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Poll: always hot or cold?

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Curious: are people here normally hot.


I have always been hot. Especially a day or two after hard weight lifting. I have read before that weight lifting increase your metabolism enough that you are actually much hotter (it is radiated off you versus actually raising your body's internal temperature) from the high calorie burning. I remember a show where the trainer said the heat coming off people was measured to be materially higher among weight lifters.


I believe Robert has stated that he is the opposite (always cold.) How about others?

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Always warm. I am currently sitting at the computer in my bath robe, and its about 15degrees C, and thats perfect for me. I hate central heating (the other night it was 17degrees in the bedroom and I didn't sleep well due to the heat.

Anything over 20 indoors, and I will be wearing little more than shorts.


24degrees is the most that is comfortable for me outside.


Its just as well that we are planning to move to the north of scotland in the not too distant future!



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Hehe. Yeah I can vouch for that, flanders! And you will vouch for the fact that I walk around in less clothing than most.

@Jonathan: just like me! I hardly ever put my radiator on. People always say my room is cold but it's perfect for me!

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When I was living in the dorm at college, we put aluminum foil over the window and set the air conditioner to 50 degrees (farenheit), which was the lowest it would go.

You could see your breath in the room in the middle of August, and if you were wearing glasses, they would steam up instantly if you left the room.

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I've never really felt cold, but lately I have been quite hot.

Just a few days ago, I cleaned up the diet and upped the excercise intensity. Now I feel like I have a microfurnace inside me.

Definitely don't need covers at night!

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I'm always hot, but then ladies love this....::Flex::


....Oh wait, we're talking about body temperature?


I get cold, but I sometimes sit at the computer for a couple of hours, so my heating system tends to turn off, but once I start exercise I'm normally warm.

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I was in Philadelphia once, when it was around 15F and all the natives were bundled tight, with ear muffs etc., I was wearing a moderately thin casual jacket. Many people would ask me if I were not cold and I would say I liked it. They would then ask from where I was (probably thought I would say Canada.) When I said, "Houston", they would look at me as if I were crazy.

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I was a nervous kid growing up and I could actually have sweat drip off my hands as if I had just dipped them in water. I could also sweat through my shoes. My feet would sweat so much that my socks would get soaked and it would seep through to my shoes and was visible. I'm not talking about exercising, just attending school. I was a nervous, sweaty kid.


Now I hardly ever sweat, even when working out. My hands are sometimes cold, but also quite warm a lot of the time.


I LOVE warm weather. I lived in Phoenix, AZ for a year, around 110 degrees during the summer or hotter. I also lived out in Mexico on a ship for 6 months, and in the Caribbean for 7 months. I really enjoyed L.A. lat week.


I think I'll end up somewhere warm.


My sister is often quite cold, my mom is always very hot, and I seem to be able to adapt well, but I'd rather be warm than cold.


P.S. my hands don't drip anymore, but my feet still sweat a bit.

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