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Posts posted by RawFigure

  1. bigbww..I did not think you were starting an argument on Raw diets. I think you are right, being a Raw Vegan vs a Raw person who eats cooked..the experience is different.


    And being a most fruit eater vs a green eater with some fruit mixed in (thats me) will have another experience.


    Key: find what works best for you !

  2. Steve Arlin is NOT the poster child for Raw Vegan diet....are you sure he is Raw ?


    Your post has some good points but you are too definate.


    I did not lose any size since going Raw...& my running is better and faster. I have not lost any scale weight either since I have been eating a mostly raw diet.


    I get plenty of water, very high fiber (more than when I was eating a ton of chicken) ...losts of greens and I do not get too much fat. I eat the same fat as when I was on a bodybuilding diet.


    Maybe you do not see Raw as working for some..but it does work for some.

  3. I am so glad these companies are catering to us. If it was not for Dole, I would not have Organic Banana's at my Grocery store and I will not eat the "regular ones"! And that is just one item I buy provided by large companies..well see above chart.


    I believe in abundance so if someone in a large Corp. sees it is profitable to get into the Vegan and Organic Movement, more power to them they are after all catering to us in there endevor.


    We all have the "right to opportunity" in this country that is what makes it great ..and there are few if any, Companies (and people ) are 100% pure and ethical. Someone could even find a fault with Whole Food Markets if we looked close enough.


    Sometimes I think we are too Judgemental of others and it gives the Community a bad name. If we speak abundance we will have abundance.

  4. Jon...I know what you mean. I started lifting 20 years ago. I am 8 pds heavier than my identical twin sister, muscle of course ! It has made a difference in how I look. But I too after 6 years of competing have lost some interest. I started running and fullbody type circuit training two times a week 1-2 sets only (what my twin does to stay in shape) and I am enjoying it. I am doing three 5 K's soon and a 10K this summer.


    I thought I would lose muscle making the switch but I have not !

  5. Great, we will keep track of one another....and meet up in the near future. I am not sure what is available in Henrietta Area as I usually grab an Organic Salad and some seeds / or nuts at Lori's...the bulk section & organic section is awesome ..& the raw grains that I can sprout is great.


    I will keep track of you in your journal.

  6. I give kudo's to Denise for her stick to it-ness in the indusrty and yes she looks awesome at any age let alone 49....but to me her work outs are very simple and not enough of a real challenge. It is great for a beginner who wants to do it in the living room space. I get bored need more challenge. I would bet she does more than what she does on her show to stay in the shape she is in. I am 45 and to stay tip top, well it is a part time job !!

  7. My husband wears the fitted stretch T from The Gap. They really accentuate. He wears it under a Jacket for a modest look. The T is an eye popper cause it hugs the chest ab and arms because the sleeve stops above the curve of the bicep. He is a medium size and then for going out buys the small. Yum !


    Oh in fact that is him in the avatar and he has the Gap T on.

  8. Wow A ...I am still here with broser open but must go..work to do.


    Give it time, 6 months and you may see even a bigger change. Even if those evil scales say the same !


    I did three shows last year...beat me up so I took a year off and now my husband has asked (not polite about it ) to quit. He has hated it for 6 years. Though he did jump on stage at NSSN and give me roses and a kiss when I won. I think it is the time and mental stress he hates. Cannot blame him there right ?


    On Judging, I simply let the Promotors of shows I have done that I was available to Judge. The word gets around fast and I getoffers to do shows from that. I am Judging Marians Show in May.


    Good luck on the babie idea...


    So we work with in miles of one another. My favorite place to go on Monday shopping is Lori's. We are first name basis there!!!


    Maybe one day we can find a Veggie Restaurant and meet for a visit.



  9. Wow, that is soooo cool the two of you know each other from competing! This is great!


    I'm happy you both found your way here and are able to get in touch again too.


    Awesome to have you both here and have a great time. I'm less than 6 weeks away from my next contest....time to get down to business.


    Hey what show are you doing ? I am Judging an INBF show in 6 weeks !


    Well Adrienne if you need any help let me know. You may well find you do well and can stay leaner year round on the veggie diet. Meat and Dairy seems to add weight faster than fruit and veggies. Protein is a challenge (esp. since I do not do Soy..) but we all got ideas for you on that !


    Hey I work on Jefferson Rd in Henrietta, travel there one two days a week and spend rest of week where I currently live. We are building a new home on Keuka Lake, so once I move this Fall I will be near Rochester. What area are you ? DO you work in Rochester too ?



  10. RaVen, I have been using the Thor's Raw Protein Powder from NFL. I got right on it when it camee out as I am always looking for a protein supplement. I was using hemp, but do not care for the strong taste. The Thor's has a mix of things so I prefer it, the brazilian and gogi made a nice balance. A container lasts me a long time so in a way it is not that expensive. Due to the strong flavor I use a Tablespoon vs the Scoops of Protein I used when doing the Whey.

  11. AdrienneP..welcome ! Hello...I was surprised to see you here, and you are thinking who is this who recognizes me ? Hmmm who is raw figure right ?


    We have been at a few shows together and have mutual aquaintences in the bb world. And at a few shows together. Leslie from INBF Figure in Buffalo. Remeber me ? Tall, short dark hair ? I think we did the show together in 2004, and last year I did not compete INBF did USBF instead but I was at the INFB NSSN show last May. Are you doing that show this year ? I was going to do NPC in Rochester in June but instead I decided to retire for now and be a Judge instead.


