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Tips for bench pressing....


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Guys I need some help. My chest has always been a weak spot. Now I am nearly about to military press the same weight I bench press. Is there any tips that may help me. Maybe my technique is incorrect? I bring the dumbbells down as far as I can before I lift them back up.






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First there's nothing wrong with having a military press close to bench. Overhead pressing is becoming a lost art for many...


As far as getting a higher bench, I'd suggest using a barbell rather then dumbbells, you'll be able to move more weight.


As for technique here goes:

Place your feet firmly on the ground, spread out a bit to the side. have your butt and upper back firmly on the bench with a slight arch in your back. Keep your shoulders back and together. To start a bench press, push your feet against the ground hard and lower the weight to the chest while inhaling, keeping tension throughout the body. Push the weight up with your chest and arms with either exhaling or holding your breath, keep pushing the ground with your feet. If you get the technique down you should be able to easily add 10-20% to what you lift.

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I wish my military was near my Bench, then i'd be a monster. Military is a much more important exercise imo for show of overall upperbody strength. People all ask "what do you bench" as like the measuring stick for how strong someone is, but i think it's not that important of a exercise for sports/ real life strength compared to other things.


I think everyone has genetics that make certain things either harder or easier then others, so one person might be better at Squats and another at deads or whatever the exercise. You can still build a massive bench with the right training. Focus on heavy compond free weight exercises mainly Bench and more so Incline Bench. you can add in other stuff like flys or cabble work, but nothing will ever beat free weights.


Another thing i've noticed is that usally strong guys that built that through sports or manual laber allways have very strong shoulders relitive to there benching. I have a friend that did alot of farming and stuff like that and never totched weights and he could do 75 dumbells 10 times while his bench was only like 185 10 times.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another tip for pressing, especially for us tall guys...your grip positioning on the bar. Wider is not better. Play around with how close or far apart you need to go to get your optimal. With my long arms I've got to go right at shoulder wider or slightly closer to get my best results.


And just so this comment doesn't open up a debate. I am talking about bench pressing as a composite exercise not a pec major isolation exercise.

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