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Everything posted by escapee

  1. Since vegan is only a fraction of the population , i'm referring we as the human species (no offense).
  2. Another upsetting news for the ppl who care http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20061102/sc_nm/environment_fish_dc Fish an seafood population to collapse by 2048 . we are very bad arent we ..
  3. I'm not that confident i'm getting enough from the vege diet that i have daily so Im taking B-complex with lipotropics, wheat germ & lecithin now for safety . Thanks
  4. I have not taken any supplement on B12 for 2 months and i'm little concerned after reading all about B12 deficiency (from both views) . I'm wondering how many of you here ... ... ( refer to the poll ) Thank you for your vote .
  5. One thing i noticed on my weight reduction progress under vegan diet is that if i do not exercise regularly, my weight would just stay the same and fluctuate on the same range. If i combined that with regular exercise , it would go down quite noticeably . I'm not sure if everyone has the same experience . . but in my case , a combo of Vegan + daily exercise ( at least 30 mins walk or jog ) seems to work best for me (-ve calorie).
  6. maybe i will post it on youtube (kidding) .
  7. Not only that you could make it less likely , you could delay the expression of all these deadly ailments to old age (when your immune system becomes weaker) with proper diet even with genetic predisposition (oh well, this is from China study anyway ).
  8. http://www.newstarget.com/008291.html I think the above article says it all , it should make any reasonable person enraged ......
  9. Cure for cancer http://www.curezone.com/diseases/cancer/breuss.asp Do you guys believe that there is already a cure for cancer and many chronic disease since 1970s when Dr breuss introduced juice fasting program to cure his patients ? I think the reason that it didnt get widespread attention is because it would make a dent on the financial report of all the medical institutions . I wish some day we will be able to see a big headline " Cure for cancer found" on all major press to create better awareness .
  10. I think that maybe explains why i had my back pain in the first few weeks, but i'm completely fine now (I decided to drink more water to flush my body system better ). One thing i noticed on my poop (sorry for being rude/gross here ) is that it has become so intact and smooth ( in 1 full and a very long piece ) that it prompted me to say "wow , my poop is so pretty " , something i havent seen before my vegan transition. (sorry for being rude/gross here again) [/url]
  11. I have never heard of giant agave bee (human bee) , it must be a newly invented technology by the pentagon designed to control the world honey resource.
  12. One of my uncles claimed passionately that i'm going to destroy my digestive system by being a vegan.
  13. Bees gather pollen in sacs and nectar from the flowers. Honey is stored in the hive as winter food for the bees . Yes, sometimes they make more than they can eat, but do the beekeepers only take the extra? No, according to James E. Tew, an Extension Specialist in Apiculture at Ohio State University in Wooster, "Commercial beekeepers frequently extract [steal] all fall-season honey and then feed colonies either sugar syrup or corn syrup in quantities great enough to provide all the winter food the bees would need" . > Omg .. http://www.vegetus.org/honey/honey.htm
  14. see We have already sent men to the space. With the kind technology that we currently possess, I always wonder if it's possible for the industrial scientists to build some kind of robotic bees that would harvest honey for us in a much more ethical and safer manner . In that way, we would not enslave and hurt the bees. Healing power of Honey http://www.abc.net.au/catalyst/stories/s978921.htm
  15. I would be glad to post "the difference" when i lose another 10 KG. Plz wait for that moment
  16. Thanks for the advice . my back pain has lessen these few days . I hope it will be gone pretty soon . I think my family has partially accepted me as a vegan and has even changed to a richer vege diet after realizing that i have become more healthy. Now all i have to do is keep pushing them for 99.99% on vegan diet. The only remaining difficult is all my "meat eating" friends that i party often and food feasting with .. It's going to be very weird for them to know that i just converted to vegan .
  17. The picture is creactive and has great educational value. I would love to see a vegan artist paints some pictures to compare a man eating carnivour feeding on human flesh with a human stomach filled with animal carcasses. I think that would be equally stimulating .
  18. I knew(many do) Vege diet is the healthier choice of diet but then there was this emotional hurdle in my mind that says "yes it's good but i'm going eat my delicious meat anyway". Then in one fateful day came the recommendation from this blogabout a book entitled China study that completely transformed the way i thought about diet . It's simply magical . I used to think i would not be able to give up meat and dairy products. Now i'm in my 40th day and I'm more at peace than ever. Hope the back pain will be gone soon , it's really a great discomfort and makes me think about taking some supplement but i guess i know the reason why ....
