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HSOrlandos 2013 Journal: Being vegan in a non vegan world

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I know these food posts are BORING! But they keep me honest. It sure doesn't look like I'm eating much, no wonder I don't have that much energy to workout.
I hear you. going for that extra cookie has me over a barrel as I am basically an honest guy so knowing I'm going to have to post it has kept me, how should I say it? Hungry! But if I remember to drink more and enough water it goes away.

Keep up the good work, I've got to get my gym act together more.

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Thanks vegan joe! Wow, someone actually ready my boring post, ha ha! So here's another one.


4am- vegan bacon, vegan cheese, diet raspberry tea (odd beverage choice, but it's all I had)


945am- 1 cup silk soy yogurt

1pm- hummus, falaffel, taboule, from middle eastern Deli

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Hayley.......bad news, I won't be coming to Orlando VegFest after all....at least not for Vega, and not sure I can afford to get myself down there on my own. But if for some reason I do make it, I'll let you know. The Vega team won't need me there, so they won't be sending me after all.


I hope it is a great event!


I'm thinking of possibly spending my winter in FL.


Not sure of that either. Somewhere warm. Either AZ, NV, or FL is where I'm thinking right now....to spend winter working on more books.


Have a great one!

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Thank goodness the two week phase is over! I can't wait to eat bananas again!!! My mom and I bothe weighed ourselves yeasterday. She's lost a total of about 11 pounds, and I've lost about 7 in the first two weeks.

Now that the sugar is all out of my system it is time to reintroduce good carbs. For this week I will just be adding one good starch, and one fruit daily, and next week two starches, and one fruit. This way my blood sugar levels won't escalate and I won't get those bad cravings. I'm quite happy with the progress, and can't wait to workout a bit more now as I have more energy and my clothes fit better. Today I did Step, went to Whole Foods, and then had some carbs!


8am-coffee, and rest of soy yogurt about 3/4 cup

1230pm- 15 almonds, flavored water- Twist brand

4pm- 2 burritos

515pm- coffee

7pm- celery and hummus

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4am- multi grain cereal, rice milk- funny thing is its an unsweetened cereal but it was still super sweet I guess I'm not used to having sugar and a little goes a long way

coffee during the morning at work

1230pm- vegan hotdog, black beans, tomato

4pm- banana-Yum first banana in two weeks


spin class at 430pm- great class, and even the small amount of carbs I'm having seems to be doing the trick, because I don't feel the low energy levels that I had for the past two weeks. Did pretty good in spin too!


630pm- Yves burger, roasted red pepper hummus, organic string beans

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4am- 4 vegan sausage patties, hummus, soy milk


930am- since i never get a break, and no employees care that I don't get one I visited with my Mom and had a banana and another cup of coffee for about 15 minutes. I was still on the floor, but like i said I have to make my own breaks.

1pm- taboule, one falaffel, hotdog, and hummus- went to a middle eastern deli, but they forgot to give us all our falafels.


430 voted, then walked half a mile from voting place to gym- Step class

6pm- 2 burritos

830pm-peanut butter,vegan cream cheese dessert

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4am- multi grain cereal w/ unsweet Silk soymilk


930am- mashed banana that was on the bottom of my gym bag Yum!

1145am- sip of soy milk, then went for a run

1pm- big salad, romaine lettuce, celery, guacomole, green pepper, tomato, vegan chik patty, balsamic dressing

730pm- Yves burger, black beans, tomato

830pm- lemon tea

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4am- multi grain cereal w/ soymilk


930am- banana

230pm- Yves burger, black beans, hummus/ celery

6pm - taco, and burrito

745pm- coffee


I am a little concerned about weighing myself tomorrow, I've been a bit more active this week, but I have also been eating more carbs. I hope it all balances out alright. I also felt a bit sluggish, and tired a couple of days, but not because of my diet.

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Weight is the same, which is a little disappointing. But I am just glad that it's not up for certain reasons. Zumba was fun this morning, but my head was hurting a bit, because I hadn't eaten yet, only drank a small amount of soymilk before hand.

11am- oatmeal w/ banana, coffee- bought a vanilla roasted coffee with natural flavors which tastes pretty good.

