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Posts posted by mrveggieman

  1. I did the research on line and I am going to try one of them out. Most of the people on youtube and other websites gave them good reviews. Now the whole turning ordinary foods into superfoods may have been a little over the top but I still think the concept is a good idea.

  2. Hello. I am a vegetarian/almost vegan and have a friend of mines who was vegetarian for about a year but stopped after she complained of unwanted weight gain and bordem with vegetariasm. I would like for her to give vegetarianism and or veganism another try. Any suggestions? Thanks.

  3. I know that that is a bad word on this site but here's my deal. I have been a vegetarian for 8 going on 9 years. I'm not quite vegan yet but would like to be one day. I am 36 years old and 5-10 weighing in around 155 pounds. I am interested in gaining muscle weight not fat. I try to maintain an overall healthy diet but I do like to treat myself from time to time and my wife also buys me food when sometimes too. Now the only fast food I would eat would be a veggie burger/patty from bk/subway etc, fries, cookies, etc. No mcdonalds at all. I want to know how often should I eat it as a treat? I heard that if I eat too much of it it will hinder my gaining goals. Any thoughts, opinions, positive feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks.

  4. I think that the Georgia Bulldogs are the hottest team in college football and are a darkhouse to go all the way. They will beat Ga Tech this week. If a few of them teams ahead of them are upset and once they handle their business in the SEC championship game between either LSU/Arkansas/Bama they will get serious consideration to play in the title game.

  5. I'm not sure. I'm be spending it with the in-laws and all of them eat meat so I will be responsible for my own food. I'm considering either making my own veggie loaf, or buying one of those pre made veggie roasts. If I decide to buy a premade veggie roast what kinds would you reccomend?

  6. I'm onboard with all of the reasons.


    I've noticed that most vegans are vegans and the vegans who stay vegans do so because they don't want to hurt animals.


    Environmentalists tend toward reducing their animal product use rather than eliminating it.


    Health nuts tend not to have a problem with taking in moderate amounts of animal products occasionally unless they are the type of health nut to identify with and base their self esteem on a special diet.

    Are these statistical facts ? I don't know if you can generalize.

    At least here, I actually see many that do it for Ethical reasons. But they are still stuck in their old beliefs regarding what's healthy and what not. Or they don't care about making their Nutrition healthy enough. They just remove animal products and eat Vegan junk. Without including enough replacements or eating healthy Vegan Diet. So it makes them blame Vegan nutrition and sometimes break or go back to an "easier" Vegetarian Diet.



    Ok I'm busted. I'm one of those people who tried to go vegan after but ended up going back to that "easier" vegertarian diet. But seriously I am a vegetarian/almost vegan for a health reasons as well as consideration for animals. I don't eat eggs or milk straight however I may cheat and eat non vegan foods like the subway veggie max, the bk veggie burger or donuts made with milk. I am not perfect but I am always stiving for perfection in my diet, lifestyle and walk with God.

  7. Hi.


    I just want to ask a simple question here.


    Basically my daily dietary proportions are: 95% vegetarian 5% pescetarian 1% meat (When having very special occasions)

    I almost never eat junk food and greasy fatty fast food, and I also eat little. I do yoga and weight training 5 to 6 days a week. I am Asian, so most of my dishes are made of tofu, beans and rice, which means that I rarely consume wheat and cheese or anything that normally goes with the typical Western dish.


    However, today I met someone dear who I hadn't seen for 8 years and fell into the temptation of having pizza with tonnes of cheese and greasy seafood pasta in a fancy restaurant just because I didn't want to say no to anything she would say.


    What happened next is, some time after lunch, I find my belly full of gas and start feeling the urge to fart so very often, like every 5 minutes or so. But then I can't let it out because I am walking right next to her.


    Now that I am back home, I am madly farting like a freed prisoner and the bad part is that I am feeling kinda sick.


    Could this be the result of what I ate to day? Like my body sensitively reacting to cheese, which is something I very rarely consume? Or am I just needlessly worrying too much?


    Don't laugh at me! I am a Taekwondo master !!!


    Thanks in advance.




    It sounds like you are lactose intollerant which is actually a normal occurance for most adults. If I were you I would avoid dairy all together and the next time you order pizza tell them to make your without cheese.

  8. I'm not going to lie if it wasn't for the faux meats it would have been hard for me to become veg. I am currently vegatarian working on becoming vegan and fax meats are a staple of my diet. I do also like a lot of pasta but I can't live without my veggie burgers. What I like to do is buy the veggie crumbles and make my own homade veggie burgers. If I'm unable to make them for whatever reason I usually have some already made frozen boca burgers ready to go in the microwave. And yes I still eat the bk veggieburger as well as the subway veggiemax even though none of them are vegan.

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