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Posts posted by YigalWeinstein

  1. Any other voting system would be terrible since Americans are too lazy to even vote every 2-4yrs...


    I hope this is meant as a joke. The reality is that America's citizens in generality are either apathetic about the issues or they are confused as to what the issues are. The obvious worth in a system that actually represents the people would be to remove some of the apathy and to bring the issues into the home of the citizenry.


    plus voting on everything as a society would never allow anything to get done


    Again I hope this is meant as a joke. The truth is that systems that involve the entire citizenry have already been developed and simply need to be implemented. Having the entire citizenry involved in some form of decision making in the government i.e. the nation would make people much more inclined to a feeling that they can change the world.


    Do I vote Democratic? I have been part of the Green Part since I was 18. I have always voted for a Democratic president. Have I voted for Republicans, in certain circumstances where it was evident the Democratic candidate was corrupt and the Republican candidate did not scare me I have voted Republican for positions in the CA (my state of residence) State Government.


    I insist on quoting Lord Acton,


    "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely"


    I can't believe in a 2 party system as anything but a joke of a government for the people. Too much power in too few interests and too few people. I vote but I am not spending any time worrying about the dirty business of one party or another.


    However in terms of deciding whether it is time or not to flee the country I grant that you have a point. If the Republicans gain much more of the power it may be time to move, but wait where is a person supposed to go?

  2. Thanks for looking at my log, I hadn't finished today's workout when you looked at it though . Your advice about decreasing the volume on the more superficial exercises, the assisted lifting curls etc., I think this may be a good thing. I didn't realize how much effort is involved in keeping a full body workout, i.e. the volume is already high compared to a workout that exercises single muscle groups per session.

  3. Workout 6: (all exercises measured in kg)

    Date: November 1, 2006

    Duration: about 90 minutes

    crunches : 41reps.x3

    bench press (p.) : 91x4x2,3

    dead lift : 91x5x3

    squat : 116x8x3

    calf raise : 116x12x3

    dumbell(d.) shoulder p. : 14x7,6x2

    d. row : 30x6x3

    d. bicep curl (c.) : 14x6x2,5

    d. tricep e. : 14x6x2,5

    quad extension : 54x7x3

    hamstring c. : 54x4x2,3

    d. front lung : 14x8x2

    d. forarms up : 20x10x3

    d. forarms down : 10x7x3

    Notes: A little tired I need to sleep and eat but this is good fun.

  4. Hi DW I have a question for you. I am having a weight session right now and have just found that my body is unwilling to do what it did last time and I had to reduce the # of reps. for my bench press for the last set by 1.


    My question is, in your opinion am I working too hard or is it ok to temporarily decrease the repetions of one exercise in order to increase strength overall?


    thanks and I am looking up to you at least metaphorically - I think we are approximately the same height 5'10" - you weigh less than me but you lift so much more . Have to get back to lifting heavy weights .

  5. Workout 5: (all exercises measured in kg)

    Date: October 30, 2006

    Duration: about 90 minutes

    crunches : 41reps.x3

    bench press (p.) : 91x4x3

    dead lift : 91x4x3

    squat : 115x8x3

    calf raise : 115x12x3

    dumbell(d.) shoulder p. : 14x7,6x2

    d. row : 30x5x3

    d. bicep curl (c.) : 14x6x2,5

    d. tricep e. : 14x6x2,5

    quad extension : 54x7x3

    hamstring c. : 54x4x2,3

    d. front lung : 14x8x2

    d. forarms up : 20x10x3

    d. forarms down : 10x7x3

    Notes: I took a 3 day vacation and it payed off high dividends . I squated 10kg more on each set than the previous session and it was easy . The hamstring curl is still so hard - I was so lazy I didn't remove the weight I should have for this exercise and increased it by 4kg. Maybe HIT works for me? I don't want to test this hypothesis right now and am happy at the improvements I have been able to have.

  6. VB,


    I agree with Raven, and LL I don't think you should leave this forum unless you feel too uncomfortable to stay. I think in general we are all very caring people interested in + change and while we have differences of opinion, religion, custom, etc. we all share enough to relate.

  7. Sticks and stones may brake your bones but words will never hurt you.


    or more eloquently by the master of renaissance English prose,


    What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet.



    VB you wrote,


    There are larger problems to worry about than vocab


    I don't think this is quite so obvious a statement as you claim. Miscommunication is probably the greatest, or at least one of the greatest, problems when dealing with other humans. Verbal communication makes up a large ammount of communication. It stands to reason that vocab. and the meanings in the words are of a great importance, in that understanding the nature of them has a great chance of stopping the problems they create. The abuse of words is possible. To rob meaning from words is sometimes extremely useful, and necessary and so to apply "violence" to a word that holds too much meaning perhaps is acceptable or even a good idea, depending on the context. However, if the social meaning of words are being robbed at an extermely fast rate, cultural literacy, i.e. a way of understanding each other through verbal communication becomes more difficult and in some cases almost impossible. This is a waste "meaning" resources. This is unfortunate.


