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HST - Holy Shite Training

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Had a good day yesterday. The German Vegetarian Union had their annual celebration and i was invited as a speaker. The food was awesome!

They had all vegan cakes and cookies at 3pm, and an amazing vegan buffet at 6:30pm!


Workout yesterday morning was challenging cardio wise


Squat: 2x15 with 85kg

Bench: 2x15 with 65kg

Barbell row (overhand): 2x15 with 70kg

Barbell press: 2x15 with 32.5kg

Chin-ups: 2x10

Deadlift: 2x15 with 100kg.

One set each:

CGBP: 15x50kg

Incline bench dumbell curls: 15x12kg

Dips: 15x10kg

Seated calf raises, 20x110kg




Today workout felt better, i had more energy. Was through faster, i decreased the reps on the second set for squats and deads though.


Squat: 90kg x 15, 10.

Bench: 2x15 with 65kg

Barbell row (overhand): 2x15 with 70kg

Barbell press: 2x15 with 32.5kg

Chin-ups: 11, 8, 3 (break was too short for 11 in the second set )

Deadlift: 100kg x 15, 10.

One set each:

CGBP: 15x55kg

Incline bench dumbell curls: 15x12kg

Dips: 15x12.5kg

Seated calf raises, 17x120kg



Next time only one set each


Tomorrow i'll start my trip to Edi, first stop, London

Next workout will be on tuesday with Richard

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Happy travels Daywalker!

Thank you!


I'm having a great time!

Yesterday i travelled 12 hours from Frankfurt to London and met a dozen people from the veganfitness forum there

The food at the Thai buffet was amazing!


Today i finally met our very own ninja and we worked out together at his gym.


That's what i did:


Squat: 95kg x 15.

Bench: 70kg x 15.

Barbell row (overhand): 75kg x 15.

Barbell press: 35kg x 15 (very hard )

Chin-ups: 12, 6.

Deadlift: 110kg x 15 - friggin' cardio!

CGBP: 57.5kg x 15

Incline bench dumbell curls: 12.5kg x 15

Dips: 15kg x 12 (still using dumbells instead of a chain, maybe that's harder).

Calf raises on incline machine, 150kg x 12



After the workout i had a weak moment and posed in the locker room

The lighting was just too good And actually i liked myself in the mirror - something that doesn't happen very often. I think i'm on a good way with my training and eating


Now it's food time and tomorrow i'm going to do pretty much the same in the Sugden Barbell Gym in Manchester


So, we just had food .. tons of it

Richard is actually a very good cook - is there anything a ninja can't do?

With the kind of diet i'm having since i arrived in the UK, i'm gonna be at huge 90kg in no time!

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Are you sure Richard is a good cook...after all he could have just swiftly ninjad himself to Portland to pick up food from Blossoming Lotus and ninjad himself back all while you washed your hands for dinner

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Awesome Daywalker. Let's keep on bulking together. I'm also traveling, but not nearly as much as you. So cool that you have this opportunity to do so much of it.


You also got to meet the Ninja!!! As soon as I get funds together and a break from work, I want to make a special trip to stay with the Ninja for a while. There will be more DDTs than we'll know what to do with.


Enjoy your travels, training and eating. Glad to hear you were a speaker. We need people like you out there doing that.

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After the workout i had a weak moment and posed in the locker room

The lighting was just too good


But why call it a weak moment? You are a real bodybuilder, not a closet one like us powerlifters . You can get away with posing in mirrors .

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Potter, there was no chance for him to do that, 'cos i didn't wash my hands


With the kind of diet i'm having since i arrived in the UK, i'm gonna be at huge 90kg in no time!


Don't you mean 100kg??

Hehe, no, i mean 90kg in no time and 100kg shortly afterwards



Crystal, today is a cardio session coming up again - 115kgx15 reps deadlift

I'm trying to be a strength athlete, so thank you!


