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This is unbelievable. Maybe other people won't understand why this has pissed me off, but check it out. I did illustration at university, and constantly had my tutors telling me how my work isn't appropriate for a degree course blah, because it's immature etc etc. I was just looking at the university website. Some of my artwork is used on the site, without my permission of course. Anyone else think this is totally insane? They always told me not to do that kind of work, now it's on their site. I was about to send an email telling them to take it down because I hate the university. But then I figured, there's no remaining evidence that I even made the artwork.


It pisses me off because they didn't ask my permission, and it's been put in with other work like a graphic design thing, a big montage. It isn't even on its own with 'By Richard Watts' next to it, they just used it as a part of another graphic image. And it looks like shite. I hate the freaking tutors and the university, and they always complained about my work, now they use it, I'm so mad right now. If my work isn't appropriate to be done at university, why use it to advertise the course??? It's so hypocritical.

Edited by Richard
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That sucks!


Are you sure there is no way to prove that these are your works? Were they signed? I'd write a polite but pointed email, requesting that they remove the artwork. But don't get attached to the idea that they will. At least you will have made the effort.


Obviously, your tutors were full of shinola. (Though maybe you were ahead of your time, and what seemed "too immature" at that time is now seen in a different light.)

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No, all my work is / was digital, and so nothing is signed or whatever, I don't even have the original file anymore I think.


I am not ahead of my time, there's like a million other artists who do the same kind of shit as me, my tutors were just have IQ difficulties and have different backgrounds, and assume that anything different is inherently inferior

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I sent an email asking how I can contact my 3rd year tutor. I will at least give him a strongly worded email. I have been wanting to slam him for years since he was so unreasonable throughout unversity and he was a big part as to why I regret my time there. It isn't even his fault that this happened. I just want him to know that other people at the university clearly think my work is appropriate, and underline the irony that MY work is used after all the crap he gave me.

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Sucks man. Of course, you know my repsponse.......Devon...........get the table!


DDT off the top rope onto a flaming table. ECW! ECW! ECW!


Seriously though.............just a regular DDT. Ok, no, seriously though......sucks man, I'd contact them just to see what's up. Any artist of any kind should always get credit for their work in some way.

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The fact that your work is digital and not signed does not mean that it is free for anybody to use without your permission.

IMHO you should write them (the university administration) a letter (no e-mail) and tell them that you did not give your permission to use your artwork. They violated your copyrights.

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Absolutely agree!!!!

The worst case scenario is they demand proof but hopefully they will listen to reason.



The fact that your work is digital and not signed does not mean that it is free for anybody to use without your permission.

IMHO you should write them (the university administration) a letter (no e-mail) and tell them that you did not give your permission to use your artwork. They violated your copyrights.

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Wow, that is absurd and illegal, or would be in the states and I assume so in the UK.


My Aunt I am living with is an adjunct professer and PhD student studying education, particularly arts education. I can imagine how she would read your professors the riot act for such close-minded views on what constitutes art.

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Aigh I calmed down about it. I got in contact with my old university tutor, but when it came down to it, I realised I'm not really angry about that. Instead, I sent him a really long email complaining about him and his course, and the university, and how he didn't tutor me properly or offer me support. I also mentioned the work being on the website, but by then I realised that I actually find that funny. It's just the the university and the course that I dislike so I got all that off my chest, and told him that if my work can be used for something which it's apparently totally inappropriate for, then it must be pretty good and I'll have lots of opportunities in the future

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