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Devils Plaything

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Everything posted by Devils Plaything

  1. Wir haben jetzt auch ein FORUM! Unter http://veganstrength.users-board.com könnt ihr euch anmelden und mitdiskutieren! Wir freuen uns über alle Interessierten!
  2. I don't thinkt that's smart... if you gain some muscles first, it'll be a lot easier to loose fat, since muscles burn calories even when they rest. Also you will only look skinny when you lose the fat first, and not fit or muscular... Soy and Pea Protein are. They both are resobred just as fast and their amino acid profile works well for the body.
  3. This sounds so AWESOME I already bought a ticket to a festival around that time... but I'm actually thinking about selling it to be able to join you guys! Edit: Or maybe I'll fly on sunday and join you at the beach house...? I'm definitely gonna save some money from this point on
  4. There are so many ways around drug testing... I've read somewhere that even a high intake of protein can push your metabolism towards flushing out indicators for drug use And you sometimes also find advertisements for drugs that clear you before drug testing.. I really doubt that any of those guys shown above is natural... There was a guy on a german student network who always talked about natural bodybuilding, mocked guys who were on juice, made very angry comments about being accused of juicing. A short time after that, a friend made me aware of his pics being published on a BB forum in a thread about pics of users of some drug... those were the exact same pics he posted in the natural BB group on the student network, only the eyes were blanked out And that guy wasn't even that big... Don't believe everything you read or hear
  5. 1. You're forgetting that growth-hormones are strengthening the joints as well 2. You're forgetting that these guys are pretty damaged after a short while. I don't think they only train like this for the cameras. I think they actually work out pretty brutal, most of the time. That's why those guys have tron muscles on a regular basis
  6. Gotta say, I liked the old hardcore-training-style much better... it was the main reason for me to even watch Branch Warren clips. The way he trained just looked brutal and I love the aggression he put into it
  7. Geheim Ne, Spaß, Tom hab ich aus dem Studivz, Patrick ist hier auf der Athleten-Seite, Tobi ist über veganfitness zu uns gestoßen und Jakob ebenfalls - der war früher auch hier sehr aktiv! Und Alex... ist so ein komischer Spinner, der immer überall dabei sein will! Heheheh Sorry for the german!
  8. Okay, die Seite steht soweit jetzt unter www.veganstrenght.de! Der Artikel-Teil ist noch etwas leer, aber das wird sich bald ändern! Wir freuen uns über Besucher und Gäsetbucheinträge!
  9. Hey folks! Alex (Daywalker) and I have recently published a german website about vegan lifting/bodybuilding! Check it out at http://www.veganstrength.de. We're still working on the page so there's some more content coming soon! But we already have some articles, athletes, recipes and will soon be having an eatathon! Check t out!
  10. Hey folks! Alex (Daywalker) and I have recently published a german website about vegan lifting/bodybuilding! Check it out at http://www.veganstrength.de. We're still working on the page so there's some more content coming soon! But we already have some articles, athletes, recipes and will soon be having an eatathon! Check t out!
  11. You know that "gay" can also mean something like "sillily happy", right? Well that's just not the right mindset for lifting!
  12. That's not any sort of squat!! My steps on farmer's or yoke have a greater rom... Sorry guys but stuff like that is just gay!
  13. Plan steht ja oben! Musst einfach nur bis 13:00 zum Südpark kommen! Sag am besten Bescheid, wenn du fest vorhast zu kommen, damit wir ggf auf dich warten!
  14. Naja, die Hälfte meldet sich nicht/gibt keine klaren Auskünfte Also maximal werden wir 7-8 Leute, oder so. Aber im Ernstfall nur 3
  15. Klar kannste vorbeikommen! Und irgendwie werden wir dich schon verstehen. Alex wohnt ja auch nah an der Grenze zu den Niederlanden
  16. Okay, hier auch noch mal! Datum: 07.02.09 Ort: Düsseldorf Tagesplan: - 13:00 Treffen am "Südpark" (Haltestelle mit großem Parkplatz) in Düsseldorf (gut mit Bahn und Auto zu erreichen) - 13:15 Uhr Training im Uni Gym - 16:00 Uhr gemeinsames Essen beim Jade-Imbiss und Besprechung
  17. Puh, das ist etwas problematisch, da ich nur ein 24 m² Appartement hab'. Ich hab schon mal nach Jugendherbergen hier geguckt, aber selbst die kosten in Ddorf relativ viel :/
  18. Okay, kewl! Dann noch mal als Uptdate: Datum: 07.02.09 Ort: Düsseldorf Tagesplan: - 13:00 Treffen in der xxxx Straße in Düsseldorf - 13:15 Uhr Training im xxxx Gym - 16:00 Uhr gemeinsames Essen beim Jade-Imbiss und Besprechung
  19. Mein Vorschlag wäre 13:00 Uhr! Muss noch nachfragen ob wir bei uns im Uni-Kraftraum trainieren können!
  20. The reps should be 12, not the sets Well, if you wanna build some muscle, you gotta give your muscles a reason to grow - so if you do three sets of 12 reps, you should choose a weight with which the last rep is hard, but doable, but you couldn't really do another one. That's what I'd suggest for the beginning...
  21. I'm afraid he's right! You guys still look pretty awesome! Robert looks bigger and a bit more ripped than before, Octo seems to have improved his legs to round his physique... and L&G hasn't really shown what he's got yet But I'm sure he's up to the challenge as well!
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