2pm- salad- romaine lettuce, celery, tomato, avocado, vegan turkey deli slices, balsamic vinagriette


545pm- 2 burritos

10pm- lemon tea

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8am- oatmeal w/ banana, coffee

12pm- banana

1pm- Step class

230pm- banana

315pm- Body Pump class- I have not touched any weights in quite some time. And this was the first time I've done BP in over a month, lets just say it was a hard but good workout, and I'm sure some of the faces I made were quite priceless too!

430pm- salad- romaine lettuce, celery, green pepper, tomato, vegan chicken patty, water

645pm- 1 burrito, and 1 Yves burger w/ hummus

8pm- lemon tea

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4am- cereal cinnamon shredded wheat w/ soymilk


1230pm- oatmeal w/ banana/ coffee

I am going to workout tonight and do Step, and Body Pump again. I am still really sore, but it feels good!

4pm- soy yogurt

530pm- Step class

630pm- Body Pump

745pm- walked home, and fixed an Amy's Enchilada meal which has been in my freezer for over a month

9pm- lemon tea

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woke up to a phone call at 855 am. Hurriedly got ready for gym!

9am- banana, water

930am- Zumba

1030- weighed myself, lost another 2 pounds, woo hoo! 6 weeks to go before my birthday!

Drunken Monkey- coffee, cinnamon raisin bagel w/ vegan cream cheese, vegan baby breakfast burrito- consists of tofu, vegan cheeses, and a few veggies

2pm- salad- spinach, apple, chik patty, celery, green pepper, balsamic vinagriette, a few almonds

345pm- coffee

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Not sure what I'm doing today, probably just going for a long walk.

7am- coffee

745am- vegan sausage, vegan cheeses, and soy yogurt

Getting bored with writing down everything I eat, but it is keeping me honest!

1145am- oatmeal, coffee

2pm- Amy's vegan pot pie, burrito

730pm- Gardein vegan chicken meal, italian beans

9pm- berry smoothie w/ soy yogurt, soymilk, and frozen mixed berries

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6am- got to sleep in gym open only from 7-7- cereal w/ soy milk

1030am- banana

130pm- cinnamon raisin bagel w/ vegan cream cheese- walked to Drunken Monkey w/ my mom who came to workout at gym

430pm- salad- spinach, celery, tomato, vegan chcken patty,balsamic vinagriette

a few grapes

7pm- Gardein chicken filets w/ marinara sauce, italian beans


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Wednesday I ate vegan sausage, vegan cheese, coffee, salad, banana, cinnamon raisin bagel w/ vegan cream cheese, and an Amy's microwave meal

Thursday- cereal, banana, coffee, Taco Bell, celery, hummus, celery, luna bar- peanut butter cookie

Friday- raisin bran w/ rice milk, banana, coffee, vegan wrap at Drunken Monkey- tofu, spinach, black olive tapenade, and some other stuff was in it, vegan berry streudel, vegan chicken filets w/ marinara sauce, mixed vegetables

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730am- oatmeal w/ banana, and coffee

12pm- half a lempozest luna bar, and a banana

Step class 55 minutes

230pm- visited with my mom at Taco Bell

6pm- celery/ hummus

8pm- Gardein vegan chicken, italian beans



4am-cereal w/ rice milk


12pm- oatmeal w/ banana, coffee

330pmsalad spinach, celery, tomato, vegan chicken pattie, lite balsamic vinagiette-

430pm- 45 minute spin class. Not the instructor I like best for spin, but I still sweated buckets!

7pm- Yves vegan burger, black beans (almost ate the entire can)

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4am- oatmeal w/ banana


445-11am work- no break


12pm- after my exhausting hot and humid run! Drank water, and ate 1 3/4 bananas. I dropped 1/4th of my beautiful piece of fruit


after workout during walk ate a berry almond luna bar


4pm- ate stuff not exactly on my diet when I went to Drunken Monkey with my mom, but we each only ate half of everything

had medium coffee, half a cinnamon raisin bagel w/ vegan cream cheese, half a peanut butter brownie, and half a vegan oatmeal blueberry scone w/ vegan butter Oops!!!


730pm- salad- spinach, celery, tomato, vegan chicken pattie, balsamic vinagriette dressing

Edited by hsorlando
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