Unfortunately, i didn't make it to the Sugden Barbell Gym in time yesterday So no weight training with JP

BUT, as if i had sensed that desaster coming up, i had a training session with our very own ninja in the morning, so at least i did something that day

Check the link: viewtopic.php?t=4382



I've arrived safely in Edinburgh and have been welcomed by Jonathan

I'm about to train for the first time in our homegym

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Wait for me you bastards! And watch out for that nice new floor too


Don't worry, i'll wait.

Actually, i have to wait, because Jonathan filled me up to the brim with food and smoothie He seems to be really dedicated to make me grow

So i need a couple of hours to digest before training anyway

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Jonathan tried to wear me out before the workout by taking me on a bike ride. Friggin' hills around here everywhere!


Squat: 97.5kg x 15. Harder than it sould have been, i blame it on the bike ride

Bench: 70kg x 15. Pretty solid.

Barbell row (overhand): 77.5kg x 15. That was hard! Maybe the weights are heavier here...?

Barbell press: 35kg x 15 Easy today

Chin-ups: 13, 6.

Deadlift: 115kg x 15.

CGBP: 57.5kg x 15

Incline bench dumbell curls: 15kg x 12

Dips: 15kg x 15.

Calf raises with 35kg dumbell in one hand, 15 reps each side.



After the workout i drank 1.5l of water and was just about to shower when Jonathan forced a 650+kcal protein shake down my throat!

I'm quite sure i'm gonna grow here... Had good food after the shower, too, plus banana cake for dessert!

Now it's Builder Bar time!

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You better watch it or builder bar time will be over very fast...by the way they're only $0.99 a bar at Ellwoods right now(until the end of this month) so if you want more let me know and I can send them over for you

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You better watch it or builder bar time will be over very fast...by the way they're only $0.99 a bar at Ellwoods right now(until the end of this month) so if you want more let me know and I can send them over for you


If I get down there you must take me to that place.

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Had a good training session yesterday night, finally some decent music Rage against the machine


Brian did a PB on bench right before i started training, and big Jono was doing squats, so the atmosphere was cool


Squat: 97.5kg x 15. Nicer than the day before, going to do 100 tomorrow.

Bench: 72.5kg x 15. Felt the same as 70 the day before.

Barbell row (overhand): 77.5kg x 15.

Barbell press: 37.5kg x 15.

Chin-ups: 14, 6.

Deadlift: 120kg x 15

CGBP: 57.5kg x 15.

Incline bench dumbell curls: 15kg x 13.

Dips: 15kg x 15.

Calf raises with 35kg dumbell in one hand, 12 reps each side.



I spent the day in Edinburgh center with Jono. He forced high caloric drinks down me all the time... until i was so sick i had the willpower to resist this mad giant... He seems to get 75% of his calories through drinking at least. I'm rather a father of food that has to be chewed (well, then again, most of his smoothies have to be chewed as well! )



Seems like I'll have to bring more builder bars when I visit as well .

Yeah, but be careful! They almost tore me into pieces as both of them tried to get to the Builder Bars first!

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A wonderful morning today lured me outside for a walk. Got back and went right to training.


Squat: 100kg x 15. Wasn't quite ready, the last reps were actually easier and better form than the first few. I think i warmed up dureing the set

Bench: 75kg x 12, 3. Fuckin' heavy

Barbell row (overhand): 80kg x 15.

Barbell press: 40kg x 11, 4.

Chin-ups: 15, 6.

Deadlift: 125kg x 10, 5.

CGBP: 60kg x 15.

Incline bench dumbell curls: 15kg x 12.

Dips: 16.25kg x 15.

Calf raises with 35kg dumbell in one hand, 12 reps each side.



Overall i was very weak today, but triceps exercises were good.


Then in the afternoon i joined jono and Brian for their strongman training. Didn't do the yoke, but farmers walk.

70kg x 40m and 90kg x 20m. 70kg was harder, 90kg was surprisingly easy

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