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Everything posted by esqinchi

  1. Dude monster numbers you're putting up there - impressive! Also, dude, I'm currently on a cut and it fucking sucks. I want to eat all the time. Stay the hell away from this plan! lol I bet your neighbors think you're crazy doing deadlifts in the driving rain, no? Hopefully those were short-shorts!
  2. Curse you and those huge numbers and loads of delicious food! lol I'm over here cutting with my greens and tempeh - and want nothing more than a veggie burger with pickles!
  3. Wednesday, July 22, 2015: Chest/Arms 0. Warmup - 8 Minutes HIIT 1. Flat Bench - 3 x 10 @ 210lbs 2. Tricep Dips - 3 x 20 - 3. Incline Chest Fly - 3 x 15 @ 70lbs 4. Curls - 3 x 10 @ 85lbs - 5. Decline Close Grip Bench - 3 x 15 @ 70lbs 6. Seated Hammer Curl - 3 x 12 @ 50lbs Bench was too heavy for a full drop, so I should kick it down and make sure my form isn't shit; or do fewer reps. Curls were heavy as fuck too, but I could still manage. Felt really nice to rip up my chest today. I'm sure chest day is a favorite of most people. Just thought back to the days where I was proud to put up 135lbs for reps haha. I was absolutely starving after this and got into some strawberries; probably blew my calories for the day. Cutting, especially in the first couple weeks, is just shitty. Otherwise, a decent day. Back tomorrow with deadlifts and back.
  4. Tuesday, July 21, 2015 Legs 0. Warmup - 2 Minutes HIIT 1. Squat - 3 x 12 @ 275lbs 2. Squat Jump - 3 x 15 - 3. Angle Squat - 3 x 12* @ 95lbs 4. Side Lunge - 3 x 12* @ 95lbs - 5. Hamstring Curl - 2 x 20 @ 45lbs 6. Calf Raise - 2 x 25 @ 95lbs Got a later start than usual today so I didn't get to put in all my warmup, or even most of it Ah well, I still got in a good lift - even if I scrapped the last set. I got a phone call that pretty much took me out of focus. Otherwise, a decent day. Feeling a bit tired though. Chest/Arms tomorrow.
  5. A mid-size law firm here in town; about 33 attorneys. Starting in mid-September. Super pumped, and so ready to move on from my current post. I love the suspension trainers - and I have some generic ones I bought on Amazon. Spent maybe $20. The TRX are crazy expensive. I'd highly recommend getting something cheap, and strapping them to your pullup bar. Hot festival all day sounds kinda hellish man. Haven't done an outside show like that in ages, and don't think I could last now that I'm getting on in years lol Anyway. thanks man, I appreciate the thought. HOpe you are well too.
  6. Saturday, July 18, 2015: TRX Day (3 Rounds, Rest 2 Minutes) 1. Chest Press x 15 2. Split Squat x 15* 3. Row x 15 4. Side Lunge x 15* 5. Bicep Curl x 15 6. Tricep Press x 20 7. Hamstring Curl x 25 8. T's x 15 No cardio today because I'm feeling pretty tired from the past couple weeks of stress, and this week's training. I contemplated not training at all today, but thought this would give me an opportunity to get some work in that wasn't significantly demanding. Noticed a little tightness in the left hamstring/groin which I'll have to work out here in a few minutes (after lunch). Like I've always said, the TRX band (or equivalent) were a great investment. Such an easy way to get in a quick and effective workout. They are a great supplement to weights, and could also be used for calisthenics, I believe. Hot as hell here today. Otherwise, I'm feeling great. Going to post up in the basement with some video games!
  7. Thursday, July 16, 2015: Shoulders/Back Strength Day 0. Warmup - 8 Minutes HIIT 1. Close Stance Deadlift - 3 x 12 @ 140lbs 2. Front Lat Raise - 3 x 15 @ 35lbs - 3. Row - 3 x 12 @ 165lbs 4. Single Arm Pressup - 3 x 12* @ 95lbs - 5. Wide Grip Pistol Pullups - 2 x 12 6. Delt Fly - 2 x 15 @ 70lbs Well kind of interrupted in my last set today because I GOT A JOB OFFER! FUCK YEAH! With one call I nearly doubled my salary, and now finally adult life may begin! I was a bit too excited to finish up the session, and had a couple things to do since I got the good news. Anyhow, I'm a little calmer now so I might go back and rip through the last set. Not going to waste any more time on the computer tonight - it's time to celebrate!
