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Posts posted by Draggingsticks

  1. Starting from scratch. wt x reps

    incline dumbbell press 15x10

    squat 0x8

    dumbbell dealift 5x8

    overhead d. press 15x10

    plank 20 seconds

    cable row x10

    cardio 30 minutes of walking and jogging in place inside since it was raining

    yoga 35 minutes


    meals today

    1. protein smoothie

    2. lentil burrito

    3. pita pizza and 2 serv brussel sprouts

    4. lentil burger w/ cheese, no bun

    5. pita pizza

    6. soy sausage muffin w/ cheese and 1 serv peas

  2. I workout maybe once or twice each week, like walk or zumba etc. I have lifted before but not for longer than a few weeks. I tried body for life a few years ago for a few weeks. I also tried p90x recently for a few weeks which was way too hard. I think I seen some minor progress with them both, probably more with body for life. My goals, well I want to look great and feel great. i dont want to be bulky but have some lean muscle.

    I guess i would be starting from scratch pretty much.

  3. Hi, my name is Keith. I have been a vegetarian for almost a year now. I havnt lost much weight after the change. I guess I just switched to eating more chips etc. I am 37,6'3" 258 lbs, chubby. I am ready to get in shape. I would say I am a beginner and was curious how to set up a workout program for me. I want to add some muscle and get rid of this fat. Any help in setting up a program would be awesome. Like how much cardio etc, how many days lifting, stuff like that. Help with meals would be good too. I eat a lot of lentils and use a pea protein and rice protein powder, and take multi vitamin. Thanks

  4. lol,ye ive been slacking on the journal, been looking into acrylic paints, thinking about giving up oils, anyway, ive been at it, still have cravings off and on, mainly in the evening time, this heat doesnt make it any better. yesterday i ate

    1. rice chex cereal, banana, 1/8c sunflower kernels, and 1 c rice milk

    2. shake

    3. taco salad w black beans homemade of course

    4. shake

    5. salad w/ black beans and 1/2 sweet potota

    6. frozen grapes, blue berries w/ banana in rice milk w/ a hanful of rice chex cereal


    today was about the same, actually about identical.


    for tomorrow i am going to fix hummus, dont know if i spelled that right,


    i feel good more, but the cravings are tuff, i almost want to eat some junk to make em go away. but i am riding it out.

  5. I have been fighting off cravings off and on the last two days. Thankfully the frozen grapes helped out. Ok meals from yesterday are

    1. check mex cereal, 1 banana, 1/8 c sunflower kernels, 1c rice milk

    2. protein rice powder, 1 banana, 1/8c sunflower kernels, 1T pb

    3. salad w/ black beans, 1/2 sweet potato, 1/3 avacado

    4. same as 2

    5. same as 3 and handful of frozen grapes

    6. pumpkin seeds, frozen grapes, and chips

    another thing i weighed in and have lost 5 lbs in two days, i calculated around 2200-2400 cals each day[ruff estimate]

    ok off to another day.

  6. I picked up some annie's, so going to try it today along with making my own too to mix it up. thanks for the help everyone i really appreciate it. I am so looking forward to getting healthy and in shape. i know that eating natural is the way to go i always have but have tried other diets. they got people so fooled with there so called healthy food that contains sweetners and colors etc. alright i am ready for the day. fixing some meals in advance.

  7. ok day 1 is in the books. it was a challenge, i had several cravings today, it was tuff because i am an emotional eater and i have anxiety but i made it thru my first day. i worked out this morning, nothing really hard since i havnt exercised in a while. i did a full body workout 1 set for each body part and walked some after that. meals today were

    1. rice, broc, peas, kidney beans

    2. rice protein shake

    3. salad w/ mung beans

    4. rice protein shake

    5. same as meal 1

    6. kettle chips, 1/2 apple, and 1 serv pumpkin seeds.


    I am new at this so any advice would be cool. ready for tomorrow.

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