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  1. As far as I know, the fat in olive oil/olives, avocado, nuts, peanutbutter and tahini etc. increases testosterone. And food with much zinc, such as beans, whole grains, spinach etc.
  2. I'm Norwegian - but I'm also 1/4 danish, 1/16 swedish with some German blood waaay back (well, only 300 years).
  3. DV, you could try barbell hack squats http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Quadriceps/BBHackSquat.html
  4. really? Well, I eat a great amount of fat (healthy fat, that is) , and I can't say that I'm fat... It's more like "fat burns fat" than "if you eat fat you'll fet fat". (sorry to take the discussion a little off-topic, but I just wanted to comment )
  5. Spinach Tomatos Onion Lentils Wild rice Almonds Banana Apples Oranges
  6. what? honey... isn't vegan? new to me. vegetarian, then? sorry....
  7. you could take some tablespoon of honey and mix it with water and drink it instead of coffee - that would "jump start" your day
  8. you could try quorn - see quorn.com that would be a good alternative to soy-based food. edit: oh... it contains egg. so maybe not...
  9. Hey I've heard that the liver can only handle 70 grams of fructose. Is there any truth to this? Seems like a lot of people here have eaten a lot of fruit without becoming obese.... So - this talk about fructose - is it a myth?
  10. Hey I'm kinda new (or rather newly returned) to vegetarian diet, and I was wondering about soy. I've heard that soy lowerers testosterone - and that doesn't sound cool considering that I want to add some muscles to my skeleton-frame. Anyone here on the forum that knows anything about this?
  11. check out intermittent fasting. it's quite interesting: www.leangains.com
  12. Well, recovering from exhaustion, I sleep 10-12 hours. and I've been thinking about night-time catabolism. It doesn't sound right, 'cause you'll always have stored energy in your liver. So your body won't start "eating" itself.
  13. I have no plan of adding (to much) fat - some will come, I guess. But I'm planning on zig-zaging my kcals, as I've heard it will lead to less fat gain. And I only eat clean food. The other stuff ain't food.
  14. Ok... the protein powder I use is whey (... well, that's all I have). Soy protein is quite expensive, and pea and hemp protein is literally unheard of here in Norway. So I'll stick with kesam and nuts until I can afford other alternatives.
  15. Hello folks. I'm new here, and relativly new to the vegetarian lifestyle. Currently I'm eating lacto-veganic, but I'm planning on becoming vegan. Actually, I've only eaten lacto-veganic for two days and I feel better So my question; I try to bulk up (lean bulk, that is) - and in the other forums there are a widthspread fear of night-time catabolism. Usually people are adviced to eat protein-rich meals before they sleep, to prevent a catabolic period during night.. Is there any truth to this? And how do you solve it in a vegan way? Other than that, I'm looking forward to experience this new lifestyle. I hope it will do me well...
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