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Ectomorph-No Change


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Hey all,


I'm new here and I'm in Malaysia.

I'm vegetarian due to ethical and religious reasons and am terribly thin. I'm 50kg but 171cm although most of my body fats seem to be around my abdomen and thighs.


I've been working out for 4 years but haven't seen great changes in my body. I take about 2000 calories daily and eat 5-6 meals. My training schedule is in the morning, 3 days a week with weights about 45 mins and once a week I jog about 45 mins. I have been changing my weight training sets throughout the years, but none has helped me bulk.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I think I should eat more and I am doing that now. Any other advice?





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Welcome to the group Kumaran!


Great to have you here. Thanks for finding our website and have fun exploring it.


All the best and welcome aboard! You'll find lots of good suggestions in many of the posts currently on the forum. Have fun!

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Welcome to the forums, Kumaran!


I'm an ectomorph too, and like you I worked out for many years with little change to my physique (6'2" @ 175-185lbs).


I've recently found a well-designed program that really works well for my body type, and I've been logging my workouts in the "Online Training Logs" part of this forum.


I'm up to 215lbs right now.


There's a lot of good information here, so I'm sure you'll find something that works for you!



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I'm 170 and started at 58kg, I'm around 70kg now.

I think you need much more food, 3500/4000cals. For me working out more works better. 3 day for 45 mins is not that much, try a program with 4 or 5 training days.

And train hard, make it intense!


If you want to gain as much as possible I would drop the running.

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Welcome to the forum Just keep working hard and eating more. Honestly if you don't feel you need to run...cut it out for a while to focus on lifting with your legs. Maybe that'll make you see a change faster.

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Welcome to VBB. I am an ecto as well and my weight came with time. I think I gained about 10lbs my first 3 months of ever working out, then it slowed to about 5lbs for the years afterwards! Just be patient and focus on how your muscles look rather than bulking them(but still get 3500kcal and up). Remember quality is better than quantity.

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