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Posts posted by Tasha

  1. I love having a love hate relationship with ruddies at the gym. Love to hate them because the workout is so much more intense !!! lol Yesturday was training my triceps and I was walking back and fourth to the cable rope pull downs to bench kickbacks. Dude saw me doing it between sets and he decided I was finished with the cable machine. So he set it up to work chest. I wanted to thank him for doing that. Because after that I wizzed through my routine


    You're going to make a lot of visitors with that pistachio butter lol


    What do you do for work?

  2. Yesterday I was seriously stressed out about money, and my family, etc, etc, etc.

    But then I had a seriously great time at the gym, and left stress free!

    I did cycling. At one point near the end, thank goodness, we were practicing complete pedal strokes with one leg at a time at a very high resistance. I could definitely feel that my left leg is stronger than my right.

    Then I wrapped up, and did kickboxing. I LOVE THIS CLASS!

    It is just so much fun, and besides I was quite happy to be able to punch something after the day that I'd had.

    Today, Tuesday, I am going to do Step, that's all.


    I'm sorry you're going through a rough patch

    But, I'm glad you relieve all your stresses away.


    Be well HS

  3. I found this one hundred push-ups program. I can barely do 3 push-ups so I wanted to start trying it out.



    I love how you're so consistent with your training journal. And organizing your food.


    Three push up's is a great start

    But I believe you can do more.

    I always like to tell myself that my mind is the strongest part on my body.

    Think happy thoughts and fly away.


    You can do it !

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