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Watch Religulous For Free


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I watched this last night, thought it was really good. My only problem with it was that he didn't seem to have much of a direction in each conversation, other than to put the other person down and make them feel uncomfortable - and not because of the content of what he was saying, but the way in which he was talking to them, making fun of them to their faces. That's fun from a certain perspective, and I found a lot of it funny, but I felt he could have covered exactly the same material, but without the personal attacks which just weren't productive. Also, it seemed to be edited quite heavily, to make the interviewees appear even more strange, but I could be wrong. I agreed with everything he put across, and it's always refreshing to see a documentary of this kind where atheism/agnosticism is being presented as correct, and I learnt a few things - for instance the number of non-religious people in the US, that really surprised me

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Yeah humans as a whole are one messed up animal and religion is a big part of that. The countries/ groups of the past and present would have a very hard time trying to get enough willing fighters if they didn't tell them stuff about how god blesses them or if they die they get virgins and all that. MY whole thing is believe what you want to believe(as stupid and irrational as it is) as long as it doesn't hurt/ effect other people/ Animals/ places/ things

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Thanks again for the link, you reminded me I wanted to see it.


I liked it alot.


I would have liked its approach to be a little more fact based, I found it to be a bit anecdotal for my taste. I felt like he was on the verge of going Michael Moore any minute, though he never really did. I wouldn't show this to one of my college classes, I might show a 3 minute clip of it though, like maybe the part where he's talking to the guys in the trucker church.

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And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn’t want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money.

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I watched Religulous a couple weeks ago. I agree with a couple posters above me that the movie lacked direction.


After about the first half hour I was already tired of his questions and how he treated people. But I endured, because every now and then I dont mind the occasional religion bashing. I hope that towards the end of the move he would redeem himself and give answers on how to change peoples minds, or break down the facts of aethiesm / agnoticism. Something so that if Christians happened to watch the movie, they just wouldnt see a guy running around making fun of people, but instead some facts or some some honest questions that would make the religious people think.

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