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I'm sorry to say that I must go. Between trying to lose weight and get muscular and fit, and just plain healthy, I failed somehow.


I juiced, I ate vegetables and fruits, I cleansed, fasted, made sure I had enough protien by supplimenting with spirulina and gaba rice when I did cook. I tried not to overeat, but I was so darned hungry. Now I know why.


I had a recent bout with the flu, my first in years. I've never felt so healthy in my life as when I went Vegan. But this flu was different. I coudln't get rid of it from my lungs and visited a doctor. I had a few nebulizer treatments as I have athsma and I felt good. But the doctor suggested as I had gained a lot of weight since I had last seen her, that I should take some blood tests.


How can a Vegan....mainly raw 60-70% on top of it, gain 100 lbs? I don't understand it. Maybe I had too many nuts and seeds? Maybe I overate? But I wanted the bloodtest as much as the doctor did. So I went. And it was determined that I have diabetes. I was told...that all the vegetables and fruits I ate, gave me diabetes. Also, it was determined that my liver enzymes were through the roof. I went to see a GI dr. He said that I probally already had diabetes and that the food I was eating wasn't helping. Too much starch, too many carbs and all the weight I gained, caused me a fatty liver-NASH.


They have put me on a restrictive diet. Basicly, I can choose soy or meats/poultry/fish. Very few vegetables. And lots of whole grains. I tried the grains, my blood sugar is through the roof. I tried the soy and I've eaten so much soy I'm ed. I'm pretty allergic to eggs. I did what I had to. I went to the organic store and bought some grass fed bison. Basically one steak. And ate that for the entire week. Disgusting, yes, filling, yes. But I don't know how else to live. They say no seeds and nuts. The fat is bad for the liver. They say no vegetables except for onions and broccoli. And the only fruit I'm allowed is tomatoes and bell peppers. I grill and steam everything...nothing raw. I'm sooooooo unhappy. And guess what? I lost 18 lbs in two weeks.


I must leave this group. While I believe in the principles you all follow, the regimines you all endure, and the ideas and science you uphold, my body does not comply. I wish you all luck in your endevors and hope that when I combat my diabetes and the liver problem, I shall be back.

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I'm sorry about the bad news.

There are ways to go about with diabetes I know dr.Fuhrman have helped alot of people with diabetes. You can start by checking out the diabetes topics on his blog and then check out his home page where you also can book a phone consultation with him or his dietitian. I know that people like dr.McDougall and dr. Esselstyn also have helped alot of people.


When it comes to weight gain, if I eat too much processed food even if it's organic, vegan, etc, I gain weight. I'm a guy, 6'5'' (197cm), 100kg and I work out about 15hrs/week, walk about 10km/day and take my bicycle everywhere (I don't even own a car).

It's very different for different people.

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I don't see how greens would have a negative effect as they really don't have much in terms of carbs. Compare that to peppers and onions and I think greens have far less. It makes sense to avoid sugary things and fats for now but greens should do the trick. Anyway good luck...and keep the soy interesting...there's lots to do with tofu

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I was told...that all the vegetables and fruits I ate, gave me diabetes.


That strikes me as very strange, although I am not an expert. Anybody else think that sounds strange? I'd like an explanation from someone who knows more about it.

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I was told...that all the vegetables and fruits I ate, gave me diabetes.


That strikes me as very strange, although I am not an expert. Anybody else think that sounds strange? I'd like an explanation from someone who knows more about it.


It sounds really strange to me too. It flies in the face of pretty much everything I've learned about nutrition (which I am certain is more than what most doctors know). It also goes completely against all the stuff that's been in the news lately about vegan diets being key to reversing adult onset diabetes.

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First I ever heard of a vegan diet CAUSING diabetes - it usually works the other way round (ie. cures ). Did you have a second opinion? And the weight gain is odd as well. I lost so much weight so fast when I first went vegan that I had to increase my food intake X 1.5 to maintain.


