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Everything posted by chewybaws

  1. You're right man, I don't think it'd happen if my right foot wasn't angled out more than the left. I think it's down to ankle mobility, will work on it! Yeah, out with mates tomorrow night. Gonna be messy. Sleep and recover hopefully the rest of it. Unless I get an offer for Saturday that is Wed 18th July 2012 Bodyweight = 86.7kg Cambered bar squats (no belt) 1x5x100kg 1x5x117.5kg 1x5x135kg 2.5" Deficit Deadlifts (no belt) 1x5x110kg 1x5x150kg 1x5x170kg Bench 1x5x70kg 1x3x80kg 1x4x90kg (new 4RM) Dog Sled (2x12m) x10 (about 30-60 seconds rest between sets), died. 50kg on top of whatever the sled weighs Wasn't planning on doing deficits no belt, but they felt good and I was worried a belt was gonna fuck up my positioning. Bench was getting a bit of pain in my bicep tendon (left arm) but haven't felt anything since. Will lay off bench a couple of weeks and get some more overhead work in.
  2. No running water in the warehouse, we need to keep ourselves hydrated somehow Mon 16th July 2012 Bodyweight = 85.9kg Squat (no belt) 1x5x100kg 1x5x120kg 1x5x135kg 1x1x155kg (beltless PB) Push Press 1x3x50kg 1x3x60kg 1x8x67.5kg Strict Press 1x3x50kg 1x2x60kg 1x2x67.5kg Pullups (wide grip) 5 5 +10kg 5 +20kg (not bad! all from dead hang) Dips 5 5 +10kg 5 +20kg chain Good graft today
  3. When I squat normally I use a low bar position. Cambered bar is high bar so I keep my torso very upright. The bar can kind of swing a bit if you let it. Legendary strongman session at HQ on Friday - Fri 13th July 2012 Bodyweight = 86.3kg Log 1x3x60kg 1x1x70kg 1x2x75kg (PB) Yoke 240kg for 12 metres in 13:88s (heaviest I've went in yoke) Circus DB 31kg 2x3 each hand 42kg fail then got it with right hand Medley 12 metres. 65kg of plates on dog sled, 140kg on duck walk. Push sled, duck walk, pull sled. 1st Run - 37:47 seconds 2nd Run - 32:63 seconds Stones 130kg - 3 fails, got it on the 4th PB http://i83.photobucket.com/albums/j287/chewybaws/411917_10150942427604211_1691203570_o.jpg
  4. It should be higher. I've trained it consistently with the other lifts with similar rep ranges but it just moves slower. Long arms as well = good deadlift, shiter bench. I'm just glad it's on the way up! Thu 12th July 2012 Cambered bar squat (no belt) 1x5x100kg 1x3x125kg 1x1x150kg Bench 2x8x70kg pause reps- 1x1x80kg 1x1x87.5kg (equal pause PB, and it was easy as fuck) Good to nail the cambered bar. Wasn't even going to work out today cause back was dodgy earlier in week.
  5. Push press you use leg drive, strict press you don't. At least that's how we distinguish between it Wed 11th July 2012 Bodyweight = 85.5kg Bench Press 1x5x70kg 1x2x77.5kg 1x6x85kg Wide grip Pullups 14, 5, 5 Busy as fuck at work today so went to the weightlifting club in Killie for a bench session with the powerlifters. New 6RM on Bench. Hopefully nail 100kg single soon
  6. Had a wee bit too much of a wild one man. Club saturday night, didn't get home till 12 in the afternoon sunday. Done a couple of hours of work and had one meal. Fell asleep from 3:30pm to 1am - there went my Sunday! Felt really weak on Monday (not to mention dehydrated bodyweight) so just a maintenance workout Mon 9th July 2012 Bodyweight = 84.6kg Squats (no belt) 1x6x125kg Push Press 1x6x62.5kg Strict Press 1x4x55kg
  7. Hey Forklift! That's some good pulling, shame about the grip giving - definitely way more there. I used to speed bench but not benching much at all just now so just taking what I can get! I gots crazy DOMs from Wednesday in the pecs but feeling better today. Fri 7th July 2012 Bodyweight = 85.7kg Log 5x50kg 3x60kg 1x65kg 3x70kg (was only going to double it but felt really easy) 7x60kg Farmers 12m, 95kg each hand Run 1 - 8:43s Run 2 - 7:41s Run 3 - 7:88s Yoke 40m (4x10m), 200kg, 55:08s 18" Deadlifts (belt) 1x3x190kg 1x3x210kg 1x3x230kg Done 18" whilst everyone else done sled/circus DB/stones cause I missed it on Wednesday, wish I'd just went with the flow cause back feels a bit dodgy. Not terrible but I like to avoid it when possible. But anyway, decent numbers across the board. First time doing log at start of June, 70kg was an absolute 1RM and could only rep out 60kg for about 4. So big improvement there.
