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Everything posted by LizWorld

  1. that's funny. I love the pictures. I have one of Potter and I but I can't' figure out how to post it... Liz, does anyone ask you if you're on the vegan fitness team? I had so many ppl come up to me and asked me..I have the same shirt but it's black. Actually, I walked in to this coop and this lady said I like your shirt. But that's all Ive gotten actually... You know, Im a walking, talking comercial pole
  2. July...umm, Dunno, cus Ive slept about 9 hours in 3 nights! Alex and I just got back fron PA. I have had the most amazing time! Undescribable! Ed and Hero are so awesome!!! I hope to see them both again really soon! I will write more later! I'm just really, really tired! And the bathroom is callling my name...
  3. Wait...Bong??? I thought he said he made you guys a BOMB...
  4. Yesyesyesyesyes!!! We have GOt to see it!!! lol Like everything else we've got to see lol
  5. Sounds great Ed! Ill talk to you tonite! Sunday, July...er, 8th? I seem to lose track of time! Today is teh day when I was supposed to go home! I still have my ticket, it was unrefundable. Dang i say!! Wouldn't mind getting them money back! I've been browsing through www.veganfitness.net a little today. Dang, that site and this one are so similar! First I thought I had ended up on this page lol. But I'm not a forum person - anymore. Takes up too much time. I don't think I can be bothered getting involved at another forum. Not yet anyways! I do wonder how it is compared to this site though! It's hot and humid today again! I'm about to melt away. It's killing me. Pooh! I got up early, went for a run. Went great, the air was so cool and fresh event hough it was like 77 degrees outside! That proves that the humidity is giving me a hard time exercising! Alex will come tonite! Tomorrow we'll visit Ed. Fun, fun, fun. Anyone else that lives in PA??? Since we'll be there I mean! I wouldn't mind visit some more people I need air! Oh dear, this heat! But I won't whine! At least it's not 55 and raining as it is in Stockhom at the moment heck, wouldn't want to go home to THAT anytime soon. Ever!
  6. Fats in nuts have, according to several researches(at www.pubmed.com), been proven to speed fat loss and improve test results for heart conditions and cholestrol and such! The fat in nuts doesn't get fully absorbed either due to other researches, probably though we don't chew them into liquid. Keep in mind, that one tablespoon of fat, which is 15 ml, doe sNOT equal 15 grams of fat!! The density is lower, so the fat content in one tblsp would be 10-12 grams, not 15. To get to the subject and the point, if you, for some reason, want to keep track of your fat intake, you should count all fats, good as well as bad!
  7. Hm, I guess that is accurate, it's just that I ain't no basic!!!! I'm fun! I wear fun undies!! You Are Basic Panties http://images.blogthings.com/whatkindofpantiesareyouquiz/basic-panties.jpg You are a laid back chick with a real natural beauty. You can make unwashed hair and minimal make-up super sexy. Men tend to notice you show the "real you" - and they appreciate it. And while basic makes boring for some, it looks classic on you. What Kind of Panties Are You? http://www.blogthings.com/whatkindofpantiesareyouquiz/
  8. www.myspace.com/lizsahlen
  9. LizWorld


    Welcome to the forum and welcome back to a life of fitness! Hopefully we can inspire you to stay motivated
  10. Dude, don't forget it's icetime tonite!!!! You better be there
  11. No, that was my inside voice I am going to begin calling people nuggets with my outside voice!!
  12. July 7th - the revenge of the PB Or not really, but I'm working on it! I will enjoy coming "home" to Portland! 8 days to go Tasha! 8 days... I miss you TOO!!! We'll start blogging again as soon as I return. Wooh! 07-07-07!! This should be one lucky day! But I got up way too early after talking to Ed over msn all evening.. untill midnight! So I've been knocked out, especially since I've been helping some friends moving. They had a BIG house. 4 floors! Lots of stuff! 1 lb of grapes and 10 lbs of water melon didn't do me much, so I fell asleep when I finally returned home. This morning right when I got up, I thought I'd skip some rope since there would be no time for me to visit the trail. But after 141 skips, my legs refused to cooperate and I fell. Guess it was too early (too close to my awakening) for me to be doing any kind of exercise. I'd like to go out for a walk now, but it's so humid I can't stand to move! I guess I will have to wait for tomorrow! Tomrrow is going to be a busy day. Church in the morning, then hang out with Will, and old friend from HS who's apparently doing well in the music industry, church int he afternoon and then we'll pick up Alex! Monday morning we'll try to get a hold of a rental car and drive up to Amish land! Hang out with ed, play with his nunchucks, watch some card tricks, eventually drive out to...er, NJ? Anyways, I'm sure I'll have a fun couple of days! Alex leaves thursday, and sunday morning I'll be in Portland again! Wooh!
  13. Ehm.. Offense lives in Gothenburg, not stockholm... fyi Robert (yes, Im being a smartass!!)
  14. I'm all exited too!!!! but I'm always exited Almost always! Wooooh!!!
  15. I'm going to try to get off on Tuesday and switch with someone then to see if a trip to the shore is viable then. There's no place like New Jersey (though I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. ) Aewsome!!!! I've never been to New Jersey.. another mark for my "where-I've-been-map" I just HOPE she'll get In TOUCH like...NOW, so we can sort things out... So - do you have any amish lying around there?
  16. Ehm..yes. Arvo means afternoon. Don't ask me why, it's an aussie thang! You know, aussies are a bit...down under hah!
  17. C.O. that sound slovely!!! no one appreaciates a good laugh like I do
  18. Ed, that sounds lovely. I really want to see your card trick! I think I've got the OMG WTF thing pretty good now By the way - you don't happen to have any amish around there do ya? I just have some questions to ask them that's all. If MY plans work out the way I want to, Alex will arrive here monday morning, we'll try to find a car renting place and drive to PA during lunchtime! I know about some outlet thingies somewhere in PA that will keep her entertained if she so wish, or she'll be coming with me. Hm...wait, she would HAVE to come with me, because I can't drive. Hah! Problem solved! I just have to be back in Baltimore by wednesday arvo! As soon as she bothers contaciting me....I'll know a lot more!
  19. Aww dude that would be fantastic!!! I'll be back in portland the 15th.. I'll leave august 29th. If I can borrow it I will trreat like it's my own baby, just like I do with my baby back home. That would be so awesome. I haven't played in 4 weeks and i'm slowly going insane...
  20. Lotus, I'm not sure what that poke tatoo thing is, but ink me up!!! I'm in on that for sure! The only thing I'm fairly good at is being goofy...and lifting weights. So I can do them both. I"m sure Potter could teach his duck hunt skills hee hee. And how to eat himself! I also have a talent in kicking my brother in the nuts during muay thai training... (by accident) but since he's not around, I don't see a class on that subject happening. Unless I get a volunteer? Anyone? Anyone?
  21. Lotus, that is called cheating!!! Don't give him any ideas
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