I don't know what I'd do if I had to eat meat again - I mean, I guess I'd do it, but I certainly would be bummed, as you are.


Sorry you had all this trouble. Please update us if you find out anything else - it all just seems so odd.

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That strikes me as very strange, although I am not an expert. Anybody else think that sounds strange? I'd like an explanation from someone who knows more about it.


I'm an advanced practice nurse so I do know a bit more about this. However, I won't go into the physiology of the human endocrine system and the causes of diabetes. Rest assured, eating fruits and vegetables will not give you diabetes.


I read through all of wnddrrwmnn's posts and myspace page to familiarize myself with her history (limited though it may be). It would seem that any woman in her 30's who has battled obesity for most of her adult life is at risk for developing diabetes. Weight gain and the consumption of simple carbs (not the complex carbs of whole fruits, whole vegetables and whole grains) are correlated with diabetes.


As for elevated liver enzymes - there can be many causes and I won't even guess what the cause might be without knowing which liver enzymes are elevated.


Dealing with the information given by doctors and nurses can be confusing for many patients. We use words and phrases that are unfamiliar and easily forgotten or changed by the patient when repeated. I witness this every day at work and amongst my own family members.


Wnddrrwmnn may have misunderstood some of the explanations she received from her doctors or she may have simply "heard what she wanted to hear." Her initial post on this forum identified her as someone who has tried diets before and who believes we are supposed to eat meat. Perhaps veganism and a raw foods diet were stops on her life journey, but not the stops that were able to bring her the health and weight loss she has been seeking for years. Additionally, we don't know how much alcohol she consumes or what medications she may take that could have contributed to her health problems. I hope that she finds the health she is seeking.


In the end, I don't think anyone should be concerned that a whole foods vegan diet or raw diet will result in diabetes, elevated liver enzymes or a 100 lb weight gain over 1 year - unless too many calories are being consumed vs expended and/or (possibly) too many of the wrong foods are being consumed.

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Thanks for that DV.


I think it is quite simple to maintain (and even put on) weight on a vegan diet and even a raw diet, just like on any other diet. Eating large amounts of food, burning less calories in a day than you eat, eating large meals, eating late in the day, eating high fat foods etc. Veganism and raw food diets are not weight loss diets intrinsically.

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I was told...that all the vegetables and fruits I ate, gave me diabetes.


IMHO the point is not what you have been told, but what you believe and which way you want to go. There are hundreds of studies demonstrating the possibility of a vegan diet to cure diabetis.


I must leave this group. While I believe in the principles you all follow, the regimines you all endure, and the ideas and science you uphold, my body does not comply. I wish you all luck in your endevors and hope that when I combat my diabetes and the liver problem, I shall be back.


You do not have to leave. You should instead get a second opinion on your illness and diet and keep us updated about your combat.

I hope you ind the right way to solve your problems. But be sure: Eating a high-animal-protein-animal-fat-diet will only make things worth for you.

Maybe you take a look at http://www.pcrm.org. They have online-classes as a support.

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I agree with other posters skepticism about what your Dr. has told you and I think getting a second opinion and possibly third is a great idea. I suggest doing research on your own (the internet, natural healing books, folks who work in the supplements a the health food store can be helpful) and seeing a Naturopathic Dr., maybe a practicioner of Chinese Medicine, Aromatherapist and herbalist would all be good folks to check with. I would especially seek out some folks who know that a vegan diet is healthy and very "do able". Someone who know vegan nutrition very well...

A wholistic approach is best in my opinion.

There are many options out there!

I hope you find your path to health...a path you can feel good about.

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I sympathize with wnddrrwmnn I guess but really I think it comes down to the fact that people will inevitably do what they want to do no matter what. It seems to me like she is using this as a reason to go back to eating animal products. I don't mean to sound mean, but that's just the way it seems. I actually truly hope I'm wrong in my assumption and that she can find a way to balance her diet with her illness and her lifestyle with her beliefs.

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