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Vegan Vacation Group Photos


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We're keeping most of the Vegan Vacation topics and photos in the Vegan Vacation section, but I wanted to share a few group pics here.


I have over 500 photos from my camera alone. Unfortunately we don't have "very many" group photos. We have lots of smaller group photos from various events throughout the Vegan Vacation.


There were more than 30 forum members involved in the Vegan Vacation so you'll see lots of different faces in various photos.


I'm too tired to label who's in the photos now but maybe later. Here are a few group photos. Sorry if some are small. I can post larger versions of some later.











































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Haha I love it, everyone has a donut, then i've got a banana...


That's got to be my favorite picture of the whole trip. I'm giving the thumbs up to everyone eating the processed cooked doughnuts while Flanders is giving the thumbs down to it and eating his banana. Priceless!

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Awesome pictures!


Rob, you're skinny

(you know i just say that to motivate you to GAIN SOME WEIGHT, don't you? )


Start planning the Vegan Vacation 2008 and put my name down for it!!


Great physique, Oddnintendoguy!

The others, too, surprising what is hidden under these shirts!

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I'm out of town right now and will be for the next 3 days, but I'll post more pics soon.


I have over 500 just from my camera, and about 25-35 videos too.


Daywalker............just wait. I only posted some group posing ones so far. I'm going to post the "Funny Vegan Vacation Photos" soon. We have some great ones!


I just finished cleansing days before the Vegan Vacation so I was a bit skinny, but I've been eating and back in the gym with xveganjoshx and sydneyvegan lately and it is all good!


There are sooooo many great photos and memories that I'll share soon. Just busy and out of town at the moment


More to come............

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Ed really is a well built guy. He doesn't boast about it though, which is totally cool. I vote we put up the towel pic Ed! He looks totally built in it, I was amazed.


I might put it up, I have a copy.


Yeah but same goes for you too Zack

I vote you put one up as well

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Ed really is a well built guy. He doesn't boast about it though, which is totally cool. I vote we put up the towel pic Ed! He looks totally built in it, I was amazed.


I might put it up, I have a copy.


Yeah but same goes for you too Zack

I vote you put one up as well



Pictures, guys, pictures, don't be shy!

This is a bodybuilding forum after all!

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Ed really is a well built guy. He doesn't boast about it though, which is totally cool. I vote we put up the towel pic Ed! He looks totally built in it, I was amazed.


I might put it up, I have a copy.


Yeah but same goes for you too Zack

I vote you put one up as well



Pictures, guys, pictures, don't be shy!

This is a bodybuilding forum after all!







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Here's a few of Roberto, Josh, Potter, and I.








I lost all the pictures on my camera, so I'm waiting as well.

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Yay, the towel photos made it!


Hey guys, as I have mentioned many times......I do have over 500 pics just from my camera alone. I've just been way super busy and out of town and haven't had time to post them.


Potter, I will crush you! Last year we all stayed up late posting and we had some people in charge of posting pics. This year we barely slept for 10 days and we're all still recovering from the Vegan Vacation


I will get some awesome ones posted this coming week. I really had fun being behind the camera, rather than in front of it, a lot this year. I spent more than a week taking candid shots and I'll share those soon.


Zack, thanks for posting the pics that show that I still have "some" muscle. Maybe that will get some people off my back!!!!


I know you guys want more pics and we have hundreds to share soon

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Good stuff!!


Odi, very well rounded physique, awesome! Looking very fit and i'm sure that's exactly the look the ladies like


Zack, you're (too) LEAN man! Nice abs for sure. Eat plenty and lift heavy, and you'll overtake ThinThin soon


Zack, Odi - if you pack on another 25 lean pounds i'll persuade you to do a figure comp! You sure have the built for it!

Until then it's EAT EAT EAT (and occasionally lift)!

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Welcome home Daywalker.......welcome home!


I think I was called "too skinny" 1023 time during vegan vacation. But some of the guys are working with me to fix that!


Maybe by V.V. III (2008) we'll all ad a bunch of size and re-take these photos by the waterfall


We have training photos and videos, flexing pics, measuring muscle pics, etc. You'll really appreciate some of the pics that will be posted in the near future.

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Good stuff!!


Odi, very well rounded physique, awesome! Looking very fit and i'm sure that's exactly the look the ladies like


Zack, you're (too) LEAN man! Nice abs for sure. Eat plenty and lift heavy, and you'll overtake ThinThin soon


Zack, Odi - if you pack on another 25 lean pounds i'll persuade you to do a figure comp! You sure have the built for it!

Until then it's EAT EAT EAT (and occasionally lift)!


I'm actually starting to think I should try for some kind of modeling or being a fitness model, once my skin clears up and everything, but that part was taken after I worked out for like the first time in a month, so I'm going to get back into it.

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