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Max Contraction

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anyone tried it? i'm giving it a shot .... if ya'll don't know it, you do one set for one bodypart like once a week (when you get to the advanced stage) beginners do like one set for each body part each workout 3 times a week ..... but it's only one rep too lol which you hold for 6 seconds (beginners they say usually hold for 30 seconds or so) at peek contraction, and once you can hold at max contraction for over 6 seconds you increase weight...... i think that's about it unless i forgot something........ anyways, anyone done it?

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Never done that! But it sounds like a sodomised version of all that Hit and superslow stuff...

I don't think, that's the most adequate way to train your muscles...

I'd allways rather recommend going quite heavy an keeping up the volume to a certain level.

I suppose, a lot of those fancy new systems are developed to make money, by selling training-books

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I hate how there's that mentality in fitness about trying to fix things that aren't broken.


Yeah, I have this new system, you do three sets of an exercise for a bodypart, and you do 8-12 reps. Then you do another three sets of another exercise for that same bodypart, 8-12 reps again. If you do this a couple more times you'll have finished this revolutionary workout. I hear you can gain 20 lbs of solid muscle in 3 weeks if you follow this plan, but only if you order my e-book where I explain the secret protein powder and creatine you must use to get the results.



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i found an ebook and got a book from the library so i didn't even pay a cent so but i will say there are people who say it works and have gotten results so i guess if it works for some people it can work on others, i'm giving it a chance and i actually got tired out & sweaty lol


I hate how there's that mentality in fitness about trying to fix things that aren't broken.


i don't know man i don't really look at it that way ... it's kinda like making electric cars instead of using gas for a way to drive..... "if" it works it's just another way to "drive" if that makes any sense

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i found an ebook and got a book from the library so i didn't even pay a cent so but i will say there are people who say it works and have gotten results so i guess if it works for some people it can work on others, i'm giving it a chance and i actually got tired out & sweaty lol


I hate how there's that mentality in fitness about trying to fix things that aren't broken.


i don't know man i don't really look at it that way ... it's kinda like making electric cars instead of using gas for a way to drive..... "if" it works it's just another way to "drive" if that makes any sense


Yeah, but a lot of things like that (the exercises) are to cater to lazy people. People have proven time & time again that the best workouts are the simple compound movements. Something like an electric car is the evolution of technology.

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I tried it someday and experienced some problems:

My extremities were too strong compared to my ability to stbilize my trunk. E.g. I could do 500 pounds standing calves lift for more than 10 second but my back really did not like it.

IMO beginners can profit from this kind of training if they are very careful and well instructed. It specially gives you the knowledge that you can handle extrem weights. And – if done correctly – the trunk becomes very strong. Most likely experienced sportmen will meet the same problems I did.

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