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the "you're a vegan" label


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i have a hard time calling myself a vegan, primarily because i don't like getting a label solely because of my dietary intake. someone who doesn't eat gluten, what are they now? someone who only eats hemp protein, are they something now too? if i ate only japanese food, can i say i'm japanese now? i mean, i'm all for using vegan as a way of describing how i eat "i eat vegan" but saying "i'm a vegan" (to me) just seems a bit unnecessary and automatically throws me into a group that is different than everyone else. if i can think of another way of explaining what i mean i'll post it, but thats the jist


so i guess now it's time for me to be banished into the dark corner of the forum and have rotten vegetables thrown at my face right? ... please don't ban me

Edited by endcruelty
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You can always say," I currently don't eat anything that falls off of animals" Animal-Free diet.


I think the term Vegan though is more of a style then a label. It's not something you are it's something you do. And besides. There's nothing wrong with being different. Being different makes you better then people who conform to be like everybody else

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Following a vegan diet is different following a vegan lifestyle. I dont see the problem with saying "vegan diet". I use the word "vegan" for myself in a general sense, as its pretty close to describing me, and most people have some kind of idea of what it means... but I would prefer another word, or no word

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I'm proud to be vegan and to say I'm vegan. Because there's absolutly nothing to be proud of about eating meat. I consider myself as a vegan not really because my diet is vegetal, plant-based or whatever you call it, but more because I'm someone who has made a choice after some thinking, I've thinked about what's good for me and for others and what's bad, I asked myself what exactly do I want to put in my body because that's what gonna become my new cells everyday. And I feel good with myself thinking that I don't participate in a world massive killing of all species.

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In my opinon, I believe that if you eat a diet free of animal products, but still wear leather, suede, fur, bathe in jello.. whatever.. then you're a full vegetarian, because you abstain only from eating animal products, rather than ceasing to use them all together. Although it's virtually impossible to cease to use ANYthing that may contain animal products (cuz evil corporations hide them in stuff) the point is that you try really hard not to. A vegan is against the use of animals for anything.

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I went through a period for quite a few years when I tried to buck the labels but to be honest it just became easier for me to say yes I don't eat meat I guess that makes me a vegetarian. But I think its because I feel that the label of vegan or vegetarian should mean more and have a bigger meaning. When I think of the title vegan I think of the people I know or I have met who have dedicated their lives to not having any animal products what so ever in there lives. No shoes, no woven necklaces no jello nothing. Very admirable, to go without until you can get a product that doesn't have anything that violates your principals. That's why I think it gets blurry with the labels. I have had people ask me I know your a vegetarian but do you still eat chicken. UH yea I just picked a ripe chicken off that tree over there. The label is always going to mean something different to someone else. I've heard people wrapped in leather eating poutine say that their vegan they just like to have a poutine every once and a while. ??? I would say that means that they try to adhere to a vegan diet, not that they are a vegan or follow a vegan lifestyle. But in the end thats just my opinion. I just love haveing a place to come talk about this stuff hopefully without making anyone super angry. Thanks all

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argh ... i should have clarified i don't really mean if you eat a vegan diet if you can call yourself vegan, i mean it more as if you are living a vegan life (not eating animals, staying away from fur, leather, etc...) but not wanting to be called "a vegan", rather just living a vegan lifestyle ..... sowwiz if i confused people

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I have had people ask me I know your a vegetarian but do you still eat chicken. UH yea I just picked a ripe chicken off that tree over there.


LOL really? I've had people ask me if I eat fish.. But only once. Then I explain that someone who only eats fish is called a "pescatarian" and I don't eat any animal products whatsoever, so I'm a "vegan". I also stay away from gelatin, honey, casein, lactylate etc. etc.

Although I do own cats who eat meat. That seems to be a debate among some vegans, whether or not people should own cats as pets. It's stupid I keep getting messages on Facebook from a group I left a long time ago. People are still on my back because I feed my cats meat. I haven't posted there for weeks..

