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Milk Comedy with Jerry, Kramer, George & Elaine


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I've probably only seen the show Seinfeld once or twice, but I think this is totally funny... enjoy!

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Milk Comedy with Jerry, Kramer, George & Elaine


The Jerry Seinfeld show was one of the most

sucessful sitcoms in television history.

Jerry's milk & dairy comments:



Jerry Seinfeld (to kids):


Hey, look at those large animals in the field!

Let's go squeeze those things underneath them

and then drink whatever comes out. Then, let's

take whatever's left over, put it aside for a

year or so and - eat it!








Isn't it weird that we drink milk, stuff

designed to nourish baby cows? How did THAT

happen? Did some cattleman once say, "Oh,

man, I can't wait till them calves are done

so I can get ME a hit of that stuff."




Is that it? Ice cream?



Thirty-nine years I enjoy my milk

products, and now I can only pray for

proper digestion. I'm an old man...



An old and bloated man. Lactose intolerance,

the milk-lover's Wile E. Coyote!



Beep beep.



I sorta like that full feeling. You

know, they oughta make foods with a

whole lotta lactose. Pepperoni-and-

lactose pizza, lactose sprinkles,

stuff like that.



Are you insane?!



Jury's still out on that one. Speaking

of food, you guys are invited to a

barbecue thrown by Elaine and her

new boyfriend.



As long as he's not a dairy farmer.

One look at those cows and I'm musical.



Hey, there's a group for you people, you

know. It's called, uh... Lactose

Intolerants Anonymous. Yeah, that's it.






The L.I.A.

A whole bunch of 'em, they meet every week

in that little church on Fifty-Second.



Sixty cramping people in one tiny

room, now there's a situation.





Ever have milk the day after? It scares

the hell out of you.





That's okay. That's good. You think Louie

Pasteur and his wife had anything in common?

He was in the fields all day with the cows,

you know with the milk, examining the milk,

delving into milk, consumed with milk.

Pasteurization, homogenization...



Kramer: (to George)


But what tempts you? You're a portly fellow.

A bit long in the waistband. So what's your

pleasure? Is it the salty snacks you crave?

No no no no...Yours is a sweet tooth. Oh, you

may stray, but you'll always return to your dark

master...The cocoa bean! And only the purest

syrup nectar can satisfy you. If you could, you'd

guzzle it by the gallon...Ovaltine!? Hershey's!?

Nestle's Quick!?



Seinfeld's routine as performed on the David

Letterman show:


Jerry Seinfeld: "I'll tell you what I like about that

mad cow disease...I like the fact that we're attempting

to blame it on the cows! They are crazy! They are nuts!

These cows are out of their minds! Of course the cows are

thinking 'Oh yeah? You're drinking me, you're eating me,

you're wearing me, you're sneaking up on me and tipping

me over.' Yeah, and I'M a little off mentally? That's why

we're mad! Maybe it's a good thing. Maybe we'll eat a little



Everyone in this room is trying to lose a little weight.

A little..something. Everyone's trying to lose something.

And not one of you is doing it. I'm not doing it. No one is

doing it. Not one person is losing weight! Not one! Do you

think that a possible explanation could be that we are still

trying to find ways to stuff MORE CHEESE into A PIECE OF

PIZZA?! We've hollowed out the crust. We hollowed out the

crust about 3 years ago. Now we're double-layering the

foundation. I understand they have a new thing coming out...

They will actually bake your head right into the pizza!

Pizza Hut. It's called 'Hey Pizza-Face.' And you wear the

pizza and attempt to eat your way out of it."


Robert Cohen


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That's awesome.... He makes a good point, with each passing day of vegan-ness, actually drinking milk from a cow seems more and more insane and utterly ing- They must have been pretty desparate to start it in the first place-



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