  8. Are you secretly Frank Medrano? That's some decent work there man, you must be shredded! Good luck going into deadlift day.
  9. Wednesday, July 15, 2015: Chest/Arm Strength Day 0. Warmup - 8 Minutes HIIT 1. Incline Bench - 3 x 12 @ 190 2. Tricep Dips - 3 x 20 - 3. Standing Chest Press - 3 x 15 @ 50lbs 4. EZ Curls - 3 x 12 @ 80lbs - 5. Decline Chest Fly - 3 x 12 @ 70lbs 6. Cross Curls - 3 x 12* @ 50lbs 7. Skullcrusher - 3 x 12 @ 70lbs Wow haven't trained arms/chest like this in . . . maybe forever. Arms felt like jelly at the end of today's session. Incline bench was to failure on the final set, which was a bit scary given I train alone at home. Otherwise, this was a nice session. I like the mix of chest work, and I think it goes well with bicep/tricep work. Anyhow, it's a nice night, and I've been at the computer all day. Time for some fresh air! Shoulders/Back tomorrow.
  10. Thanks dude! I've really been working on building up my numbers in those areas. Is it weird that my bench and deadlift are the same number? Deadlifts just fucking obliterate my spirit to continue with a session man. Seems like even while lifting my mind/body is saying WTF!? Goals at this moment are to cut body fat. I did the whole raw vegan 80/10/10 thing last summer and I think it messed my metabolism up a bit; or maybe my insulin sensitivity. Anyhow I've put on about 20lbs over the last couple years, and while I'm willing to bet a lot of that is muscle, there's obviously some fat that's crept in. I want that shit gone!
  11. Tuesday, July 14, 2015: LEGS 0. Warmup - 8 Minutes HIIT 1. Squat - 3 x 12 @ 260lbs 2. Long Jumps - 3 x 16 - 3. Side Lunge - 3 x 15* @ 70lbs 4. Hamstring Bridge - 3 x 15* @ 35lbs - 5. Bulgarian Split Squat - 3 x 15* @ 70lbs 6. Belt Kicks - 3 x 24 A/k/a Quad Murder Day. The split squats were hell on Earth after the heavy squats. I am in serious need of some new dumbbells. I know I've said that before, but I really mean it this time (I've said that too). Otherwise, this was pretty solid training. Sweat like a motherfucker too, so I was sliding all over the place during the hamstring bridge. I need to find more hamstring based exercises than just bridge, curls and deadlifts. Would be nice to mix things up over time, though maybe it's not that big of a deal if I keep increasing weight or volume. Drank more water today, which actually really made me feel better. Was able to ignore my raging appetite despite consuming fewer calories. Tired though. Work was absolutely ridiculous today. My coworker took her maternity leave (for 3 months!) and my boss basically provides nothing by way of assistance, and tends to just create more work. Actually, I'm now doing my boss's job, my job, and my co-workers job, all for the same pay. I need a new job. Back tomorrow with upper body.
  12. Aha the prodigal son returns! Good to see you on here mate, and glad you are well. Congrats on the engagement, but I think I already said that! Looks like you are doing well. What else is new? Glad your training has been going strong. How's work? What else? You guys going to have a big wedding? Ours was about 50 people. Perfect size in my opinion. Must be a very exciting time! Good to see you back again mate!