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argh ... i should have clarified i don't really mean if you eat a vegan diet if you can call yourself vegan, i mean it more as if you are living a vegan life (not eating animals, staying away from fur, leather, etc...) but not wanting to be called "a vegan", rather just living a vegan lifestyle ..... sowwiz if i confused people


But if you do follow a vegan lifestyle, then you are vegan surely? What I dislike about the word is that some people want to try and pick holes in it, and say "well if you're vegan, then what about blah blah blah". If I don't mention the word vegan, then there are no outside rules that people will think I should be following, instead they are just my own values. Vegan is a word that best describes what I've chosen to do; veganism isn't what I aim for, veganism describes what I've chosen to do

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Usually when i'm out and tell people who are strangers about my diet I say i'm a strict vegetarian. So then I can clarify, the term seems self explanatory to begin with but some folks like follow-up. People that know me know i'm vegan, but all the lifestyle things they dont really think of, and everyone has their degrees. I know some vegans that wear silk ties since they've had them and also need them for work. Newer vegans may not have gotten vegan shoes yet. Everyone is at different stages, I think the one thing we all have in common is the diet. Even the animal rights stuff is not consistent across vegans. I know some that could care less about animals, for them it's just vegan diet.

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I'm fairly proud to be a vegan but more than anything I'm proud to not be an omnivore. I'm not proud to not be a murderer, rapist, or child molester but I'm proud that I'm not one of those people.

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Depends on the situation. It can be aggravating at times to explain to those who don't want to comprehend. When I don't want to get into a long drawn out discussion with someone who I feel will just not 'get' it, I simply say "I don't eat Animal" in other words "all animal products, like cheese, dairy, meat, etc.... Either they known the terminology and mention veg of vegan right away or they look baffled and some can get annoying and ignorant but they at least understand what i'm saying.

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I have had people ask me I know your a vegetarian but do you still eat chicken. UH yea I just picked a ripe chicken off that tree over there.


Although I do own cats who eat meat. That seems to be a debate among some vegans, whether or not people should own cats as pets. It's stupid I keep getting messages on Facebook from a group I left a long time ago. People are still on my back because I feed my cats meat. I haven't posted there for weeks..


lol they're ridiculous. We see clearly that cats and dogs are happy living in a house if well treated, they can go outside and play, return to have a shelter and food, it's not like chickens in a cage. In return they offer us affection and company. Pets is the one and only collaboration possible between humans and animals. As for their food, cats and dogs definitly live on a animal-protein based diet. We don't see wildcats and wolves eating rice and corn in the nature ! Those vegans are blind fanatics.

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argh ... i should have clarified i don't really mean if you eat a vegan diet if you can call yourself vegan, i mean it more as if you are living a vegan life (not eating animals, staying away from fur, leather, etc...) but not wanting to be called "a vegan", rather just living a vegan lifestyle ..... sowwiz if i confused people


You can tell people you follow a plant based diet.

But in my opinion I prefer to tell ppl I'm vegan !

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I'm Your Man, I'm so glad you said that. My cats are spoiled. I did get them veggie treats and they hate them lol. One cat likes them though. I think they don't like them cuz they look like the treats they get at the vet hahaha.

This dude who was harassing me.. Said that cats in shelters get treated better than chickens and turkeys in slaughterhouses. Well duh. But you can't sacrifice one species for another. Animals are part of nature, and nature needs animals to eat each other to balance things out. Herbivores make sure the vegetation doesn't go out of control, and the carnivores eat them so that all the vegetation doesn't get eaten. People on the other hand, have screwed up this whole balance by raising cows, pigs, and poultry and selectively breeding them so that they can't survive on their own.

Plus, cats and dogs love us and are our friends ^^

I love my cats even though they eat meat.. Just like I love my mom even though she eats meat.

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As for their food, cats and dogs definitly live on a animal-protein based diet. We don't see wildcats and wolves eating rice and corn in the nature ! Those vegans are blind fanatics.


