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Posts posted by Tasha

  1. Hey Darling thanks for popping in my journal


    that's a whole lot of yummy Lara bars. If you made your own, it would be a lot less expensive.

    but you probably already knew that.


    As for being at the gym 6-8 days a week. I can do it because I don't have anything else holding me back. It makes me feel good being there.


    The ab wheel. I picked it up at a store here called Canadian Tire. But I bet you could find it at Target, or Fred Mayer or 24 hr may even have that item.


    here's a you tube video of Octo using it.




    Oh and if I need any help with my homework. Would I be able to get some assistance from you ?


    keep up the great work <3 Tasha

  2. Hi Welcome here


    Eat more whole foods and less process foods.

    Add nuts, and seeds, tons of greens, fruits and vegetables. Also add an EFA oil to your diet (hemp or flax oil.)

    As for protein I use brown rice (sun warrior or heartland gold) or Vega for a supplement.

    There's also hemp protein but I prefer brown rice protein.


    If you want more help then I suggest you read more info on here. there's tons of good recipes and questions and answers on protein and other supplements. in the Nutrition section.


    Wouldn't you want to encourage your children to eat the same way you're eating ?

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