsatisfied because it was so very close (winner @ 90 kg placed 12th overall). Had I just picked 140 for farmers, I would have won by a great margin, I believe. But it was loads of fun and I met lots of great people (some of which we are going to train with soon in Dortmund). Will most def do this again. Planning on doing 1-3 2nd league cups in the following year (with Joni, if I got the time and money to travel that far ) and the log nationals, too, if they are still a thing (I think we didn't have any, this year). http://imageshack.us/a/img191/2990/srz7.jpg
  8. GPP Upper Body Decline Bench warmup 5 x 20 x 60 kg (132 lbs) bottom range reps Plate Laterals warmup 5 x 10 x 5 kg (11 lbs) per hand Controlled and big ROM. Short breaks. Buuuuurn. Weighted Narrow Grip Pull Up 5 x bw 3 x 5 kg 3 x 10 kg 3 x 15 kg 1 x 20 kg 1 x 25 kg 1 x 30 kg 1 x 35 kg 1 x 40 kg 1 x 45 kg (99 lbs) PB 50 kg (110 lbs) fail A lot more than I thought I could do. Only marked the last one as a PB and converted it into pounds but there were a lot more PBs before that. Video + hysterical laugh: Bodyweight Skullcrusher + BW Narrow Grip Bench 2 x 15 + 2 x 20 15 (or more?) + 6+2 (feet elevated) May have been a little bit more than I wanted to do originally ^^
  9. Thanks Seems like, if you have 4 training logs your should update them all or you will end up lagging behind on all of them... So here we go. Pre-comp training: Dynamic Effort Upper Body Future Method Bench warmup 9 x 3 x 80 kg (176 lbs) Was really pissed off that day. Managed to actually use it as fuel. Them were some speedy benches. DB Tate Press 6 x 10 x 18,5 kg (41 lbs) PB Awesome. BB Shrug + Pull Ups (varying grip) + DB Rear Delts 10 x 70 kg (154 lbs) + 5 + 10 x 18,5 kg (41 lbs) 10 x 110 kg (242 lbs) + 10 + 10 x 18,5 kg (41 lbs) 15 x 160 kg (353 lbs) PB + 10? + 15? x 18,5 kg (41 lbs)
  10. More recent training will be covered next week. On sunday I will compete in the deadlift nationals. They are equipped, I will be competing RAW. These will be my attempts: No. 1: 222,5 kg (490 lbs), national RAW record No. 2: 237,5 kg (524 lbs), new personal best No. 3: attack on the lead, whatever that means Thinking no 1 will be easy, no 2 may happen or not and no 3 would be a stretch but could be possible, if I have a good day and my competition does not. We'll see.
  11. So if anyone is really that interested but wants to save time I'd just watch the videos. The most important stuff is covered there and it's a bit more interesting than reading numbers. This should ne all training up to last saturday (at which time I did my very first strongman comp).
  12. Lot's of videos have been made during them sessions. Here they are (in chronological order, I hope) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6wyvINoNdI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hup5CRLnZwQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMxmos5UA2s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJwsT8ZEwA0
  13. ME Lower Body SSB Low Box Squat warmup 3 x 120 kg 3 x 135 kg Practically doing 2 sessions yesterday may have taken its toll. Quad tendon hurt from the get go. Still fought with the heart of a thousand maniacs. SSB Very Fucking Low Good Morning 8 x 25 kg 5 x 8 x 45 kg Taking turns with my training partner, never stopping. This may not sound like much but it was brutal. By the end of it I took more time standing and trying to breath during a set than actually moving. Band Leg Curl 20 x blue band 2 x 20 x green band 10 x green band + red band 5 x green band + red band 20 x green band 20 x blue band 20 x red band 10 x red band 10 x red band + unknown amount of partials with various bands This was one massive set, its parts glues together with rest pauses and dropsetting. My crazy set for the day (issued a little challenge toward another powerlifter to do something completely nuts every lower body session). Standing abs with bands (up to 2 x 25 x green band + blue band or so). Doubled Red Band Hip Work 2 x 10 x medium stance 10 x wide stance dropset 10 x wide stance + 10 x medium stance + 10 x narrow stance At the end I was so exhausted that I only did partials. A rather light but not easy training session that took me through the seven hells of lactic acid build-up whilst aiding recovery. My distilled lunacy concerning choosing insane goals and including masochistic elements into my training didn't spawn itself. Here a little incitement of the musical kind: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6kXLkJA6g0
  14. Did one set of 50 x 20 kg per hand DB shoulder press to answer Antoine Vaillant's Delt-a-Tonne-Challenge. Other than that no GPP and no training until yesterday. That was a mistake and a failure on my side. I needed to be punished. 3,5 hours of torment would do me good. This wasn't about smart training or making me stronger. This was about proving something to myself. Dynamic Effort Lower Body Front Box Squat + red bands warmup 6 x 2 x 80 kg 2 x 90 kg 1 x 100 kg Heavy and slow. Future Method Sumo Deficit Pull warmup 6 x 1 x 180 kg 1 x 190 kg 1 x 200 kg Very heavy. Stiff Leg Deficit Deadlift with straps 9 x 160 kg PB Totally lost count. This was such a fight (mostly with myself)! Stopped when I thought I had ten. Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift with straps 1 x 160 kg PB Maybe coulda done a triple but hesitated during the touch and didn't get it up/gave up when it felt too heavy. Don't get me wrong, this is probably a true 1RM, but with tng you can get triples of those. 1 hour break to get some carbs and caffeine in. Bent Leg Good Morning warmup 3 x 10 x 120 kg Not the greatest ROM in the world but made it HARD. Weighted Inverse Curl 10 x bw 8, 6, 6 x 10 kg Beyond failure and using some cheat at the end of every set. Weighted GHR 8 x 25 kg Using every trick in the book (cheat, pausing at the top to breath etc.) to get this. Plates Over Head Side Bend 10 per side x 5 kg per hand 10 per side x 10 kg per hand Weighted Side Plank 1 minute each side x 10 kg Weighted Sit Ups @ GHR Machine 10 x 10 kg 10 x 20 kg 10 x 30 kg 15 x 40 kg PB + dropset 10 x 20 kg More than a thing of strength, this is a matter of when your abs are going to tear under this brutal pressure.