  8. Yeah man, when I worked out at the weightlifting club/home I used to do the videos myself. But now that I workout at my new job my boss does the videos, it's great More or less get one every session. That's some crazy pulling endurance/strength! I'm not a big fan of doing long sets of deadlifts myself. If I do more than 6 or 7 reps someone has to come in with an oxygen mask. Wed 4th July 2012 Bodyweight = 85.4kg Cambered bar squats (no belt) 1x3x100kg 1x3x117.5kg 1x3x135kg Wide grip pullups (finally able to do these after shoulder injury, been a while...) 1x9 +10kg dipping belt 1x9 1x5 Bench (first time in weeks!) 1x5x60kg 1x2x70kg 1x8x77.5kg
  9. You have a great bench for your bodyweight, I realise your probably still building back up to full power as well. Do you never do overhead work? Looking solid, keep up the good work.
  10. Cheers guys ;D Mon 2nd July 2012 Bodyweight = 85.1kg Squats (no belt) 1x5x90kg 1x8x110kg Push Press 1x5x50kg 1x3x60kg 1x7x70kg Strict Press 1x3x62.5kg (failed this few weeks back, good to nail it) Squats were effortless, even went for a short pause on the last rep. Huge improvement in my push press. Haven't benched in ages but at least my overhead is improving.
  11. Cheers Friday 29th June 2012 Bodyweight = 85.3kg Log 60kg - clean & 3 press 65kg - clean & 3 press 65kg - 7x clean&press in 75 seconds Yoke 200kg, 12m, 9.78 seconds 220kg, 12m, 8.84 seconds (quicker pickup, beat my time for 10m) Farmers walk 75kg each hand, 40m (4 x 10m), 33.09 seconds Fucked about with the new dog sled. Stones Not super high, about chest height or just under. Had a 3-way rep off until we couldn't do anymore, so whilst the other 2 guys are lifting you get a chance to recover. 13 reps with 120kg stone. I have no idea how the fuck I managed this. After about 3 reps I thought I was nearing my limit. Just kept going and going. Died.
  12. Cheers man! I'll check it out Wed 27th June 2012 Bodyweight = 84.9kg Cambered bar squats (no belt) 1x5x85kg 1x5x105kg 1x5x125kg Deadlift 1x5x150kg (no belt) 1x2x170kg (belt from this point) 1x1x185kg 1x5x200kg (new 5RM) A DEADLIFT PB. FINALLY.
  13. Cheers mate I love all the strongman stuff Mon 25th June 2012 Bodyweight = 85.2kg Squat (no belt) 1x2x120kg 1x1x140kg 1x2x152.5kg (most I'd done beltless before this was a single at 150kg, so PB) Push Press 1x7x65kg (was nearly 8 but lost my balance on the last) Strict Press 1x1x60kg 1x1x65kg Barbell rows 1x5x70kg 1x5x75kg 1x5x80kg Extremely happy with squats. Been a while since I've had a grinder of a rep. My pressing is looking much better on this workout. It looks like I'm starting to get into a good position overhead. Barbell rows my hamstrings were tight as fuck, haven't stretched properly in way over a week so done some foam rolling/stretching when I was home.
  14. Fri 23rd June 2012 Bodyweight = 85.7kg Axle 45kg clean + 5 press 55kg clean + 5 press 65kg clean + 3 press 70kg clean + 1 press 75kg clean + 1 press 80kg clean + 1 press (last 2 were PB's) Farmers walks 115kg each hand, about 6m, grip gave. then finished the last 4m. Didn't prepare properly, didn't setup properly enough or use chalk. Underestimated it. Prowler Loaded it with 42.5kg and done multiple runs. I'd heard a lot of bad things about the prowler and it lives upto it, it's fucking horrible. Then done some grip holds with 55kg farmers with the fat grips. Managed 35 seconds at the end. Atlas Stones 80kg for height. See video. Nearly died around 6:00. That's an overhead PB with the axle.
  15. If you want to make muscle gains quickly, you're gonna have to deal with a bit of extra fat usually - don't let this put you off. If you tip toe about and keep trying to maintain low bodyfat, chances are you're going to seriously hinder your gains. Strategy - make chest/lats/thighs bigger. Belly will appear smaller.
