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Hey Trev,


Lookin good. Did you get that shirt from Mais?


Not sure what her name is, actually... It was the middle-aged blonde woman that's always there. She's very nice. It's definitely my fave local healthfood store. They're huge promoters of Vega, not sure if she's vegan, but she talks like one! One of the younger staff was telling me she was raw vegan a couple weeks ago.


Free Vega-anything rules!

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I bet it's her.


Ask her if her name is Mais (pronounced Mays), or if she knows Robert Cheeke in Oregon. I know she works at that store from time to time doing Vega demos and other Vega stuff.


stylin indeed. I'll have my Vega gear on this weekend at the Emerald Cup in Bellevue.

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We give them away to supportive customers I have a closet full of them, but it's mostly reserved for our Portland community....I may have one to spare sometime.


There is also a NEW line of Vega Fashion coming out soon so keep your eyes open.

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  • 1 year later...

Vega shirts are cool! Would appreciate to learn if any ever become available due to some promotion or even just available to buy. Oceansidepublishing in Canada was selling everything from t-shirts, to golf-shirts to scarfs etc. for both Men and Women but I just found out the line is discontinued so they have none to sell.

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I started chattin with the local Vega dude at the health store down the road the other day.

We were going on about sprouting and about Brenden's book and stuff. He has a Vega shirt but it's all worn out! Hehe

I want one ^^

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