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In Canada we had our Thanksgiving last month....I made chickpea cutlets, green bean casserole (which wasn't really all that unhealthy like it usually is) and stuffing (low fat, but still a lot of bready carbs). Husband made mashed taters and gravy because he loves them so and I had some. It wasn't TOO bad of a meal....but then came the chocolate torte.... ah well, I enjoyed it.

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we have friends visiting from NC (which is awesome! too bad my throat hurts...)


we are having:

chick pea cutlets, green bean casserole, spiced mashed sweet potatoes, vegan mac and cheese, Kentucky derby pie (the greatest thing on earth!!), sparkling cranberry cider...and maybe blue berry pie. and we'll have to see what else. I intend to eat massive amounts of food.


happy "eat yo' face off" day!

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at some point someone will tell the genocidal reason behind this US tradition, how much work there is to be done, and why we're thankful we are together.

Actually there is no genocidal reason behind the tradition. It was about comeing together and giving thanks.

I have Indian friends, my wife is a Native American Eskimo, and I go to a couple of Pow Wow a year. I understand there history, pain, and plight. I also understand you hatred and it's steeped in racism, your racism. It is becoming more apparent.

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you have no idea what you're talking about.


i think it's pretty stinky for you to get up in this thread and start shit.


it's also completely ridiculous to call me racist like that.


and it bears mentioning that having a wife or friend of color doesn't automatically exclude the possibility that you yourself are a racist pig and/or willfully ignorant. even thomas jefferson slept with his slaves. it's not correct to absolve him of racism and willful perpetuation of the slave economy for his own gains and for his friends'. and, some people perpetuate ignorance like you.


going to a few pow wows doesn't make you knowledegable about the history of thanksgiving, joe, it makes you a willfully ignorant person who has gone to a few pow wows and married an eskimo.

Edited by vivalasvegans
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I just got done pan frying these tofu cutlets found on vegwe: http://vegweb.com/index.php?topic=10766.0


And my wife is currently making mashed potatoes. In addition to the dressing she made last night and the pumpkin pie, should be a tasty day.


I'll go running tomorrow or something. lol


you have no idea what you're talking about. i also think it's pretty stinky for you to get up in this thread and start shit.
I think you're the one that started shit with the genocide reference. That's pretty stinky.
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some people may think it's better to gloss over the history of the holidays so they can do whatever it is they do on this day. some people do think it's better to commemorate the history and also give thanks or be happy to hang out together. whatever is fine, no one is telling anyone what to do here. this is a thread about what people are doing on thanksgiving day. that's what we're doing, and it's what we've always done.


should i not have mentioned it because the history makes some people uncomfortable? should we also not talk about the for-profit mass market slaughter of turkeys who are bred with breasts so big for white meat that they often can't even stand up?


if genocide makes you uncomfortable, i am sorry. it made alot of people alot more uncomfortable in the past.


I think you're the one that started shit with the genocide reference. That's pretty stinky.
nope, it's just our tradition. calling my character into question because i mentioned a tradition of commemorating genocide - that stinks to high heaven.
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you have no idea what you're talking about..

Oh yes I do.


it's also completely ridiculous to call me racist like that. .

Funny how you don't see things like this when you call me a racist. You're ridiculous.


and it bears mentioning that having a wife or friend of color doesn't automatically exclude the possibility that you yourself are a racist pig and/or willfully ignorant. even thomas jefferson slept with his slaves. it's not correct to absolve him of racism and willful perpetuation of the slave economy for his own gains and for his friends'. and, some people perpetuate ignorance like you..

See your just stuck in hatred mode. It's sad. Thomas Jefferson? Wake up sweety it's 2009.

You my friend perpetuate hatred. I'm not ignorant about people like you.

I contend you are the racist hater. You come with a 200 year old story of hate and want to set it on my table.

Well your projected hatred is not welcome at my table.



going to a few pow wows doesn't make you knowledegable about the history of thanksgiving, joe, it makes you a willfully ignorant person who has gone to a few pow wows and married an eskimo.

Having read books and taken several college class on Native American History (got B+ or better in all classes) does. I've been going to Pow Wows for over 30 years. and will be at this years New Years Pow Wow.


I'd suggest that you have fun, but I don't think your hatred would allow that.



Here is a pic of my Lokota Star that I sowed at a gathering.


Keep telling myself I'm going to make a frame for it. I do have some cedar wood.



Our children were presented an Eagle feather at graduation and were allowed by the School to wear it along with there tassle on the graduation cap, at graduation.

Should I stop now?

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