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Everything posted by LocalBrada

  1. Got into the gym around 9a to 11a and focused on cardio. Started with a bit of stretching then went with a sprint routine. elliptical :02.5 forward warm-up pace :02.5 reverse warm-up pace :01 water break :05 full sprint :05 reverse moderate pace :02.5 water break :05 full sprint :02.5 reverse fast pace :02.5 water break treadmill :15 brisk walk :02.5 water break elliptical :05 full sprint :02.5 reverse fast pace :02.5 water break treadmill :15 light jog :15 brisk walk Don't ask if I researched this or if I am following some cookie cutter routine, cuz this is my brain child. I'll do this next week same time same channel, but I think I am going to adjust the times for some of the warm ups.
  2. After discovering the seated ham curls I refuse to do the prone one. I actually really like the standing ham curls, but can't find one or a way to adjust the prone to get a top squeeze. My only advise on the seated ham curls: adjust the leg piece so that you can put your legs on them without having to stretch them or angle your knee awkwardly while mounting. Then when you are seated adjust the leg piece so you get a nice stretch.
  3. Yeah I'm dropping my coconut chai...none to happy about that one. Oh well something to look forward too later down the road.
  4. Hit the gym at the usual time for a back routine. Standard back with those high lat rows which are going to be included in my routine now. Went heavy on the opening T-Bar row after my form check set and decided to go moderate weight since I'm reducing cals. No use in going heavy if I'm not getting extra cals. I did however stay heavy on upper back work as it felt right. At the end of my routine I had to try really hard to stay away from cardio. Saving that for tomorrow, which is a day off! Laundry, cooking and napping are on the itinerary. So I'm praying no one calls me for ANYTHING...even a hello. So my plan as follows: SUN-rest MON-chest/tri TUE-legs/cardio WED-back THU-rest/cardio FRI-traps/delts SAT-bi/abs/cardio That should be three cardio sessions a week mixed in with routines that I feel comfortable spending the extra hour in the gym.
  5. Nice work Johnny. Have ya been drinking some hot teas?
  6. @Tasha Nope I don't have any plans on competing. I haven't been too but I've heard Alaska has some powerlifting meets or something. I'm not concerned about what others lift or how that stacks up to what I do. At this point I know I'm doing good and feeling good. Although I've seen some of the numbers you've put up...impressive. @VV I probably should, but I am gonna do either sesame oil or hemp protein on my last meal. Sesame is a thermogenic and hemp has my omega-3, -6. Those I know I respond well too. As for recipe ideas, you know I'm always game. Schedules weren't out when I headed into work, but I explained the restriction in cals and the restriction in hours and management looks like they are going to work with me. Today was inventory and I was told as soon as I knock it out I could go home. So tore through 200+ boxes and left at 6:30p instead of the scheduled 9:30p.
  7. SUN started cardio and MON started restricted cal. This morning I went into the gym at 8a and stayed until 11am. Got in 10 mins of stretching then 10 mins of cardio. Started a heavy circuit hitting calves, quads and hams then hit 15 mins of cardio. Had a green drink that I blended up beforehand. Continued with a moderate circuit of calves, quads and hams then another 15 mins of cardio. Stretched out for about 5 mins then did a burnout circuit with moderate weight aiming for 30, but falling within the 25 rep range. Finished cardio with 5 mins forward, 5 mins reverse and 5 mins forward. Cardio was all done on an elliptical with 15 resistance forward and 12 on reverse. I didn't take any breaks within the cardio time, just made sure to drink water inbetween my sets. As for restricting cals I'm going down to 2/3 cup of oats and barley post. Cutting down if not eliminating fats. Going down to 6 meals and making sure the last two meals are packed with cabbage. Most likely a cabbage and mushroom stir fry or a cabbage soup. Both I won't get bored of since I've got some mean spice tricks. The stir fry won't have oil in the pan since there is a trick with mushroom stock and cabbage that'll have enough liquid in the pan to not like it stick. So more like a steam fry, if you know what I mean. Anyway gotta head into work at 1p today, again. I'm gonna tell the boss that I'm restricting cals and she should restrict my hours or I might restrict the blood flow of a few select customers.
  8. Woke up this morning in a little bit of a rush. Had to cut my chest/tri routine down from 9a to 10:45a so I can come home eat, shower then head out to the new location for a noon open...till close. Yeah lucky me. At least the drive out there is gonna be nice since it's all super sunny. Anyway as for the workout I just went in and setup a bunch of circuits. I was rotating from post to post making sure to hit all the angles of the chest and tris. I even had to be a jerk and tear down a machine or two while someone was resting to get in a set then set it back up for him. I think he was ticked at first, but then when I set it back up for him and nodded. He seemed ok with it.
  9. Ouchie you gotta work tomorrow. I've gotta work at the new store too from open to close on Memorial Day. You gonna get holiday pay? I got me a black hat, a white tee, some black and white checkered kicks and a mauve colored hoodie.
  10. Oops almost forgot, thank you Eric Benet - The Hunger for getting me through the cardio. I just kept hitting the back button and totally went zombie on da song.
  11. Snuck into the gym this morning and hit 45min of biceps, 45min of cardio and 45min of abs work. I would of stayed a little longer, but it started to get crowded. I'll probably hit another 45min of cardio later in the day. Gonna be out and about all day with my bro since we both have the day off. I won't report if we get into any trouble Ok eat time, shower time and gonna get ghetto-fied with all the shii I bought from Footlocker yesterday since they had a 30% off sale. Yeah I know...possibility it isn't vegan wear but I went for synthetics.
