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Nerd Battle

Dr. Pink

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Who's the Nerdiest? Let's do Battle. Me first.


Game Systems I have owned: Sega Master system, Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, Playstation, Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn, Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Micro, Nintendo DS, PSP, Playstation 2, Gamecube, X-Box and My Wii( Although being broke and usualyl needing money I now have nothing but an NES) But I am planning on Getting a new PSP( They relesed a Slim Version) by the end of the week and hopefully mum and pop can get me a PS3 for Christmas( Mostly for Kingdom Hearts Three and the PS3 store which will allow me to play Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9 on my PSP) And I will get a Wii again eventually.


Anime: Yeah I'm an Anime nut. Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, Akira, Princess Mononoke, Ranma 1 1/2, Love Hina, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyu, Rouroni Kenshin, Patlabor, Metropolis, Card Captors, Spirited Away...that's all I can think of.


Computer stuff: I spend a lot of time online now-a-days with no games to play. I'm usually either looking up videos on Youtube( Often about Video games), Making a video for Youtube( So far I only got one up), On a Legend of Zelda Fan Forum, On Here of coarse ^^, On some video game website getting the latest news, On Myspace or on Torrent Websites downloading free things. When I am online I usually also have my AIM open while I am surfing.


As for non-online things. I sometimes download music. I have a collection of like 250-300 Nintendo Metal songs done by Nintendo Cover Bands. I also like the 80's so I have like 1,000 songs from the 80's. Ah the 80's. I also have something called an Emulator. That let's me play video games on my computer. I currently have an NES, SNES, GENESIS, MASTER SYSTEM and a Nintendo 64 Emulator. The 64 Emulator does not quite work as good as the others because of my slow computer. With some of the games I keep it open in the background so I can play while I am IMing people. I also like to use the computer to download Computer Games like the PC versions of Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8.


What do I read: Mostly Video game Magazines. But I also like to read Betty and Veronica Digest Magazine Comic too.





So are you willing to Battle my Nerdy-ness? Are ya? ARE YA?

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Who's the Nerdiest? Let's do Battle. Me first.


Game Systems I have owned: Sega Master system, Atari 2600, NES, Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, Playstation, Nintendo 64, Sega Saturn, Gameboy, Gameboy Pocket, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Advance SP, Gameboy Micro, Nintendo DS, PSP, Playstation 2, Gamecube, X-Box and My Wii( Although being broke and usualyl needing money I now have nothing but an NES) But I am planning on Getting a new PSP( They relesed a Slim Version) by the end of the week and hopefully mum and pop can get me a PS3 for Christmas( Mostly for Kingdom Hearts Three and the PS3 store which will allow me to play Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9 on my PSP) And I will get a Wii again eventually.


Anime: Yeah I'm an Anime nut. Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, Akira, Princess Mononoke, Ranma 1 1/2, Love Hina, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Tenchi Muyu, Rouroni Kenshin, Patlabor, Metropolis, Card Captors, Spirited Away...that's all I can think of.


Computer stuff: I spend a lot of time online now-a-days with no games to play. I'm usually either looking up videos on Youtube( Often about Video games), Making a video for Youtube( So far I only got one up), On a Legend of Zelda Fan Forum, On Here of coarse ^^, On some video game website getting the latest news, On Myspace or on Torrent Websites downloading free things. When I am online I usually also have my AIM open while I am surfing.


As for non-online things. I sometimes download music. I have a collection of like 250-300 Nintendo Metal songs done by Nintendo Cover Bands. I also like the 80's so I have like 1,000 songs from the 80's. Ah the 80's. I also have something called an Emulator. That let's me play video games on my computer. I currently have an NES, SNES, GENESIS, MASTER SYSTEM and a Nintendo 64 Emulator. The 64 Emulator does not quite work as good as the others because of my slow computer. With some of the games I keep it open in the background so I can play while I am IMing people. I also like to use the computer to download Computer Games like the PC versions of Final Fantasy 7 and Final Fantasy 8.


What do I read: Mostly Video game Magazines. But I also like to read Betty and Veronica Digest Magazine Comic too.





So are you willing to Battle my Nerdy-ness? Are ya? ARE YA?


That's pretty nerdy. I will attempt to out-do you.


We have a plethora of gaming consoles in my apartment, ps2, n64, super nintendo, Wii, xbox 360, a big ol TV. We also have a bunch of anime series and movies, Akira, Princess Mononoke, Samurai Champloo, Evangelion, Spirited Away, Full Metal Panic, Sai Kono(i hear this is the most depressing anime ever).