Well, I don't think you'd see a domestic breed of cat eating a tuna, cow or pig. Most likely, if you were some how to find a small domestic breed of cat in the wild they would be hunting small birds and rodents, not tuna - these small cats that we have just are not powerful enough to deal with a tuna, no way. So the notion that the type of cat food that is bought for cats is 'natural' isn't true really, in my opinion. If it was Mouse In A Can TM, then I'd understand this idea, but it's not even like that Not that I think nature should really be a factor when deciding what is most ethical. If there's an alternative to killing an animal, I think it's most logical and ethical to take that option. Of course, if there is no other option but for animals to die, then that's what will happen. If a cat or dog refuses to eat a vegan diet, there isn't much you can do about it, same with snakes, spiders, reptiles etc, there isn't a way round it (that I know of)

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I'm Your Man, I'm so glad you said that. My cats are spoiled. I did get them veggie treats and they hate them lol. One cat likes them though. I think they don't like them cuz they look like the treats they get at the vet hahaha.

This dude who was harassing me.. Said that cats in shelters get treated better than chickens and turkeys in slaughterhouses. Well duh. But you can't sacrifice one species for another. Animals are part of nature, and nature needs animals to eat each other to balance things out. Herbivores make sure the vegetation doesn't go out of control, and the carnivores eat them so that all the vegetation doesn't get eaten. People on the other hand, have screwed up this whole balance by raising cows, pigs, and poultry and selectively breeding them so that they can't survive on their own.

Plus, cats and dogs love us and are our friends ^^

I love my cats even though they eat meat.. Just like I love my mom even though she eats meat.


Domesticated cats and dogs fit the bill with cows, pigs and birds for food. They exist because of us...and we try to get people to stop eating cows because they hurt the environment...this would result in a decline in captive cows...we should fight for the same in terms of captive cats and dogs...but if we keep feeding cats and dogs cow flesh then none of this will ever stop. One unhappy cat eating vegetables or dozens of chickens killed for that cat...make your choice.

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Well the thing is that you wouldn't see wild dogs or cats hunting cows and stuff like that. There are more feral cats than housecats nowadays, and they usually hunt rats, rabbits, squirrels, and birds. Plus they pick on the weakest link -- foregoing that whole "survival of the fittest" thing. They also rummage through the trash to eat our leftovers. Feral dogs, on the other hand don't do so well. Especially purebred ones, as they have so many health problems. When you look at a lot of dogs these days, they don't do what they were originally bred for in the first place. Some are exceptions of course.. Such as bloodhounds rescuing people lost in the woods.

I don't understand why they put stuff like beef, pork, and poultry in pet foods, since that's usually the underlining cause of skin problems, especially in dogs. Dogs can be very happy on a vegan or vegetarian diet. It can clear up their skin problems too.

They put poultry in lizard food too. I dunno about you guys but I've never seen a lizard go up to a chicken and take a bite out of it! They eat bugs. They're food should be made out of bugs.

Cats don't necessarily exist because of us. They were worshipped by the Egyptians, and you know how cats are: Feed them and they'll keep coming back.

There are only a handful of different cat breeds in comparison to dog breeds. Cats aren't fully domesticated either. Back in the day, cats would just stay outside and live in the barn eating rats for 10 years. I know some people who still have barn cats like that.

A majority of the pet foods out there are crap anyways. Basically, whatever parts of the animal that can't be used for human food goes into dog and cat food (and hot dogs lol).

And cats can't live off of vegetables. They die.

I don't have a solution for the pet food problem. I don't think it's right that all cats should die so the chickens can live, and I don't think it's right all the chickens should die so the cats can live.

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I think domesticated animals should be left to die out - not killed. Just don't allow them to breed, then that'll be that. Obviously that's not going to happen, but the less there are, the better I think. If it's possible to feed an animal a vegan diet without harming it, I don't see a reason not to, it doesn't have to be cats vs chickens, you can keep a cat on a vegan diet, avoid harming the chicken and look after the cat. If the cat won't eat the veggie stuff, then somethings got to die either way

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