    So back to what you said about being on your own if you go Vegetarian....When I became Vegan I found very little acceptence on my old BB boards. So here I am, now longer on the old boards. And if you say Raw Vegan...well that is not real acceptable conversation !! So you will find support here !!!


    I became a Raw Vegan about 7 months ago. After 6 years of dieting for shows, the high protein animal products, protein drinks...same as you I ended up with terrible digestive problems and a screwed up Metabolism, surving on low low calories to stay thin.


    So I went back to my Vegetarian ways (of my young adult life) and I now follow the Raw Vegan Diet. My twin sister introduced it too me thinking it would help me heal with the book The Raw Food Detox Diet. It HAS ! My digestive issues, done ! As well as my hypoglycemia. I also dropped my protein in 1/2 and my energy is through the roof (no more dragging butt..) and training is better to.


    So WELCOME !!

  12. hey, when i come back from tour im gonna try eating about 80% raw. what kinds of raw foods should i be eating daily?


    also im on a limited budget, so please suggest the cheapeast healthiest options available. thanks.



    Hero...one thing to eat daily is loads of greens. I think the greens are more balancing than loads of fruit (unless you need all the natural sugars for fuel). Greens stick with you longer. Fruit exit the body fast and I found I needed to eat more often to stay even.


    I buy Organic which is pricey and eat what is available.


    The dark greens are best. I love to make Argula soup. At first it is best to keep it simple then start to make some of the recipes you see.


    New Raw foodies tend to over eat nuts,/seeds so limit those two ! I only eat them sprouted and dried so I am not tempted to eat them right from the store !

  13. Welcome, it is great to have another Raw Vegan here. I have not introduced myself yet, have been lurking and posting some. So I am hijaking your introdution post.


    I am a newly retired Figure Competitor. I have been training 18 yrs, x cardio queen too, competed 5 years and recently decided to put my competition bikini and clear high heels on a shelf, for good, and take up for a more Balanced Lifestyle.


    I like you made the choice to go toward the vegetarian lifestyle, raw too, more for health issues rather than ethics. SO you are not alone here. I too had it with the GM, Pesticides Hormones and such. I am a fanatic about that and eat Organic, locally grown if possible.


    SO again welcome !!


    Well you are welcome to steal my thread! I'm just so happy to find a board that is of like minds for the most part. So did you go raw as well? I certinaly am gonna be needing help in all areas, so expect a few questions comming you way.



    Oh yes I am (mostly) Raw since Sept 05. Will answer any questions on the subject though I am still new at it !

  14. Welcome, it is great to have another Raw Vegan here. I have not introduced myself yet, have been lurking and posting some. So I am hijaking your introdution post.


    I am a newly retired Figure Competitor. I have been training 18 yrs, x cardio queen too, competed 5 years and recently decided to put my competition bikini and clear high heels on a shelf, for good, and take up for a more Balanced Lifestyle.


    I like you made the choice to go toward the vegetarian lifestyle, raw too, more for health issues rather than ethics. SO you are not alone here. I too had it with the GM, Pesticides Hormones and such. I am a fanatic about that and eat Organic, locally grown if possible.


    SO again welcome !!

  15. Protein is overated IMO in the BB world. At ate Protein Protein Protein till my digestive system said STOP !! I did this to excess for 6 years to add muscle and I look the about the same...the only time I added muscle was when I lifted heavy. I have dropped my Protein significantly I and gee I still have my muscle and lift the same weights and more energy for cardio a bonus !! So it is important to learn what is right for you...not a number the trainers give you.

    I find that protein stuffing will give me anywhere from 0 to 10% added strength depending on the exercise. My bench pressing strength improves maybe 5/8%. Overhead press close to 10%. Deadlifts like 10%. But then dips and chins don't improve at all.


    The thing is, that protein stuffing never resulted in any long term extra improvements. I could just stay 5/10% stronger as long as I kept stuffing myself full of protein (250... 400 grams a day). Now I get 50 grams a day and on a few exercises I'm 5/10% weaker but my quality of life is a lot better.



    This is interesting that the increase in strength is minimal with a very high amount of protein. You would think it more based on all the propagranda on it.


    Yes I find quality of life better to. Is is hardly worth it (for me being female) eating 200 grams a day to add a pound of muscle. I will take the balance in the diet, and life.

  16. Protein is overated IMO in the BB world. At ate Protein Protein Protein till my digestive system said STOP !! I did this to excess for 6 years to add muscle and I look the about the same...the only time I added muscle was when I lifted heavy. I have dropped my Protein significantly I and gee I still have my muscle and lift the same weights and more energy for cardio a bonus !! So it is important to learn what is right for you...not a number the trainers give you.

  17. I never liked meat and only decided to start eating it when I started bodybuilding and then Competing in Figure. I was told, and believed that I needed "real protein" and got no support for a Vegan BB diet at that time...now enter 2006 & that is thankfully changing ...so no I do not miss that aspect. I would miss sushi except for the fact after a bout of scrombroid poisoning and developing a seafood allergy from it, and a mental block too...that took care of that. I hate cheese, dislike milk and ice cream..I can take it or leave it.. so I am all set !! I am into crunch foods so the Raw Vegan diet is for me !


    If I were to stumble it would be the dairy hidden in a prepared food.

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