I collect vinyl, READ(OMG NERDY), enjoy comics, play Magic The Gathering and try and play D&D games as often as I have time for along with basically obsessing myself with recording music(even though I don't have a recording set up YET!).


I also snort when I laugh sometimes.

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I used to be into Pokemon cards but not anymore. But back when the pokemon game was out I was into all things Pokemon. I watched the series, Played all the games( Pokemon Blue, Yellow, Pokemon Stadium one and Pokemon Snap)


I also love DDR. Oh yeah. Too bad the only DDR machine around here has got a busted directional arrow. But I lurrve it soo much.


I also had a collection of at least 4 CD's worth of Regular( Non-Metal) Nintendo songs but currently there at my friends house.


When I grow up on top of things like making movies, Acting, Directing, Producing and Writing I want to make video Games as well as various Cartoons and such.


I sooooo want to get into Cos-Playing. That's when you dress up and go to conventions. But of coarse I don't really know how to sew but hopefully that will change over time.


I want to visit Japan one day because it is, like, video game and anime Heaven. And I sooo want to meet Shigeru Miyamoto.


I want to visit the Nintendo Store too someday. That's in New York City.

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I think I have a big pretty muscle to flex in the nerd category myself.


Michelle and I breathe the same air, and are roommates, which helps to enhance each other's nerdiness as time passes. In fact, we've been IM'ing each other instead of talking, and we're in the next room, I can hear her typing right now.


Like Michelle, I always use the "/", making my conversations in HTML code, however, I do it both in text *AND* actual speech, along with internet acronyms. Michelle and I have both used "BRB" on each other since our drive down here to Texas.


As for video games, emulated and real, actual copies, I think everyone knows that I have my share....and the shares of a few others, including import Japanese games and other rare sought-afters. Does this mean anything to anyone too? ....."No meat in his feet"?


I can quote the Matrix, start to finish. I've been involved in arguments about the Matrix.....LONG arguments.


I can quote the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, start to finish.


I enjoy reading Shakespeare.

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I know internet Words too.


LMAO,BRB, LOL, ROFL, XD, DX, >.<, ^_^, TTYL, BBL, FTW, TTFN. I also like making up Smiley's of Silly things.


@(^_^)@ Cheerleader Kirby

^(I-I)^ Emo kirby

(-o-) Pokeball. Gotta Catch them all.

Tired Kirby

Dead Kirby


I can Beat The Original Super Mario Brothers in 5 minutes or under.

I used to have a crush on Misty from the pokemon Cartoon Series when I was 15.

I also went through a time when I had a crush on Rouroni Kenshin which was a rather odd couple of minutes

I have actualyl got up and dance to the Sailor Moon Theme Song

When I was a super Little boy My Little Pony Tails, Rainbow Brite and Care Bears were the thing to watch.

And then I got into Power Rangers lol.

Like I said before I am a member of a forum for The Legend of Zelda. But what you don't lknow is that I am the top third poster. 6,573 post's.


There's the proof ^_^. Just look at my post count lol.

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I guess I used to be more nerdy, but my obsessions are now a bit 'cooler', so I guess they don't count as being so nerdy. I am still into video games, and I've had many t-shirts printed, one had the character select screen from Tekken Tag on it, I got a Devil May Cry 3 tshirt made the other day, and I have others, one which has "Astaroth Wins" written on it... But yeah, I used to be into war hammer miniatures, now I am more into my guitar and illustration, but I do spend a lot of time playing Magic the Gathering. I know a lot of Red Dwarf, Bottom, Buffy and Angel off by heart because I've watched them so often. I cleared Devil May Cry 3's Bloody Palace which has 9,999 levels (without cheating). I've done all missions perfectly on Hitman Blood Money on the hardest difficulty. I've done Metal Gear Solid 3 without killing anyone, and also done it without being seen by any enemies. I had my picture taken at a videogame convention with a guy in a Master Chief costume and asked him to punch me in the face.

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In school I created a limited language and made a compiler for it to ADA. It was written in Haskell.

If I convert movies from MPEG2 to xvid I use mencoder in the shell. I also changed the default bash shell on my mac to cshell because I think the cshell syntax is way cooler. setenv is way cooler to use than export. Yeah!

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