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Everything posted by RiskyFang

  1. I don't care all that much about phone stuff myself. It just sucks that vegan bodybuilding has no real influence as of now, it's been so quiet as far as I know.
  2. Maybe? Can we revive veganbodybuilding.com? For quite some time I have noticed that it is quite dead on here. We could use a more active social platform if I do say so myself. Of which I am guilty as well for not being on here very often. But it's hard to be on here when nobody else is. Can we get the forum going a little stronger this year?
  3. How's it going? What routine are you following? What are your goals strength-wise or skill-wise? Planche? HSPU? Muscle UP? OAC? OAP?
  4. I wish you the best. It seems veganbodybuilding.com is pretty dead now but I hope people are more active eventually. Don't forget to eat lots of fruit and train hard!
  5. Sorry but this is a falacy. In theory yes you will gain weight if you eat more than you burn. Unfortunately it does not take into consideration NEET (google it), or the fact that your body naturally increases metabolism when eating more in an effort to maintain homeostasis. The rest will pass through and you basically just poop out what the body can't or wont use. While Catman is correct that you need to provide the proper stimulus, eating more will only help you gain weight if you do indeed provide said stimulus. But it has to be real good stimulus in my experience. I ate about 6,000+ calories a day for a long time and never gained weight even though I did pullups all the time. Its all about applying progressive overload and increasing work capacity to be honest. Nothing else matters. It doesn't matter how much you eat, none of it will stick. The exercise is responsible for over 90% of your success in gaining weight. Take it from someone who has done bodyweight for over 3 years on anywhere from 3000-8000 calories per day on various types of food. It's all about doing the right exercises, drop sets, supersets, increasing volume and using the right technique. For years I let my back take all the tension in pullups and my arms stayed skinny because I didn't use proper load sharing. This is merely my experience I believe to be true as a bodyweight practitioner. Of course if you just focus on adding weight like in the gym to your pushups, pullups, dips and squats then this whole process is 1000x easier but I am stubborn and refuse to add external weight and instead just use unilaterals and change my technique to make exercises harder. It's not the only way to do it but like I said I am stubborn.
  6. Nah man. There's solid studies that show your body holds plenty of amino acids in the bank. It was like 90g or something. So if you wait a few hours instead of eating and using the amino acids, it just pulls them from your bloodstream and liver or something then takes the food and puts the amino acids back into the bank to replenish what was lost. It's like you have $1000 in the bank. Does it matter if you spend $200 then go deposit a check for $200 or deposit the check first then go spend $200? Nope. Thats why it doesn't matter either to have complete proteins in the same meal. Say you work out at 9am but your morning breakfast is heavy in legumes and the dinner is heavy in grains. In the morning after your workout you will pull the lysine from your body and use the methionine from your meal so you get a complete protein. In the evening you will be good on methionine but low on lysine so you eat your grains and replenish what got used earlier. Then your body keeps pulling methionine to use with the lysine you ate and you refill your methionine bank in the morning when you get your beans in again. Hopefully this makes sense. Your body has a bank of amino acids and glycogen it can call upon at any time so if you don't eat right away you will still have tons of amino acids and glucose to pull from your body bank. This is really over-simplified concepts but hopefully you get the idea. Unless you are hungry your body is doing just fine using what it has in the bank. It's mostly only important to get in a meal if you are in an already fasted state since you won't have a good amount of energy or amino acids left in the bank to use. But as long as you've eaten sometime before your workout and are not on a caloric deficit it isn't a problem to go a few hours before eating after a workout. The only thing you do miss by not eating soon after a weight lifting session is the opportunity to suck up over 100% glycogen. What happens when you exhaust muscle glycogen is the next meal opens pathways for insulin to shuttle glucose back into the cell. If you don't eat gradually you will get it back up to 100% over time. But if you carb up a bunch when the muscle is in a depleted state it shuttles almost all the glucose into the cells so you can get maybe like 102% to 105% more energy for next workout. It's called carb-loading and is a natural immune response. For more information please research carb loading in bodybuilding and athletics. The basic idea is that by depleting the carbohydrates you can then put back more than 100% of it's capacity temporarily. For example a regular person might hold 1800 calories worth of glycogen in their liver and muscles. Over time and training they train their bodies to store more and more glycogen in one go so eventually they will have 10, 20 or 30% more energy to work with than an untrained individual and be able to use it more efficiently as well. Again, I'm not going to explain it completely because the research and studies and articles are a mere google search away. QUESTION 2 Small arms is either genetic, bad technique or bad exercise programming. I have no idea what program you are using, sets, reps, rest period, what your max reps or weight is, tempo, exercise selection, frequency, or technique and load sharing is. There is no way for me to know what is causing your Roger Federer syndrome (the skinny left arm!). Please share your full workout routine per 3, 4, 5 days or week or whatever cycle you are on so I can give you actual advice that will be helpful. QUESTION 3 NOT A CHANCE IN HELL. 10 pounds = 35,000 calories extra in 2 weeks = 2,500 calories extra per day. That isn't going to help you it's just going to make you fat or bloated and hurt. Your body can only gain so much weight at a time. Even experienced bodybuilders will only be able to gain about 10 clean real lbs in a year. We're not talking about dirty bulking. Trust me, I've been through what you are going through before. I was 147 lbs and had super skinny arms and everything really. It's a damn slow process that was 10x slower because I didn't know what the hell I was doing or what I wanted. I know just about everything as of now and I would say you would gain MAX 1lb per week if you had the absolute best training program and best recovery and best exercise selection and periodization and perfect diet and etc. Again, please post a full routine so we know. Videos or links would help as well to see your form and dissect what is going on or not going on.
