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About Mikey

  • Birthday 02/28/1986

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  1. I think it's funny that hunting is supposedly an eco-friendly, sustainable, food source. Really, if everyone decided that they would become hunters for their meat and there weren't any farms, I'm sure we would probably have killed off almost everything in our prairies and forests by now. We did it to the buffalo, and that was with way less people than there are now. A no meat day is such a good idea, even David Suzuki said so (yeh yeh I know lots of people have beef with him). What would be super awesome to see is more community and backyard urban gardens, then we could see real eco-friendly, sustainable food sources.
  2. Wow, I was talking to my friend whos a cook and he was telling me all kinds of stuff. Like the anchovie paste in many dressings , and the menu even has beans that say they are vegetarian, but are covered in a sauce that uses chicken stock for the base. It's pretty messed up, especially when the menu is decieving like that.
  3. Anchovies? I live in Alberta, I've never ever seen anchovies on a ceasar salad in a restaurant, or anywhere. I'm not sure I've ever seen any fish on a salad. But I don't like eating salad at restaurants anyways, because like you said, it usually just a pile of lettuce.
  4. None of my close friends are vegan or vegetarian, but there are a couple awesome vegan restaurants in my city. But we only sometimes go to them. I am not overly strict, cuz the vegetarian options at restaurants blow so hardcore, lots don't even have any. I often opt for veggieburger if they have it or fries (which are probably cooked in animal fat 1/2 the time ). I hate the fact that so many restaurants feel a caesar salad is a great vegetarian option. I don't want to go pay $10 for some limp lettuce and stale bread drenched in mayo and parmesan. As for the asian foods thing, i eat that a lot too, but most often there is animal products used in that as well (ie. chicked bases or especially fish for thai food). You're honestly not really safe eating out unless the restaurant has a vegan gaurantee. When I am at a resaurant I order what looks like it is the safest choice, but I don't generally start interrogating the waiter/waitress about it.
  5. Who else hates LOLCATS?! I freaking hate these pictures on the internet; they annoy me so much. Even worse is that the kids i teach at high school level actually hand in projects with grammar and spelling like LOLCAT pictures.... oh dear. http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs193.snc3/20034_467255325003_819595003_10649148_5859808_n.jpg
  6. Just watched an great pet documentary. It's called "Mine (Taken By Katrina)". It's about the pets that were in Katrina. How the government dealt with their rescue, how volunteers rescued them, and what happened to them afterwards. It starts off very sad probably the first 30 minutes is all sad. After that there are uplifting parts too. It talks about animal rights and how they are considered property by law and a bunch of other stuff too. We are probably going to show it to the student animal welfare group at the school I teach at . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXc6eOBN7Wk
  7. Don't be hating on the so called "flexitarians". It's a stupid term, but I used to be like that too. I would occasionally eat meat at my parents or at friends. I live in Alberta, which is basically the Texas of Canada, and almost nobody I know is a vegan, or even vegetarian But people like that at least are mostly vegetarians, which is a lot better than people who must have meat every single meal (so they are still saving animals by not buying as much meat). I now am vegetarian totally but still have a hard time and get mad sometimes when the only vegetarian option on a menu is a ceasar salad... Even David Suzuki said that families should take at least one meal a week that is totally vegetarian and that can make a difference. So I think all the haters should lay off people who are mostly vegetarian but occasionally eat meat, because at least they are trying to help make a difference .... plus it might just be a stepping stone in their transition to full vegetarian or even to full vegan
  8. This movie was recommended to me by a friend. It is sad, but very eye opening. It is an amazing documentary, but it has some very graphic footage in it for those of you who are weak hearted/stomached. If you think you can handle it, I highly recommend it. This is a link to the movie's homepage and has a trailer. http://www.thecovemovie.com/
  9. Hey Everyone, I'm a 23 year old Canadian named Mike. I'm currently a vegetarian, but I've been wanting to become completely vegan. I just need to make sure I can do it and maintain proper nutrient intake and everything . I also am restarting working out and weight training, since I had stopped for about 9 months , mostly because I moved into a place where my weights and bench didn't fit (I know its not a good excuse though). I got to this site from a link from another great site that I've used for help with working out. And I'm hoping I can learn how to go completely vegan and be able to maintain a healthy body. Right now I'm 6'3 and 190 lbs, but not in good shape. I'm hoping to regain and surpass where I was before I stopped working out. Cheers
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