  15. Maximal Effort Upper Body Illegal Grip Bench warmup 6 x 95 kg 6 x 100 kg 6 x 105 kg PB Slid up the bench and lost tightness on the 7th. Totally had that in me though. Good progress. We didn't do the assistance stuff that day either. Studied for exams instead. Still feeling guilty for it though.
  16. Max Effort Lower Body Sumo Block Pull warmup 1 x 190 kg 1 x 220 kg 1 x 235 kg 1 x 245 kg PB belt on 252,5 kg fail Best so far was 242 without belt, 250 fail without belt and 250 lift with belt. So either I am a bit weaker or too thin for my belt or the 245 lift just took everything out of me (it was one tough lift). No assistance stuff, shame on me.
  17. Dynamic Effort Upper Body Future Method Bench warmup 9 x 3 x 80 kg Good. Totally destroyed for some reason. Did the rest the following day. Plate Front Raise + Plate Rear Delts + Seated DB Shoulder Press 3 x 10 x 10 kg + 3 x 15 x 10 kg per hand + 15, 15, 10 x 22,5 kg per hand DB Tate Press 5 x 10 x 17,5 kg 10 breaths between sets. BW Skullcrusher + BW Narrow Grip Bench (fortan heißen die hier einfach so, bis jemandem ein besserer Name einfällt) 3 x 10 + 3 x 15 Overstretched my left tricep tendon on the last set. Still finished it. Didn't hurt later, so nothing serious. Chin Up 18 Way harder than my usual narrow grip pull ups. Barbell Shrug 10 x 70 kg 10 x 110 kg 10 x 130 kg 10 x 160 kg power shrug
  18. Dynamic Effort Lower Body Front Box Squat + red bands warmup 9 x 2 x 70 kg Future Method Deficit Sumo Speed Pull warmup 6 x 1 x 170 kg Break. Stiff Leg Deficit Deadlift warmup 10 x 150 kg PB Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift 5 x 150 kg PB Break again. Weighted GHR 10 x bw 10 x 10 kg 8 x 25 kg + (not enough) abs
  19. Max Effort Upper Body Future Method Bench warmup 3 x 120 kg 1 x 130 kg Equal PB, but not more. Standing BB Shoulder Press warmup 8 x 70 kg 7 x 70 kg 20 x 50 kg partials Weighted Diamond Push Up 10 x bw 10 x 25 kg 10 x 20 kg 10 x bw Hard and good. Band Pull Apart 10 x red band 10 x blue band 10 x green band 10 x red band Wide Grip Pull Up 20 Used a bit of PITTing. So for one I was disappointed not to be any better. Then again I hadn't slept for 27 hours (30 pages thick report was to be handed in the next day), so maybe I was better than before.
  20. GPP Bodyweight Inverse Curl 10 x GHR 3 x 10 Short breaks. Very strict and hard. Reached failure. Side Plank 90 seconds per side Band Morning 60 x blue band 40? x green band Erectors were shot even before this, so just light work for the pump.
  21. Max Effort Lower Body Front Box Squat warmup 3 x 110 kg 3 x 120 kg 2 x 130 kg PB Awesome! Totally unexpected and without much of a psyche-up. Bent Leg Good Morning warmup 3 x 10 x 110 kg Quite deep. Concentrating on actually feeling the movement no matter what it would look like. Weighted Inverse Curl 10 x bw 5, 6, 5 x 10 kg Brutal. + obliques. Various exercises, one set each.
  22. Got a lot of dating up to do, so I will just copy this from veganfitness (sorry, no lbs for now) DE Upper Future Method Bench warmup 9 x 3 x 75 kg 3 x 80 kg 3 x 90 kg 3 x 100 kg 75 may have been too light. Short breaks, maybe even just 30 sec. One Arm Plate Front Raise + Bent Over Plate Rear Delts + Seated DB Shoulder Press 3 x 10 x 10 kg per hand + 3 x 10 x 10 kg per hand + 3 x 10 x 22,5 kg per hand Almost no breaks. This killed me, I was completely disoriented. So I did the rest on the following day. Tricep warmup, then DB Tate Press ? x 10 x 17,5 kg ? x 17,5 kg Miscounted, dunno the numbers. Could have been a PB though. BW Skullcrusher + BW Narrow Grip Bench 2 x 10 + 2 x 10 10 + 15 Can't really find a better name for these. You can see them at 6:00 in this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AcCxdOLH7U Kroc Row 30 x 45 kg Disgusting. Almost completely strict. Finally hit both lats equally (never happened ever before). Barbell Shrug 10 x 60 kg 10 x 80 kg PB 10 x 100 kg PB 10 x 120 kg PB 10 x 140 kg PB 10 x 150 kg PB + 10 x 130 kg + 10 x 110 kg + ? x 60 kg ? x ? x 60 kg Didn't count in the end. Crazy pump.
  23. Well. If you can move the extra weight, put it on. If you cannot, don't. It's really that simple
  24. Thanks, man! Very busy atm, will update this log some time after tomorrow's exam. Then my 2nd semester will FINALLY be over (5 weeks after the 3rd semester started..).
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