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Moderators completely gone over the top!!!

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Am I the only one who has had their words deleted and replaced by new words??? And with no mention and no explanation???


This board has completely gone to shit when you start replacing every single word a person said with one lousy sentence made up by a moderator. This done with no mention and no explanation. If you don't like my posts then delet them and ask me to go elsewhere. You change or replace my words and it's a declaration of war!

Edited by michaelhobson
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My guess is that a mod pressed edit instead of quote and didn't catch it.

I've pressed edit by mistake a few times, but it is a little different so I caught it.

I remember reading your post and wondering who you were quoting.

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My guess is that a mod pressed edit instead of quote and didn't catch it.

I've pressed edit by mistake a few times, but it is a little different so I caught it.

I remember reading your post and wondering who you were quoting.


I've caught myself almost accidentally doing that too. I've also wiped out my PMs twice because the delete and delete all buttons are very close together. The current version of the software for this board is poorly laid out. I'm excited that VBB is in the process of upgrading to a new version

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It was my quote that was attributed to you. If you are a "victim", so am I. I'm not getting excited about it, because I don't think it was deliberate.


People have done that to me before, here and on other web boards. You don't need to be a moderator, even here, to mislabel a quote. It has always been a matter of it being an accident.

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Okay, now that I'm not steaming mad that seems like a more reasonable explanation. I didn't say anything offensive in my post, so that makes more sense. I'm hoping that is all that happened.


That said, do you guys have the option of logging in as a regular user rather than as a mod, saving mod priveliges for when you need them? It's really not cool if you guys are accidentally jacking up people's posts all the time.

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Okay, now that I'm not steaming mad that seems like a more reasonable explanation. I didn't say anything offensive in my post, so that makes more sense. I'm hoping that is all that happened.


That said, do you guys have the option of logging in as a regular user rather than as a mod


I don't know about anybody else, but I don't.


It's really not cool if you guys are accidentally jacking up people's posts all the time.


I don't read every single post in ever single thread, but this is the first time I think I have seen something like this. Do you think this kind of accident is a frequent occurrence?

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No offense to him........but loveliberate used to do this by accident when he first became and admin and I've done it a few times, maybe 3 total over 3+ years.


So I'm sure it was just an accident. Like someone said, mods/admins have that ability to "edit" but it is located next to the "quote" button on their page so it does happen from time to time.


Sorry for the confusion and sorry for the lost material you posted.


Since we don't have spam problems anymore, I may be removing moderators because we have so many and go back to just a handful like we used to have. We've had a few confusing situations lately with mods; no real big deal, but the feedback I've been getting is to drastically reduce the number of moderators we have.

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I like to watch Fox News late at night while wearing women's underwear and eating fair trade raw chocolate.


Dam! Somebody did it again!


Robert, seriously. If there is a software solution in place for the spam feel free to take my mod privileges away.


For everyone else. I made the quote above up, as a joke and ..without using mod controls. For the record Robert does not like Fox News!

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I saw my first spam post in weeks yesterday, but I know a few are floating around every once in a while.


Basically, to be even, I'll probably end up taking out all moderators (some moderators don't even post anymore, or post like once a month or something) and then having people re-apply. I think that sounds fair....rather than having half a dozen current mods who don't visit the forum that often...the point of having them is to keep an eye on things on the forum, delete spam, notice if something starts to get out of hand, welcome new members and make everyone feel comfortable, etc.


P.S. I hate Fox News!

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My guess is that a mod pressed edit instead of quote and didn't catch it.

I've pressed edit by mistake a few times, but it is a little different so I caught it.

I remember reading your post and wondering who you were quoting.


I've caught myself almost accidentally doing that too. I've also wiped out my PMs twice because the delete and delete all buttons are very close together. The current version of the software for this board is poorly laid out. I'm excited that VBB is in the process of upgrading to a new version


I'm confused can you also read, edit, and delete the member's PMs?

If so it's not very private

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I'm confused can you also read, edit, and delete the member's PMs?

If so it's not very private


No I can't.


Here is my quote with new bolding for emphasis. Please do not mistake being cryptic for being offensive, that is not my intent.


I've also wiped out my PMs twice

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He's just joking....no, nobody is reading pms or has the ability to....I've nearly deleted all my messages by accident too. Just be careful not to select "delete all."


I think we still plan on upgrading to phpBB3 soon and then maybe even all new software later on. So moderators will be changing as we change our systems because we'll only need a handful and we'll see who is still interested in doing it when we switch systems.

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Sorry for the over reacting guys!


The only thing I'll say in my defense is that the mood of the board recently with thread lockings etc., played a big part in my mis-interpreting the situation. It's one of the reasons things like thread locking shouldn't be taken lightly, it leads to an atmosphere of distrust and us vs. them.


Other than that, my sincere apologies for making an asstard of myself.

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Forget it Michael.


I can understand how you feel.


I was also on another board last year. I made some mild criticism about that board on another board. Some guy who read both copied my post from one board to the next and then one of the moderators changed the authorship from his name to my name. The owner of the board had a rule that anyone copying content off his board without permission would be banned and I saw him ban a person at least once for doing just that.


He refused to do that for me and he refused to remove my writing which was copied to his board without my permission.


I had to ask several times on the board and I had to email the owner several times off the board reminding him of intellectual property laws to get him to remove my piece from his board that was posted there with his permission.


Our words are ours.


I can understand getting angry when you think someone is playing games with them.

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Wow Michael, glad this was resolved. I generall copy ans paste sections of quotes and type the simple code in, find it easier that way, so I don't have that prob.


Octo, that's crazy, what a violation of privacy.


I actually deleted a spam post by a new troll named boyara or something like that pedaling internet drug sites a day ago, first spam i've seen in weeks also.


Said it before and reiterating, like bw, I have no prob being a reg member as well, whatever works.....

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My guess is that a mod pressed edit instead of quote and didn't catch it.

I've pressed edit by mistake a few times, but it is a little different so I caught it.

I remember reading your post and wondering who you were quoting.


I've caught myself almost accidentally doing that too. I've also wiped out my PMs twice because the delete and delete all buttons are very close together. The current version of the software for this board is poorly laid out. I'm excited that VBB is in the process of upgrading to a new version


I'm confused can you also read, edit, and delete the member's PMs?

If so it's not very private

Don't worry Tashie. Our private conversations are indeed, private.

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