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Iron Man


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Yo, just got back from seeing this movie tonight, it's phat. I've been pretty unimpressed with comic book movies recently, but this was pretty hardcore. Great witty comedy, pretty good script, lead characters are acted solidly, some proper satisfying beatdowns, and the suit is just brilliantly realised, as well as some other gadgets - special effects top notch. They focus just the right amounts on the different aspects that I think are necessary for this kind of action movie. Definitely worth seeing if you like action

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ya Jon Favreau is a pretty decent director, never really pictured him doing that kinda stuff ..... i was actually pretty skeptic about iron man, but after all the videos i've seen i'm quite excited


name one marvel movie that sucked ..... well, except daredevil, fantastic four, ghost rider, hulk, elektra, x3 .... name one ..... see you can't

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I just don't think I'm sold on Robert Downey Jr. being an action star. I'm gonna watch it on TV when it comes on but I won't rent or go to the theater. Maybe I'll regret it but I like my action stars to look like action stars.

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I'm going to go see it in super-HD tonight at Cinetopia up in Vancouver. They use 2k digital projectors with 2048 lines of progressive scan (whereas most HD TV tops out at 1080p). It's going to blow my mind (hopefully).

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I just don't think I'm sold on Robert Downey Jr. being an action star. I'm gonna watch it on TV when it comes on but I won't rent or go to the theater. Maybe I'll regret it but I like my action stars to look like action stars.


He doesn't do anything action-oriented on his own, he's just a dude. It's the suit which is the business, he can't do shit without it. It would be silly if he was also doing martial arts and stuff

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I really want to see this but my good comic book senses are yelling NO!


Did any of you read the Civil War comic book arc? Iron Man was basically a government lap dog, sending Good and Bad alike characters to a jail unlike Guantanemo if they didnt turn over their identity to the government.


Captian America on the other hand led an underground group of "freedom fighters" who were labeled as terrorists trying to stop this from happening.


Read the comic to just see how evil Iron Man is.


I like him when I was young, but ever since that story arc I lost all respect for the character.


Everyone is giving the movie great reviews, and im torn between standing by my geekdom comic book heroes, or selling out to someone who sold all his friends out.

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Great witty comedy, pretty good script, lead characters are acted solidly, some proper satisfying beatdowns, and the suit is just brilliantly realised, as well as some other gadgets - special effects top notch. They focus just the right amounts on the different aspects that I think are necessary for this kind of action movie. Definitely worth seeing if you like action


Totally agree! The movie made my day, all and out a great entertainment experience... as D.C. says "a cinematic adventure". Did you stay for the extra scene after the credits!? WOOO!


I just don't think I'm sold on Robert Downey Jr. being an action star.... Maybe I'll regret it but I like my action stars to look like action stars.


RDJ looks like he trained a bit for the movie, put on some muscle.


digital projectors with 2048 lines of progressive scan


I am extremely jealous!

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absoluetly loved it!!!!!!! just finished watching and i must say, it's probably one of my favorite marvel movies, alongside x-men, blade and spiderman. i can't really think of anything bad about it, except a couple aweful camera moments, or gwyneth running away from the iron monger as if she was going for a nice jog, but it really is one amazing flick. the story, the action, rdj, all top notch in this movie.


i gatta say, i love the fire extinguisher robot, the dialoge the robot and tony have is priceless, when tony keeps telling him not to spray him unless he was on fire or he'll donate him to the college .... funny stuff

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Did you stay for the extra scene after the credits!? WOOO!


considering hulk, thor, and captain america are upcoming movies, then leading up to the avengers, i'm really not surprised by that clip after the credits plus a nick fury movie


i really like sam jackson as fury though, they actually modeled the ultimate nick fury after him


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Robert Downey put on some muscle for the movie but to the point that it looks like he's an average guy who leaned up and gained a few pounds.

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He is bigger in the comics, but I think it never made sense that he was that big in the comics. They always make everyone way too muscular, even just the nobody characters who clearly would never work out, they still have massive biceps and six packs. Stark is just a businessman, not a martial artist, bodybuilder or bodyguard etc, and has no super powers, so I think that having him look more just like a normal man is a good decision.

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He shouldn't have done any lifting and should have looked like a compeletely normal person with a belly...rather than lifting weights for a couple weeks. Anyhow being a business man is no reason for someone not to be in great shape...especially if they're a super hero. Hell...we've got business men here that are really muscular.

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I'm sure it wasn't him being witty. He's a great actor when he's given a script but he doesn't seem so smart in interviews

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No...he just seems a little regular to play a super hero. I actually love him as an actor(especially his movies in the 80s). I love Morgan Freeman but I've gotta ridicule him when he plays god in a cheesy movie.

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this thread officially made me laugh. Trust be told there are many super heros that are slight or average looking. I always thought that tony stark was more muscular because he had to use that machine all the time. or perhaps he made a machine that worked out for him.


That being said i will wait for it to be at the dollar theater ill be damned if Hollywood is collecting tax on my movie ticket just to pay someone to much money to pretend for 3 months.


Also in regards to the comment from donthidex about disliking him after that story arc. That has been done with almost ever major character that was good in both Marvel and DC worlds. Its the re-writing of a history in order to play the character for the next 4 years as someone who is seeking redemption, or alternatively was possessed, mind controlled, nanite infested, cloned, or otherwise coerced into being bad for a time.

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I'm completely aware of the average super hero when in human form but Iron man doesn't seem like the type. He's no Batman or Hulk so its kind of odd.

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