  13. Saturday, July 11, 2015: Upper Body Strength Day 0. Warmup - 8 Minutes HIIT 1. Bench - 3 x 10 @ 205lbs 2. Wide Grip Pistol Grip Pullups - 3 x 12 - 3. Bent Over Row - 3 x 12 @ 160lbs 4. Single Arm Shoulder Press - 3 x 12* @ 90lbs - 5. Bicep Curl - 3 x 12 @ 80lbs 6. Delt Fly - 3 x 15 @ 70lbs Solid training today. Focused on upper body because my legs/lower back are still shredded from earlier in the week. Slept like a pile of bricks last night, so hopefully got some good rest/recovery. Not much else going on today, just taking it easy. Will rest more tomorrow, and be back in action on Tuesday. I'm good and tired after this session. Happy that my rows are still of pretty good weight. Also, the wide grip on the pullups is killer. Have a good weekend!
  14. Thursday, July 9, 2015: Back/Shoulder Split 0. HIIT Warmup - 8 Minutes 1. Deadlift - 3 x 10 @ 201lbs 2. Lo-Hi Woodchopper - 3 x 12 @ 35lbs ... And then I packed it in. I don't know what was up today, but a shit effort all around. While I topped my last deadlift effort, I crapped out on everything else. Not sure if I was hungry, tired, got a late start, disinterested, mind elsewhere - or whatever - I just could barely get through the first superset. Then I thought, there's no way in hell I'm getting through the next two. Oh well, live to train another day. Maybe I'll focus on shoulders/back on Saturday. Another thing about today is that I can't seem to get enough food. I'm freakin starving! Maybe it's a hydration issue. Either way, it's annoying. Resting up tonight. Back in action on Saturday.
  15. Hey dude, glad to see you here. You can accomplish a lot with bodyweight training. Why don't you try Google Image searching "Madbarz" and see what pops up. That website has a ton of bodyweight workouts, but they are posted on GI if you don't want to join the site. Otherwise, I'd say focus on compound movements like pullups, pushups, squats, lunges, etc., and you should be good for a long while. Add in some HIIT cardio to help reduce bodyfat, and make sure you keep food clean (i.e. no junk, lots of greens, tofu/beans/tempeh/seitan for protein loading, fruit/veggies for energy for training). Here's a beginner workout I found in a few seconds. You can modify the exercises to make them more difficult, if you like. While you're at it, maybe start a training log to track your progress? Chris
  16. Wednesday, July 8, 2015: Legs Supersets 0. HIIT Warmup - 8 Minutes 1. Squat - 3 x 12 @ 245lbs 2. Squat Jumps - 3 x 15 - 3. Lateral StepUps 3 x 15* @ 70lbs 4. Sprint Lunges - 3 x 6 - 5. Calve Raise - 3 x 30 @ 70lbs 6. SB Hamstring Curl - 3 x 25 @ 35lbs Time to switch things up! Feeling chubby and kind of in shit-shape, so it's time to mix things up. I'm going to do a three day split, and a single full body day for volume. Schedule days will be - Tues: Chest/Arms; Wed: Shoulders/Back; Thurs: Legs; Sat: Full Body. Also going to add in 8-10 minutes of HIIT each day. Not a ton, but enough to get the blood and sweat flowing. Hopefully I'll see some results in the near future. Interview yesterday went well, but the job is less than I expected re: pay and no benefits. I think it would be crazy to uproot my family for that, even if it's a short-term spot. Anyhow, interviewed for another job today, which also went well; confirmed by another partner in the firm. Hopefully this works out and I can start on the next chapter. Seems right up my alley, at least, and the people are nice so far. However, the guy I met with today did some work for a pork producer who owns a "mega hog farm," which I personally find disturbing. Hopefully I won't have to do any work for that client. Don't think I could look myself in the mirror. Otherwise, good day. Nice and cool, which I like. Going to get the pup out for a walk. By the way, Penny's been on a vegan diet for the past month or so. She seems to have taken to it quite well. Sleeps better, more energy, everything is more regular. I'd recommend looking into it if you have a little one of your own.
  17. Hitting it hard and often eh mate? Is this because of your recovery efforts, or are you venturing into hobby training? What are you eating these days? Mind posting up some examples? I want to lean out more, and I think I might be taking in too many carbs. Maybe I could follow in your almighty footsteps?