    I think that words do have meaning. In fact many words have more than one meaning. To be conscious of the meanings, to be conscious that words can hurt, heal, teach, etc. is also as important as realizing that words in themselves are not the objects they refer to. To set standards on how truthful a person is on what they say to how they act is sometimes important. To not care about the vocab. that is used is very unfortunate. Are there really bigger problems than miscommunication? Isn't in general misscommunication largely a result of certain people being too concerned with the meaning of words. For example if I was asked, "Do you believe in God?". The obvious response in my perspective is, "what do you mean by God?". Therefore both taking the connotations of words as being of little importance and of taking the meaning of a given word too seriously can both have disasterous effects on the relationships we have with others.


    The word bitch refers both to a female dog, and a female who is for what ever reason "bad". It means a female dog and when we don't like a female human we decide that they deserve to be called such a word. How do you want to associate your words. I think words have meaning, and should be associated together with truth as the guiding principle.

  8. very good. I am having a dinner party tonight and I'm the cook. I am going to use your sauce - I planted tomatos and oregano so I should use them. This sauce with a good pasta, and vegan cheesecake for dessert is where its at + lots of salad.

  9. I am glad someone still rides their bike. I have had real problems with drivers living in Long Beach. I used to bike to school a round trip of 14 miles, each day and then an 80+ miler on the weekend but drivers were the thing that made me stop. I can't control a reckless, or unobservant driver from taking me out, no matter how many precautions I take.


    I would be interested to hear what you have to say, as a seasoned biker, on how you can continue to ride when there are so many crazy drivers on the road.

  10. Workout 4: (mass is in kilograms, kg)

    time: about 90min 26/10/06

    finished: 4:56pm

    crunches : 41x2,40

    bench press (p.) : 91x4x2,3

    dead lift : 91x4x2,3

    -1 rep in bp, +1x2 rep in dl pretty good exchange.

    squat : 105x8x3

    calf raise : 105x10x3

    dumbell(d.) shoulder p. : 14x6x3

    d. row : 30x4x4

    d. bicep curl (c.) : 14x6,5x2

    d. tricep e. : 14x6x2,5

    quad extension : 50x7x3

    hamstring c. : 50x4x2,3

    d. front lung : 14x7x2

    d. forarms up : 16x10x3

    d. forarms down : 10x6x3


    I increased the weight in squat and its fine - thats great . The hamstring c. is very challenging at this weight so I may not be able to increase the reps so soon as I would like.


    - Its time for the 2 day break.

  11. Workout 3:


    Tue Oct 24 12:50:38 PDT 2006


    Tue Oct 24 14:01:09 PDT 2006

    crunches : 41,40x2

    bench press (p.) : 91x4x2,3

    dead lift : 91x4,3x2

    squat : 100x8x2,7

    calf raise : 105x8x2,7

    dumbell(d.) shoulder p. : 14x6x2,5

    d. row : 30x4x2,3

    d. bicep curl (c.) : 14x5x3

    d. tricep e. : 14x5x3

    quad extension : 50x7x2,6

    hamstring c. : 50x4x2,3

    d. front lung : 14x7,6

    d. forarms up : 14x11x2,10 (+2kg)

    d. forarms down : 10x5x3

  12. TmVGuitaRisT, thanks for asking the question so I could get robert's answer . I also live in so. cal. and vega seems like a great idea if I am far away from a kitchen - I love to prepare meals so if there is a kitchen then im making food but on bike rides, hikes etc. vega sounds great

  13. Thanks robert, its awsome to be here.



    Workout 2:


    I noticed I forgot to convert lbs. --> kg. on a few of my exercises, so I looked stronger than I actually was . I did this for:

    quad extension, hamstring c., d. forarms down.

    Also the tricep exercise is more aptly named a tricep extension, not a tricep curl so it best to call it what it is .



    Todays training was fine, but I was a little weaker than last time - hopefully I am not overdoing it and my body will recover in a few days.



    Sun Oct 22 13:31:51 PDT 2006


    Sun Oct 22 15:00:26 PDT 2006

    crunches : 40x3

    bench press (p.) : 91x4,3x2

    dead lift : 91x3x3

    squat : 100x8,7x2

    calf raise : 105x8,7x2

    dumbell(d.) shoulder p. : 14x6,5x2

    d. row : 30x4,3x2

    d. bicep curl (c.) : 14x5x2,4

    d. tricep extension (e.) : 14x5,4x2

    quad e. : 50x7,6x2

    hamstring c. : 50x4,3x2

    d. front lung : 14x6x2

    d. forarms up : 14x10x3

    d. forarms down : 10x5x2,4


    music: just the sound of birds, cars, and airplanes.

  14. I really think its time for a disambiguation. I mean sometimes as potter has mentioned its < 30s. this is obviously an anabolic exercise and sometimes its a 5hour show that resembles an ultramarathon.