  12. Yeah I totally hear you, but I doubt we'd call in sick...you know with all that healthy food we be eating. Dang I am so pooped, work was slow and boring. So guess who turned up the radio and was leaning up against the counter chuckin' and jivin'. There were folks walking by and they'd look in and either smile, chuckle or momentarily share in the groove.
  13. Darn looks like a total no go. Got called in to cover someone's shift last minute at another store location...looks like no day off for you!
  14. No one in particular. I'll probably head over to my mom's and see if she wants to go do something. I know my bro is off SUN, so I'll hang with him. But no...I wish there was a lady friend
  15. What time should I come over to give ya some of that creamy nutty love?
  16. This morning was trap and delts. Nothing new to report on the routine other than adding in some bent over lat raises. lol, I love how I'm like...nothing new to report then hit ya wit something new. Anyway today's my day off going to run around and hopeful find someone to spend the evening with. And it's set...SUN is gonna be gym dick around day. Get in cardio, abs and biceps...but nothing overly intense...unless I feel the fire, which is a possibility.
  17. I work over at a GNC (General Nutrition Center) which was suppose to be part-time easy street... Yeah I totally feel you when it comes to rude mofos. I normally don't get much grief since I roam my area like a chained dog snaring waiting for some bee-ah to walk up on me. But when it does happen I normally make accommodation then pound the weights hard, since it is against the law to pound the idiots.
  18. OMFG PISTACHIO BUTTER?!?!?!Yes pistachio lovin' Ok just got back from a back/rear delts routine. Again energy levels were low going into the gym, but I was able to get what I accomplished done. That's until some dude rolls up on me after watching me the entire morning and asks me if I was finished with low cable rows. First thing there are like 3 machines that can do this motion. And this dude has been eyeing me every workout for the past two weeks. He must know that when I am done with a machine, I rack the weight, take my bag and water and move on to the next thing. But I just got on the machine and completed set one of three. I tell him I've got two more to go and used the negative energy he evoked in me to utterly destroy the last two sets. After that the rest of my workout was high intensity, so thank you Mr. Rude Stalker Guy! I even went as far as playing around with this hammer strength machine that I really like now. I believe it is a high lat pull or row. All I know is for some reason I was able to go super heavy on the thing. I've got no idea if it was since I was pumped off of rudeness or really like the movement. What I basically did was one rep about five times until I got the right weight on it. Worked on 3x8 then pulled the weight down to single plates and did something like 2x25, before I was utterly dead. Tomorrow is rest day and I'll be back at it FRI. I'm contemplating going in SAT or SUN morning and getting in some light cardio and hardcore abs. The only reason why is last week SAT and SUN I had off which had me so craving exercise. Thing is I gotta work SAT, so no idea if I want to make an entire thing over it or if I want to make a special trip out SUN. We'll see.
  19. It seems like I just recently took off the tin foil. I'd rather not put it back on since I do want some sun to seep in. I'll probably have to dig out my blackout certains.
  20. Got woken up this morning at 4:27a when the sun started beaming into my bedroom. I even made it a point to get to bed earlier since I knew this is the time of year for that. Albeit I was grumpy from dat damn sun! I had to convince myself that more sun is better than no sun, so STFU! Went into the gym with my grumpy attitude which was quickly turned around when I noticed...ok wait for it...wait for it...! The GYM WAS ALMOST EMPTY! Yeah Buddy! I felt as if I somehow beat out all the others who decided to sleep in or not come in for whatever reason. Did some light stretching and went into my leg routine. Nothing new there with the exception of this gluts machine that I hit right after my knee raises and before going into squat drills. This morning's squat drills weren't anything spectacular but I got it done and went into 15 mins of solid stretching. I looked like spider man with how deep I was doing some of my ham and groin stretches. All I kept telling myself is, "Dat's right big boy got flex-ah-bill-it-TEE!" Ok shower, food, relaxation, nap-ola...you guys know the rest. Bum time, baby! Oh yeah note to self: Time to start restricting fats! Even though I've got that pistachio butter left (yeah that's right freshly ground with no salt or additives). And no I'm not telling where I got it from...it's a secret. Shh...secret.
  21. *a big ole grin from ear to ear* Yeah I think as soon as I get a nap in today and a good night's sleep...I'll be rearing to go. Cooking is done, gonna get in my 3:30p meal and shortly thereafter take a nap.
  22. Are you fully over the cold or still sorta feeling it?
  23. "He works hard for the muscles, so hard for the muscles. He works hard for the muscles, so you better treat him right!!" That was the song that popped into my head this morning while lazily dressing up for the gym. It was chest and tri day and I wasn't really motivated to get my ass into gear, especially since today and tomorrow I have off. But as I was trying to hype myself up, Donna Summer's song popped into my head (don't ask me why) and motivation shined upon me. I used that energy and took it into the gym and "did da damn thang!" Normal chest and tri routine that lasted from 9a-11a. Gonna cook even more food for this week and relax for the next two days and try and get back on my sleeping marks. I've been getting to bed on time, but have been getting up earlier than I'd like...and going back to bed isn't really my thing.
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