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Why I won't call my self a raw foodist. Yet I will eat raw.


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I have seen a lot of people who love food. I don't blame them it is a pleasure of life. Great. I don't want to get into a debate on what is good or not. Just the basic idea behind this post is that yeah I like raw veggies. I just don't like the raw food movement because it seems it revolves around health. I am no saying all of it but some of it is a bit beyond me. I cannot identify myself with that. I am Vegan that is the only so called label I will keep. Raw food is has it's merits but after seeing that this movement has "I" as the center of it's philosophy I just can't follow that. Yes to love oneself is great. I just don't think I am the most important thing on this planet. Yeah I respect my health and I want to eat well to feel well. THRIVE like Brendan says. Just all this bee products and people eating raw goat milk and such and others still wearing leather... even the raw meetups I went to people would say to me " but I still need my meat I felt weak without it; I just eat a lot of raw...." sorry pal but I don't get with that. Vegan is what I love, I love my vegan brothers and sisters metaphorically speaking of course, and I there are good things out of the raw food movement but a Raw Foodist or Raw food enthusiast is not a label I want to take. I would prefer to save an animal before touching honey. This planet and the beings living in it are just more important...Just some of my thoughts on the matter.

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because it seems it revolves around health.


That is how it started and that is all it has ever been about ( albeit with misguided views of reality ). It is like joining a bike club and getting tired of hearing people talk about nothing but,....bikes


Raw food is has it's merits but after seeing that this movement has "I" as the center of it's philosophy


I've noticed that too. There seems to be an undercurrent of wanting some magic power for the greater glory of the "I" as you put.


You get that with other groups too, but the raw foodists seem to be concentrated with that motivation.


"Look at me, I eat magic food, I'll live forever and leap tall buildings in a single bound"

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One point I always think is worth making is that being a vegan and eating a vegan diet is not the same thing.


Eating a vegan diet is eating a diet devoid of animal products, including honey.


Being a vegan is believing that it is wrong to exploit animals ( use them for our own selfish purposes ).


A raw foodist who eats an animal product free diet, but who doesn't hold the second belief isn't a vegan.

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I agree! rawesome is annoying. I know a few raw foodist here who are not like that at all and are not all about this superfood magic cloud stuff and they very much care about animals "such as Lean and Green" . He sets a great example for many here. I don't see him jumping around with magic wands and stuff. Again those are some people but still the idea of the movement as it is is more about diet than caring about animals and respecting all living beings. I adapt the word vegan because it just makes sense. It is a good way to live your life and I believe a better life.

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I don't care what the raw meat eaters and honey eaters have to say, I consider them like the regular omnivores, not part of the raw movement. Those that eat raw meat appears to me like pathologic cases so I don't even listen to them seriously. Anyway I hear more often about vegan raw foodists than raw omnivores.

because it seems it revolves around health.


That is how it started and that is all it has ever been about ( albeit with misguided views of reality ). It is like joining a bike club and getting tired of hearing people talk about nothing but,....bikes :)

Is there something wrong about health ? Is it shameful or something to blame ? About what else should it be? About money? About skycrappers? Veganism is for animals, but also for health and environment. Raw vegan is all this, plus health.


Raw food is has it's merits but after seeing that this movement has "I" as the center of it's philosophy



I've noticed that too. There seems to be an undercurrent of wanting some magic power for the greater glory of the "I" as you put.


You get that with other groups too, but the raw foodists seem to be concentrated with that motivation.


"Look at me, I eat magic food, I'll live forever and leap tall buildings in a single bound"


I understand what you mean, but the ''I'' is related to superior health one can get from eating raw fruits and vegetables. I ate organic fruits and nothing else for a week and felt better than when I add other foods like bread, soy, etc to my diet. I noticed my health and energy level improved as soon as the morning of the second day; I jumped out of bed after only 4 or 5 hours of sleep instead of 8 and didn't feel the need to take a cold shower or wash my face to wake me up. If I skipped I meal I never felt tired or anything. Why I didn't continue eating only fruits and salad if I feel better that way? I don't know really, I guess because I'm not fanatic about my health that much yet (but I know later I'll be) and because it started to rain everyday and it was almost as cold as winter, and because I was tired of hearing co-workers' comments about my fruit eating. But I continue to eat a fruit and raw vegetables only diet once in a while, and I always eat some everyday on a regular vegan diet with some cooked food.

There's nothing wrong with taking care of our own body and mind, as long as you don't hate the others. If everybody would take care of their health perhaprs they wouldn't want to harm other people too. Usually its people that dont give a damn about their own lives that will do the same towards the others, since they're even less important than themselves.

But of course I agree that raw vegans should only talk about the health benefits of their diet but also the animal respect aspect of it.

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I started studying all the feeding omnivorous hanging from the lips of false scientists.

Later after i open my eyes to some issues have become a vegetarian then vegan.

Time periods of alternating periods of crudist a single fruit, I eat only cooked for a matter of taste.

I eat fruit when they eat a lot of nuts, but most people kind of read Richard Blackman more convinced I am that you arrange your body alone.

So are increasingly convinced that it is a matter of calories, not nutrients.

In any case, our nature is the same of the apes, then the fruit is for us the best food.


I hope you understand what I write because I use a translation program online.

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