  16. Mon 18th June 2012 Bodyweight = 84.6kg Squat (no belt) 1x5x100kg 1x1x130kg 1x3x145kg Chins 9 (+15kg dipping belt) 9 Front squats (no belt) 1x10x90kg Push Press 1x10x60kg Strict Press 1x3x50kg 1x2x57.5kg 1x2x67.5kg (+ failed 3rd) Wed 20th June 2012 Cambered Bar Squats (no belt) 1x5x100kg 1x3x122.5kg 1x1x145kg Deadlift 1x5x150kg (no belt) 1x5x185kg (belt) Strict Press 3x5x30kg +purple bands 1x3x35kg +purple bands Gunz with log. Squats all week have been PB's in one way or another. Beltless triple, front squat high rep and not done much cambered bar so everytime I go heavy it's a PB. Deadlifts feeling easy, didn't setup 2nd rep properly will fix for next time.
  17. Crazy overhead/pullup strength I haven't been keeping upto date here - how's your back been?
  18. Yeah it's a great atmosphere for lifting! The belts are awesome, I had one for over a year and a half before I started working there and no signs of wear. They last! I have no discount codes unfortunately, I'm just hired muscle Friday 15th June 2012 Bodyweight = 84.5kg Log (steel) I should mention - so far with log it's just the 1 clean. So if I say 3 reps it's 1 clean then 3 presses. 2x3x60kg 2x3x62.5kg Deadlift 1x5x150kg (no belt) 1x5x170kg (belt) Yoke 10m 200kg 7:09s 220kg 9:31s 220kg 9:13s Circus Dumbbell 31kg, 10 reps in 75s (all right hand and cleaned every rep) 31kg, 1 clean and press, then clean then 5 presses, all with left hand Then quite a few fails with 42kg on the right hand Atlas stones 2x80kg 1x120kg, Fx120kg, 1x120kg Few fails with 130kg (we're suspecting the 120kg is actually lighter than 120kg. Think I cemented this when I couldn't even budge 130kg) Log - weight felt easier today which is good. Last set I tried doing my breathing at the top after the 1st rep, felt much better - easier to stay tight at the bottom. Deadlift - First time pulling conventional from the floor with a decent weight in a while. Felt heavier than 170kg with a belt should've felt, squatting down to much because of fear of rounding my back and falling into old habits. Yoke - Felt alright, some runs were better than others. 220kg didn't have the same crushing effect when walking as the 115kg farmers did, so there's more there. Circus DB - 31kg felt much easier on both arms. A couple of the 42kg fails were close. Atlas stones - Definite improvement. The 2nd rep with '120'kg came up easy enough, I just didn't lift it high enough before moving forward. First rep I nearly jammed my fingers lol. Feel fucked now.
  19. Stuff from Mon/Wed's workouts. Couple of notes - lockouts very shitty on the overhead work. I'm 90% sure that this is down to bad overhead flexibility (if you watch the other guys they can get their arms back past their heads), but I can't really work on this till my shoulder's healed (would prob even hurt to try to get into that position just now). Also I have developed what's known as "gay wrist" when OHP/benching. Basically the bar's behind my forearm, should be easily enough to correct on bench (watching old videos I didn't always do it). But for overhead again, will need better flexiblity otherwise the bar's just gonna float forward. On a more positive note, squatting's looking good.
  20. Sorry I should make it clear that my last post was supposed to be split in 2. Was just talking about my experience with higher reps, I DON'T recommend 5/3/1 for beginners.
  21. Wed 13th June 2012 Bodyweight = 84.3kg Cambered bar Squats (no belt) 1x5x100kg 1x3x115kg 1x3x130kg Bench (narrowed my grip a bit) 1x5x62.5kg 1x12x72.5kg Sunday my hamstrings were a bit tight so done some stiff leg deadlifts with 20kg to stretch them and honest to fuck I still have DOMs today, made a smart decision not to deadlift today. Bench felt comfortable with a narrower grip. I think benching with my forearms pointing outwards at the bottom position has been starting to wreck my joints a bit (was taking a max width for powerlifting).
  22. For beginners I think high rep training is utterly useless. My reason for this is when the weight is that light you can do anything to lift it, there's no need for your body to be efficient or your technique to be good. Beginners should be concentrating on many sets of low reps to learn the lifts properly, and increasing the weight quickly session to session. Not to mention there's barely any stimulus or need for the muscles to grow with a weight you can lift more than 20 times. I have had success on Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 where you can rep out the last set, which in practice meant that I was working upto just a single set of 8-12 reps. That's what I'd call high rep. Anything above that is just endurance work in my opinion... I only really find that useful for rehabbing.
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