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What stresses you out? How do you relax?


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Nobody believes me when I tell them that where I turn for stress is to food and alcohol (wine).

But lately, I've had a really good handle on that.... I think it's because I've went back to jogging for my cardio, done mainly at night when I normally would want to snack or have a glass of wine.


I am sacraficing some lean muscle in order to jog, but I had truly forgotten how much it relaxes me.


Other than that, I struggle to relax. I'm a very high strung person and have a very hard time relaxing, but I'm in a good groove right now and feel very in control this month



Oh... just noticed the 2nd part of this thread was WHAT stresses me out. I've always had very high expectations of myself and if I'm not on track I literally will NOT do social events unless I feel I've earned them; so the stress is ALL self inflicted. The only thing that keeps me sane is I have a good sense of humor and the ability to laugh at myself and at life. Without that... I'd truly be a nutcase! ha, ha.

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People not communicating properly or not being very straight forward, and not respecting my time. Most of all Meat talk... when people bost about eating meat or killing animals for recreation. That stuff stress me out.

Solution to the first problem ... not rely on others and only count on yourself. Answer to the second well I try to meet up wit other vegans as much as possible...


Besides that I am pretty easy going and don't get that stressed. oh and working out.

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I'm pretty laid back, but when I've not had enough sleep anything can set me off. It's mostly people that piss me off; 2 faced people, people who think they're better than others, people who try to bully/boss other folk about, the general public , people who think it's funny to honk their horns and/or shout things (or gesture) at you while they drive past (happens nearly everytime i walk to or from work lol)


For relaxing; baths, working out, nappy-naps, playing guitar, listening to quiet music

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