    Thus sex is and isn't cardiovascular, given the context of the situation. What should be kept in mind is that it can be very fun and enjoyable, and as has already been discussed, is a good form of exercise. As offense74 has pointed out graphically, not only can sex be cardio it can also be weightlifting.


    So I think it should be viewed as an elephant and we are blind people touching the elephant so that each of us have different ideas of what an elephant it or something like this.

  15. Historically I am not so good at staying and working on something until it is done. Hopefully putting my desires on line, with the eye of other members will help me keep my focus on my goals.


    The situation:

    weight: 90.5kg


    I can b.p. my bodyweight

    " " d.l. " "

    " " squat " "

    but am far from being able to lift any of these exercises for 3x10. The aforementioned 3 sets of 10 repetitions each, is my goal, as well as improved general musculature . I am probably the most out of shape I have been in for several years although I have given up some nasty habits in the process, most notably smoking, and mainly this poor physique is just due to inconsistency with exercise and diet. So operation Bodyweight is a simple plan.


    strategy: Lift heavy weights, for d.l., b.p., squat lift my bodyweight or more and increase reps, until 3x10. I am using a full body workout as I like hitting everything but I don't want to extremely exhaust any one muscle group. I use a home gym of a bench, 2 dumbells, and benching bar.

    I workout 3 times/week - a day of rest or two between workouts.


    problem areas: I have a weak %$##%^@ back. I bench more than I can dead lift. So I should focus on this prized muscle group.


    objective goal: add +1 rep./session to each exercise for 80% of the exercises, the rest can be kept without improvement. When 3x10 for any exercise is obtained increase weight



    So my first recorded weightlifting record online is:


    mass is in kilograms kg. (1 pound = 0.45359237 kilograms)



    a triple of the form axbxc stands for an exercise performed where:

    a=mass of weights



    of the exercise completed.

    a "," refers to a different load performed.


    Workout 1:


    Thu Oct 19 15:30:38 PDT 2006


    Thu Oct 19 16:25:41 PDT 2006

    crunches : 40x3

    bench press (p.) : 91x4,3x2

    dead lift : 91x3x2,2

    squat : 100x6x3

    calf raise : 105x6,5x2

    dumbell(d.) shoulder p. : 14x6,5x2

    d. row : 30x3x3

    d. bicep curl (c.) : 14x4x3

    d. tricep c. : 14x4x3

    quad extension : 105x8/105x6x6

    hamstring c. : 105x3x3

    d. front lung : 14x6x2

    d. forarms up : 14x10x3

    d. forarms down : 20x5x2,3


    So 3x2+2=8, 30-8=22. The least number of repetitions for an exercise is for the dead lift. I have 22 reps. to increase in my d.l.. This will take, hypothetically, using the strategy above, approximately:

    22 d.l.-sessions= 22 d.l.-sessions*(session/.8 d.l.-session)(week/3sessions) = 9.16 weeks. So rounding up the goal should be reachable in 10 weeks.

  16. I am a 27 year old crzy mofo. I can't decide what I want but I know that veganism is necessary. I love philosophy, science, physics, computers, weightlifting, yoga and a whole bunch of other stuff. I live in Long Beach, CA and have been a vegan for 20 days. Robert is a very awesome dude. He told me to post who I was in an intro. to all you awesome people after I had posted about yoga but my being has only finally condensed into "I am a vegan and I don't care what anyone says or does, this is how I feel and I will only eat what is ethical, and healthy.". So I am a vegan and I lift weights and I do yoga and this is part of me so props to all you awesome people who are vegans and thank you all for inspiring me to live and write this.

  17. I like a mixture. I am practicing primarily Ashtanga by myself but I can't give up where I started with the book "Light on Yoga" by Iyengar. Yoga is a wonderful thing I have in my life. It has helped stear me in a + direction, to be kinder to my body and all of life.


    Does anyone find practicing surya namaskara B to be extremely difficult? As soon as I am expected to execute virabhadrasana (A) in one breath it takes some will power to do this for many times.


    I do 5 of surya namaskara A & and 3 of B and then a number of asanas I couldn't live without, trikonasana, parivrtta trikonasan, salamba sarvangasana etc. + 15 min. of meditation in the morning & night and add pushups and crunches in the morning and its an awsome way of waking up and giving in to sleep.

  18. Evan you are mistaken. Pilates was developed in Germany/England in the 19th and 20th century by German born Joseph Pilates who by the way had debilitating diseases; asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever, and created his exercises to overcome these diseases- he succeeded fabuously.


    Yoga may have a similar interest but they have a different history and yoga which as many of you know means to root, yoke, unite etc. has a far more general meaning than Pilates. Yoga comes in all kinds of forms like Raja, Kundalini, and several other forms indians would understand as well as Ashtanga - which means 8 fold way which and therefore really has to do with all of Yoga but for some reason was used by Jois to mean a particular Vinyasa, or flowing sequence.


    So no, Pilates does not come from Yoga although it may be rooted in the same stuff as parts of yoga.

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