  19. I have all the symptoms of juice fasting ... Back pain, recurrence of old injury and ...( active/irritated bladder , sshhhh .. ) http://www.incredibletruth.org/juice_fasting.htm#Battling%20Cancer During a cleansing crisis, all of the chocolate bars, French fries, and potato chips enter the bloodstream, not a pleasant experience. But your body is finally able to rid itself of years of accumulated, damaging substances. During water fasting the process of catabolism is more intense than in juice fasting. Lowering the calorie intake intensifies cleansing. When the toxic residues enter the blood, they affect mind and body functions. Ketones, an intermediary metabolic product, may accumulate in the blood to high levels and cause ketoacidosis. Combined with high levels of urea, resulting from protein metabolism, this state can cause intense discomfort, headaches, back pain, dizziness, weakness and nausea; more commonly known as a cleansing crisis. The greater the quantity of toxins in the blood, the worse you will feel. Enduring a cleansing crisis is the hardest part of the healing process. Unless called to a water fast, when in a cleansing crisis, sip melon juice, carrot juice, or herbal tea with honey and wait it out. Do not eat during a cleansing crisis. The body is overloaded with the work of removing toxins. Digestion will make matters worse. Using the enema kit and drinking juice will help. Focusing on the Lord during a cleansing crisis will give you strength and determination. After the body rids itself of this toxic cargo, you will experience a wash of health! When the cleansing crisis is over, the body has been able to eliminate toxins that have accumulated for years. Now comes the reward; boundless energy, clarity of mind, soft supple skin, emotional stability and loss of cravings for unhealthy foods. The experience is similar to driving an old car that has needed major repairs. The brakes squealing, paint peeling, and engine knocking. You pick the car up after a week in the garage, it shines with fresh paint, new brakes, shampooed interior and a finely-tuned engine. It’s like rediscovering your car all over again. We should not be surprised at the physical benefits of fasting. Jesus fasted and His short time on earth is a road map to mankind on how to live in freedom and in the blessings of God. Following in His footsteps will always lead to God’s fullness and joy. Yet fasting’s benefit to the body is only the beginning of the story. There is a great spiritual authority in fasting. An authority needed now more than any time in our history.
  20. I think i may have found the answer to my lower back pain. I had been storing too much of toxin in my body before the switch . now the toxin could be all in my lower intestine and waiting to be disposed off . http://www.incredibletruth.org/juice_fasting.htm#Battling%20Cancer Common Physical Reactions To Fasting (Excerpt from Fasting To Freedom) BACKACHES. Back pain may increase due to toxins in the lower intestine. The blood vessels that draw nutrients from the colon are very close to the nerves of the spine. Back pain often decreases after elimination of the toxins. Back exercises also can relieve some pain. A cold pack also will help. Using the enema kit will be the best remedy.
  21. I have done some Juice fasting before so changing to vegan wasnt that radical and difficult for me . My family has problem with that though . They feel that i'm emotionally deprived by giving up all the "great meaty and delicious food" but at the same time happy that i have lost 13.2 lbs and feeling healthy again. Now if i could rid the lower back pain .. that would be so nice . Beside the above good points and the back pain , couple of changes in my body that i have notived after changing to vegan diet 1) I become less violent or aggresive. (hope i 'm not becoming a sissy ) 2) i need less sleep 3) I pee more often ??!! ( anyone .. ? )
  22. Hi all , i have been a vegan for 40 days thanks to "the China study". I have lost 6 huge KG ( 6 x 2.2 = 13.2 pounds) because of the change in diet. I have not had single moment of tingling chest pain in my 40 days of vegan diet and my perennial gum inflamation was naturally healed. I guess all the fat and plague inside my blood vessel must have been cleared Initially, i just wanted to try this vegan thing for 30 days but then i decided to extend the test indefinitely because it makes me feel so good mentally (cleared minded ) and physically (more stamina) . I do have a mild back pain after changing the diet and i'm not sure if it's due to the vegan thing or my routine exercise. I hope somebody will be able shed some light on this and help me feel the "perfection" of being a vegan . Glad to find a supportive vegan community .. My family isnt very ernamoured by my so called strange meatless dietary behavior .
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