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Posts posted by Tasha

  1. Great! We were working on tech issues to get it sorted, glad you're back!


    I am going to bump up my intensity and keep volume a little bit lower....though I really, really enjoy volume!


    I LOVE the NBA Playoffs! It gets me to the gym every night just to watch a game while I do cardio after training I'd go anyway, but it always keeps me in better shape with that post-training cardio. I don't have TV at home and don't like to watch TV on my computer, so I prefer to ride a bike while watching my favorite sport on TV


    Just had 2 protein bars, some fruit, some nitric oxide and will get some vegan corn dogs later today.


    Yeah Buddy!



    Nice work Dry !

    Where you on the bike ? lol

  2. [MaryStella]

    Oh Tasha I am sooooo jealous! I wish I could get my hands on that new VEGA drink! WELLLL what did ya think? Canada is awesome. Free Healthcare and new VEGA drinks!


    The sport drink is super good. I was sold when I found out that it had komucha in it lol I really like the Berry Acai flavor

    Trade you spots? You could live in Canada if I could live in America?

    If you want I could always send you a sample pack of the drink.

  3. I never understood airmiles. I know that you get some kinda card, or you can get airmiles on your credit card.

    I'm thinking it's just the same as what my bank does, you collect scene points. And you get to see movies for free plus other free stuff on how many times you use your bank card you then receive points. Is that kinda the same with using Air miles?

  4. Darn looks like a total no go. Got called in to cover someone's shift last minute at another store location...looks like no day off for you!



    Aw Don't pick up next time lol... I debating if I should fill in on my day on monday. I probably will end up going in. I don't need the money. But I'm just that person who thinks. Well what if I had no one to cover for me if I was alone.. Oh wait no that's already happen a few times before. And it sucks being the only person on the floor with no very little help.


    We are just nice people and it's contagious wouldn't you agree?


    Have fun at work

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