  18. Monday, July 6, 2015 TRX Circuit - 3 Rounds, Rest 2 Minutes 1. Chest Fly x 15 2. Split Squats x 15* 3. Pistol Grip Rows x 15 4. Side Lunges x 15* 5. Curls x 15 6. Hamstring Curl x 25 Won't be training tomorrow, so I thought I would at least get some quick work in to tide me over to Wednesday. That looks like another long/stressful day as well so I hope I can get home soon enough to get some good squats in. I need to get my hands on some varied TRX exercises before I get caught doing the same ones over and again. Anyhow, no more time to post tonight; have prep to do for tomorrow. Cheers!
  19. Never fear man, I drank enough beers for the both of us last weekend! Had a good refeed as well. Was starting to have regular fatigue, which has since passed.
  20. Hey welcome to the forum! No need to lift weights to get in shape. You can do a ton of training with just your own bodyweight. There are a ton of resources for bodyweight and calisthenic training online. Anyhow, consider starting a training log to track your progress. Other people can weigh in, and we can reach our goals together. See you around!
  21. Friday, July 3, 2015: Strength Circuit - 3 Rounds, Rest 3 Minutes 1. Deadlift x 10 @ 205lbs 2. Standing Pressups x 15 @ 50lbs 3. TRX Split Squats x 15* 4. TRX Low Row x 15 5. Squat Jumps x 15 6. DB Hammer Curl x 12 @ 70lbs Did so much today, and man am I pooped. Going to sleep very well tonight. It was a struggle getting all the weights out. Either I have become lazy, or I'm just not that into training with weights. I'm betting it's the former, especially since the TRX bands are so easy. Anyhow, no more time today to post so... Happy 4th All!
  22. Thursday, July 2, 2015: TRX Circuit - 3 Rounds, Rest 90 Seconds 1. ATG Squats x 20 2. T's x 15 3. Side Lunge x 15* 4. Tricep Extension x 25 5. Hamstring Curl x 25 @ 35lbs 6. Curls x 15 Had a long/stressful/pain in the ass of a day and when I got home I just didn't feel like moving a bunch of weights around to even set up to lift. So, I figured I'm either doing nothing, or I'm hitting up the TRX bands. I'm glad I did, because I got a decent workout in under 30 minutes, and I feel less stressed. That being said, I need some serious rest. I guess I haven't been sleeping well, or am under a lot of work pressure since I haven't felt very motivated to train lately. It's been a few months since I've really taken an extended amount of time off, so maybe that's due. What to do about the guilt felt for not training? Maybe I'd do good with a couple de-load weeks to refresh my stamina. It could be time to change things up a bit. Perhaps more bodyweight and hiit training is in order. I'll give it some thought and make a decision sooner than later. Otherwise, it's beautiful out, and I want to take Penny for a walk. It's her birthday on Saturday!
  23. Wednesday, July 1, 2015: Strength Circuit (3 Rounds, Rest 2 Minutes) 1. Incline Bench x 12 @ 190lbs 2. Lateral StepUp x 12* @ 70lbs 3. Pistol Pullups x 15 4. Single Leg Deadlift x 12* @ 90lbs 5. Curl & Press x 15 @ 50lbs 6. Calf Raise x 25 @ 90lbs Lots of activity this week, which kept me from training yesterday. Got an offer for an interview late yesterday, and that pretty much bulldozed my training plans; had to prep. Interview went well, got a call back later today for next week . . . Plus another interview on Tuesday which requires some travel to Madison. I hope that one goes well and develops into something serious. It was nice and chilly here today, which I really love. Not sure why people would ever like weather to be hot and humid. Otherwise, training was fun. Took pretty much everything I had to get through the third round. The pullups really did me in this time. I don't think I'm getting enough sleep, and certainly I'm under quite a bit of stress. Need to rest up and make sure I'm eating properly. Squats and HIIT tomorrow, then DL and arms Friday. Shifting things forward this week.
  24. Have to second Rob's suggestions. Deadlifts, rows, pullups, curls, hell anything where you are holding a weight against gravity with your grip will increase forearm strength/size.
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