  7. As an update I reached 14 pullups but I believe 90% of the results come from proper exercise programming. For years I have found that the idea of "forced anabolism" is just an idea. I stuff myself meal after meal, week after week, year after year to rarely ever reach 170 lbs. Just stuffing yourself gives you a big distended stomach. The problem is likely that I never increased my volume enough to cause growth stimulus so the extra food never got put to use. Since I was always focused on repping out right away on early sets I never got to work the muscles enough and fatigue them to build back stronger. Lesson here is to save a few reps in the bank to keep the workout going until you reach deep fatigue or superset/drop set to continue getting volume you otherwise would not have the chance to. Hit it hard and often. If you anihilate your muscles don't grease the groove because it hinders recovery and new growth. Choose one or the other, don't hit back hard monday and grease the groove T/W then hit back hard thursday and grease the groove F/SAT. It sounds complicated but it's not. Just give your body a tough growth stimulus and then let it fully recover. It's that simple. Eating tons of food only helps if you are hitting your muscles hard and deeply. Maxing out on say 14 reps is just as much work as doing an easy 2x7 reps. Perceived effort in a max rep set is completely opposite of cumulative volume/intensity training and prevents you from properly applying progressive overload. Sorry to ramble it's just something that I have learned over the years and I wanted to share this information with anyone in my situation. Food and stuffing yourself is not the answer. I've tried that. Protein is not the answer. I've tried that. Maxing out reps is not the answer. I've tried that. It is purely using more weight, changing leverage or adding CUMULATIVE sets/reps with control and full range of motion that is the answer. That is the cold hard truth that has taken me years to learn. The only important concepts in getting stronger/gaining weight are: 1) Add reps 2) Add sets 3) Reduce rest period time 4) Speed it up (fast concentrics) 5) Slow it down (slow eccentrics) 6) Add weight 7) Change leverage or unilaterals Full ROM 9) Improve body positioning for correct muscle activation 10) Mind to muscle connection for proper load sharing These are the ten most important things... ever. It just happened to be ten. I derived this from W=MAD where mass, accelaration, distance, work, and other factors broke down into these ten principles. If you completely understand and grasp the physics equation of W=FD and P=W/T then you understand 99% of everything important to bodybuilding. Hope this helps "hardgainers" like me that are stuck in a weight or strength/rep plateau.
  8. Thanks, will try that. Been eating more fat lately so I've gained a few pounds, probably mostly water weight from salt intake. My stomach has looked better but II'll try some late night snacking with more fat to see if that helps. Possibly due to fat intake before sleep taking longer to digest and taking longer for the body to deplete glycogen/less fasting time during sleep. I'll see if that helps.
  9. I feel the same way. I finally said screw it and stopped eating so much fruit. I dropped my fruit intake from 15-20 servings a day down to about 8-10 and replaced with more beans, wheat and sweet potatoes and sometimes peanut butter. Been able to get my protein up from 80-ish to about 150g that way which is still pretty low for most bodybuilders but just about 1g per lb bodyweight for myself. I just manage to get more protein by eating the same foods in higher quantities though instead of changing the type of food so much.
  10. Would like to see more people active, hopefully over time. Many posts are pretty old and people don't seem to be online much here vs. bodybuilding.com. I hope for the day when more people (preferrably everyone) are on veganbodybuilding.com rather than sites like bodybuilding.com, t-nation and such. As useful as they are I'd prefer if the articles I read don't mention anything about chicken breast and eggs every other sentence.
  11. Chest, shoulders and traps. Good body comp though.
  12. Been hitting the gym and eating lots of food lately. Any noticeable progress? https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/130367959@N02/26714224746/ https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/130367959@N02/26673398531/ https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/130367959@N02/26133840704/
  13. I do lots of fruit for breakfast/lunch. Then I do 1 cup quinoa with cumin and whatever spices/stuff I want in it, maybe some nutritional yeast. For salads I do any greens, any veggies, and maybe some legumes or nuts/seeds. Lately I have been experimenting with tofu. Sometimes I'll do oats as well, or maybe some pasta. Just what I do though.
  14. I have been smashing in calories as well as increasing fat and protein. I'm eating 5,000 calories a day minimum and I only count my calories to make sure I hit at least 5,000. I feel the same as before, I just get a big stomach but don't seem to gain weight much. I cannot seem to add reps as well on pullups. This is me after 3 months of higher calorie, higher fat. not flexed, post meal: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130367959@N02/21872015986/in/dateposted-public/ flexing: https://www.flickr.com/photos/130367959@N02/21907844331/in/dateposted-public/ advice? I have a weighted vest and plates for adding resistance now, but I feel that switching to progressive overload may not address the cause of my plateau and lack of increasing max pullups (stuck at 12-13).
  15. I'll try that, I've been stuffing my face and doing weighted pullups so I'm trying to follow progressive overload. I'll see if that helps over the next few months.
  16. I've been adding fat and more proteins in, this is me as of now. The cant tell if it's any different or not. https://m.flickr.com/#/photos/130367959@N02/19513672304/
  17. What if I try about 60-20-20, would that be good enough? I have been adding in some fats and raw powders lately
  18. FEBRUARY 2015 JULY 2015 I have been trying to gain weight for the last 8 months. I eat between 3000-5000 calories per day, though I try to shoot for 4000. I am 21 years old and practice calisthenics and cycle about 30 minutes a day (to work). I eat mostly fruit, veggies, legumes and grains close to 80-10-10. The pictures are where I was and where I am now. How can I gain weight? And what muscles are underdeveloped (aesthetics is 1/2 of my goal)? I have also gotten a little weaker, noticeably on my pushups and pullups. I can't seem to make gains strength wise or muscle, and if I eat a lot I just get a big stomach temporarily but don't gain weight. Also I looked the same from October til February, so I didn't just start in February. It's been 8 months.
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