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Punks and Skins


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How many of us on this site were involved with the Punk and skin movement, I would love to find us and hear old school stories.

I have been an anti racist skinhead for 13 years now, and the stories I have are sick.

From the fights to the feeding of homeless in the streets of Cleveland.

I would love to see who else knows that the signature on my comments is from Operation Ivy, I want to know the people I am talking to know what kind of a youth I had, seems like a few do, I know veganessentials does.

Lets just start a cool discussion filled with cool old stories and pics.

I think I have a few I can post




Theres a few just for shits n giggles.

If this sounds cool to anyone I would be honoured to share in the stories of this scene that you may have.

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I'm a punk. It's my favorite music. I go to shows all the time, but as far as "acting" like a punk goes.. I'm pretty quiet and laid back.


Here's a picture of me in high school when I was really into it ... hahahha



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I saw Bad Religion play and then D.O.A a week later.


D.O.A has been around for 30 years and is very popular in Vancouver. I urge you to check them out if you haven't heard of them

Their songs are very political.


I also enjoy SNFU, another Vancouver band. They're songs talk about serious issues in a humorous way. Check out "Don't Have the Cow" and "Cannibal Cafe".

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I only wish I still had some old pics, but they're all stored away at my folks' place and I haven't seen them in years. Most of the old ones have me with my terrible skate-punk inspired hair with big-ass bangs over one eye, or, where I'd just shave half of my head and let the other half grow out. Needless to say, my parents weren't crazy about what would happen when I'd go to the barber Great pics, though, for everyone who has posted!


I can definitely say I'm a big DOA fan One of the first groups I started listening to back when I got into the whole punk scene, got plenty of their stuff on my iPod right now. Didn't get into SNFU as much, but still, they seemed pretty good from what I remember from 25 or so years ago, which is about the last time I heard them (perhaps it's time to revisit their stuff and see how it sounds now )

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I'd say growing up as a punk is the reason I'm a vegan. There's nothing more punk rock than being a Vegan.


I could spin a web of stories about shenanigans I shouldve went to jail for. What with all the squatting, cop watch meetings, & dumpster diving or stealing for food not bombs events. We used to go to walmart and collectively shoplift at least a basket full of items we needed for the squathouse, everything in that place was lifted. One time, we broke into a liquor store and stole all the PBR. Oh youth, how I miss thee.


Now, I'm in the military.. way punk rock, eh? I guess passing out literature and using the governement's money to finish my degree once I get out is well enough.

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I never understood you cats, all my friends that went from robbing people and stealing dope and booze just to go chill with uncle sam.

And I knew a lot of em.

One loved it but went deaf after shooting a 50 cal. without hearing protection, one went insane in boot camp, one get sent to iraq twice.

These cats used to brawl and booze and drop acid now to help drop bombs?


And you did shit with food not bombs?

Not talking shit, I would just love to know what can cause such a crrazy off the wall transition?

Thanks for sharing though, all good times.

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DOA is awesome. I'm not as old as some of you, but I got into this stuff as soon as I could. After I got a hold of Black Flag and the Misfits I was hooked. Never did dress the part of a punker though. I also like the hardcore ethos better. It's overall positive just respect other people, respect yourself, help out those in need. I prefer that to lets get trashed or go pick a fight with some passive aggressive nazi kids. Plus being macho and wearing athletic shorts is comfortable.

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I saw DOA just a few weeks ago. They released a new album called "Northern Avenger". It kicks ass!! I'd like to share some pics from the show.


Mr. Joey Shithead himself.








New bass player.. He played for Bif a couple times but I don't remember his name. Last time I saw him he played outside in the rain with Bif and got electrocuted a little bit cuz it was raining. Poor guy. I think his name is Dan.



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I took these pics at a show many years ago. They're great punk-rock bands from Quebec where I live, you probably never heard of them and some of them sing in French so you won't understand all the lyrics, lol... but if you find some of their music on the internet, they're pretty good, especially GRIMSKUNK it's my favorite. Here's a list of all the punk bands from Quebec, most of them sing in English. www.quebecpunkscene.net




Groovy Aardvark


Vincent Peak from Groovy Ardvark

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I grew up on a diet of punk rock and nothing.


-CRASS (same old CRASS you've heard it all before CRASS being crass)


-Minor Threat

-Dead Kennedys


-Those were some of my main influences off the top of my head but there's more. I don't really listen to it actively these days but I still have a soft spot and fond memories. Lots of screaming, yelling, and flailing about. The salad days.



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Man I love NOFX, beer bong was great.

In 94 besides Rancid this was the first band I was influenced by.

A bunch of kids from a city next to mine turned me on to this whole scene one night of getting wasted and listening to the sounds of a bong, NOFX, and stories.

That night we went dumpster diving for food and that was it.

Ahh good times.

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That show last night was amazing.

If the street dogs come near your town i urge you to go, especially to see the one band they are touring with, Flatfoot 56.

This band put on a great show, and had tons of circle pits and even had people do 2 walls of death and just kick ass other old school pits.

It was awesome, though I got very shitty drunk off rum and cokes, and how I am even able to see straight right now I dont know.

The only downfall was there were so many high school kids that I felt like an old man, but its nice to see that the scene keeps kicking.

I urge you to check out flatfoot 56, they are on myspace, great band.

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My buddy is good friends with the guys of Flatfoot 56. They're really cool guys. I've only ever seen them at a show where myself and two other people were the only ones slamming. I'll probably see them live again in Chicago. Hopefully it will be a better show.


I lovvvveeeeeeee old school punk rock, still listen to it a bunch, and even the newer stuff i listen to sounds a lot like the old stuff. Chronic Seizure is my favorite local punk band from Chicago. There's also a few other bands, Intifada, I Attack, The Catburgulars, who i've seen live over the years in houses or basements in Chicago. I never had anybody to go to shows with in High School and it's nice to have college aged kids to go to shows with. My buddy and I are gonna live together when he graduates and will probably be hitting the Chicago punk scene hard.


I also love Swedish punk and hardcore. Regulations are my favvvvvv.

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