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  1. If your into conditioning and want different ideas, I highly recommend you check out this guys website. He's a monster and posts his daily workouts for everyone that wants to follow along. http://www.5100block.com/
  2. You can find the Goya brand of red lentils in pretty much any supermarket. IMO, the easiest to digest and tastiest of all legumes/beans along with the best protein/carb ratio. They have 13 grams of protein and 30 carbs per 1/4 cup serving. Extra firm tofu has quite high protein content, I don't eat it everyday but a couple times a week. If your worried about the estrogen aspect to it just combine it with broccoli/cauliflower and cabbage because they contain anti-estrogens. Wheat gluten is very high in protein, its good if your digestion system can handle it. Powdered peanut butter is a lot different and contains 5 grams of protein and only 1.5 grams of fat at only 2 tablespoons. Here's a link to a site that carries it http://www.bellplantation.com/nutrition Nutritional yeast is great for protein and b12. 8 grams of protein for 2 tablespoons. http://www.calories-nutrition.buddyslim.com/nutritional-yeast/ And of course trueprotein.com has some high quality pea protein or rice protein. Also, you may already know this but carbohydrates are protein sparing, you may need to eat more than bodybuilders who eat meat to make up for that gap. Due to high carbohydrates you may find you need more cardio weekly, but depends on your composition.
  3. IMO, yes you are. I once read a thread at intensemuscle.com which is a highly respected site, that said for gaining muscle shoot for about .5 x bodyweight. I usually eat around that much fat anyways and found it to be a very accurate calculation.
  4. Only way is through being more strict with diet. I would also only hit chest 1-2 times a week or alternating, not 3 times. If your jogging for long periods of time, I would cut that out also and instead cycle HIIT with low intensity cardio.
  5. I agree with the trainer. Especially let up on the running if it is moderate pace for long periods of time. You need to add weight training in. The classic compound movements, squats, stiff leg deadlifts, etc. Do weightlifting 2-3 times a week, throw in 2 HIIT sessions which could include intervals of sprinting and walking or even bodyweight intervals such as burpee's, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, air squats, split jacks. Intensity is key with low rest periods to increase metabolism for the intervals. Then add in low intensity cardio 3 times a week or so for around 45 minutes, such as fasting walking. Depending on how much your eating now, I would even consider upping your calories by including more protein and really focus on the weight training. If you've had your calories low for a while, it can make getting rid of fat around those area difficult to do. Even upping your calories by 500 or so 1-3 times a week can help tremendously by breaking through plateau's. Keep it simple and you will see great results.
  6. If you have trouble with some grains/legumes/beans I highly suggest looking for red lentils. They are very thin and cook extremely fast and have the highest protein to carb ratio of any legume. By far the easiest of all legumes to digest and assimilate, no bloating etc. You say your getting weak, this may be due to all the sugar your eating from the fruit. They could be spiking your insulin levels to much throughout the day. Especially if they are high GI fruits. Another reason you may feel weak is if you're not getting enough good fats in your diet. Fat is essential for healthy hormone production. Good fats like milled flax seed, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, coconut oil, avocado, olive oil, hemp seeds, to name a few.
  7. I highly recommend a monday wednesday friday, ABA BAB type routine. Such as Iron Addicts simple power based routine. Two workouts rotated, so sometimes your hitting muscle groups twice a week and next week only once. Monday: Workout A Wednesday: Workout B Friday: Workout A Monday: Workout B etc Iron addicts site is great http://www.ironaddicts.com/forums/ Here's his Simple power based routine Monday Squat or box squat 2-3 x 5 Glute/Ham Raises or pullthroughs 3 x 10 Bent Row or Chest Supported row 4 x 6 Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8 Calf Raises 3 x 15 Wednesday Bench Press or low board press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3 Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 8 Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8 Skull Crushers 3 x 10 Ab work 3 x 10 Friday Deadlift or rack deadlift 2-3 x 5 Leg press 2 x 10 Chin or lat pull-down 4 x 6 Barbell or Dumbbell Curl 3 x 8 Calf Raises 3 x 15 Monday Incline bench press or Incline Dumbbell Press 3 x 5, or 3 x 3 Dumbbell Bench Press 4 x 8 Military or Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 8 Tricep pushdowns 3 x 10 Ab work 3 x 10 Monday
  8. Im glad to hear you made some nice progress. Yea DC can be tough if your not eating ridiculous amounts of food. IA SPBR is an awesome routine. I'm also doing SPBR right now, following it exactly except subtracted a few sets on some exercises, because I tend to not recover as well, for example on the chest movements. Keep us updated on your progress!
  9. Also, True protein carries rice protein which is very cheap and easy to digest for me.
  10. Is the cough from when you eat wheat bread if so it may be the yeast. I found this interesting link - http://www.foodintol.com/food_intolerance/chronic_cough.htm
  11. If you want a bigger butt, make squats your number 1 exercise. Go all the way down, as far as you can flexible wise. Ass to grass style will incorporate your glutes more, compared to going until your legs are parallel. But if you want more definition in your glutes, your going to have to drop bodyfat percentages.
  12. Hey, hows your progress been on Doggcrapp? I hope you start a log again, would love to read them.
  13. Yea I'm allergic to gluten. My main staples are red lentils, chickpea's, mixed beans, quinoa, gluten-free oatmeal, almonds, pumpkin seeds, tofu. Fruit I eat mostly blueberries, papaya's, cantaloupe. Vegetables are broccoli, green beans, kale, carrots, zucchini, hot peppers. For protein powders a 50/50 of rice and gemma pea protein.
  14. I looked at your calorie sheet and noticed your not eating any beans/lentils. One of my staples is red lentils, I highly recommend them. They're split, so they cook fast and are easier to digest than your traditional beans. 1 serving is 180 calories, 0g fat, 31g carb, 13g protein. Also, if you want more meat on your chest your going to have to eat over your maintenance calories. Bulking up doesn't necessarily mean putting on a bunch of fat. You can easily bulk up slowly without drastically increasing calories and using cardio to combat some of the bodyfat increase. It's well worth it.
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