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Everything posted by LocalBrada

  1. Two hours of biceps and forearms with an emphasis on biceps.
  2. Two hours of lateral movement, traps and delts with an emphasis on side lateral movements.
  3. Two hours of lower back, upper back and rear delts with an emphasis on lower back.
  4. Two hours of quads, hams and calves with an emphasis on hams.
  5. Two hours of chest and tris with an emphasis on tris.
  6. I haven't been out shopping yet. I'll probably do it tonight afterwork or tomorrow night afterwork. As for you know who, he's got an issue with staring down folks in general. He was eyeing down some blonde something fierce yesterday. Like serial killer style stear down. I was half way tempted to rush up on homeboy and explain to him that watching moving people on TV isn't the same as watching moving people in real life. But that would break my 'don't socialize' gym rule.
  7. Woke up rather early and I got antsy waiting for my gym window, so I went in early. Ripped through an intense trap and delt routine. Went higher on dumbbell shrugs with great response from my grip. Nothing special to report with the gym routine. I do however feel alot cooler since shaving my head last night. I don't feel overheated or anything or have an insanely soaked rag.
  8. I'm pretty sure I've said that inside my head once or twice...No idea if I've ever said it aloud though. Did he jump off?
  9. Went outside to jog and do sprint drills. It was rather nippy outside around 52-55F, but that didn't make a difference as soon as I got warmed up. I basically found a little baseball field and did shuttle runs between all the bases. Hit a bunch of angles just to occupy the mind. I actually lost track of time and got back just a minute or two ago. Meal time and shower time then heading off to cover someone's shift at work. I was gonna do laundry today, but I guess that is gonna have to wait.
  10. I don't want to hijack your blog, but having your man in the mix won't do anything to resolve the issue. If anything there is a possibility that it'll turn confrontational and Creepy McGee will go out of his way to repay you in kind. What I mentioned previously should do the trick.
  11. Ye frozen peas; fresh peas in AK is practically non-existant. I just made sure to toss them in at the last minute with the heat off. That way they don't get so beat up and still have a snap.
  12. Ok again nothing fansy just a bunch of spice combos. Both made with the same base, cabbage and peas. cabbage, peas with bay leaf, garlic, onion, basil, cayenne, paprika and chili powder. Made in a very heavy spiced brine and then drained before serving. cabbage, peas with tomato sauce, vinegar, red pepper, onion and garlic
  13. I'm not a big TV fan, but between Sports Center's highlights of the NBA Playoffs and CNN...I easily lose track of time while running. As for a sore back, I rarely ache if ever. If anything my left bicep or my right delt and pec minor will be stiff. Definitely my left bicep if I busted out a good back day. Had a little cookfest...pics soon.
  14. First off hula hooping in undies...now that's something I wouldn't think I'd ever hear. But seriously...Creep Show is still gazing you down? I think it's time for you to walk up to him and tell him, "Don't be so obvious. It's off putting." Then walk away. Don't hang around for him to retort. Say it in a big girls voice or even a scolding mother's voice and continue your workout with ferocity. If that doesn't give him a clue, a psych evaul is in order.
  15. This morning was a wonderful gym experience. Got in a little bit earlier since the undercover cops were out pulling over folks speeding. So I made sure to obey all the traffic laws and headed on in for a back routine. Let me tell you back day was total love. I didn't go crazy heavy and made sure my form was on point. The old school gym manager even took aside some young kid and said, "Look at how he makes sure his form and grip is how he wants it before each and every set. That's how it's done." Normally I don't overhear alot of gym chatter, but I had my ipod on rather low since it was futile trying to compete with the gym music. Also I found that even with a minute thirty inbetween sets I was knocking out my routine faster than normal. Due to that I added in a bunch of straight up and down lat and behind the neck lat movements. All in all a very exciting morning. I even noticed my (bandana) rag was soaked through. So you know that means work. I'm planning on taking cardio outside if tomorrow is sunny. This morning has a bit of overcast so unless that turns to rain...I'll be outside. If not no worries, da gym got TV
  16. Dang it Dani the creeps are out in full force! What gives? Is it creep season?
  17. Cardio day and legs over at the gym. Went in a half hour earlier with a 5 min sprint as soon as I hit the floor. Then went leg circuit one then 5 min sprint, circuit two and a 5 min sprint, circuit three then a 10 min jog and a 10 min brisk walk to cool down. I didn't drink enough water during break time since i cut the breaks rather short. I've got two big therms of tea ready for today, so I'll make sure to drink it up. Had some old cat tell me that I could eliminate all the exercises I'm doing with just one exercise. Squats. I looked at him and just nodded, looked at my stop watch and continued my morning. Since he was an elder I didn't talk back, but if anyone else would of questioned my routine like that... I was under the impression that gym etiquette is NOT to question another person's routine unless you're their trainer or someone asks for advice? *shrug* It was probably my fault since I asked if I could sneak out a 100lb plate from his leg press mounting. He might of seen that as an invite to chit chat. Note to self: If you want it. Just take it. As for food I've got a single head of cabbage left in the fridge. Will probably have to run by the store later today or tomorrow and grab bok choy or napa. Still got a ton of peas from that sale. Looks like folks don't want to buy produce that has spanish on it or from Mexico. With all the swine flu scare...so if anyone sees me laying on the floor--mouth to mouth? Only if you're cute though, if not I'll manage.
  18. This dude doesn't grunt or shout or drop weights. I don't mind that even though that's not my thing. What he does that pisses me off is that he rolls up on me. Like he'll be in a certain section majority of the morning then when I load on on a ton of weight. He will get into my area and start pacing around. Not really doing anything just encroaching on my area. He will eventually sit down and just glaze in my direction. Like he wants attention or waiting for me to fail. Who knows. Today little man was in the freeweight section and I was in the hammerstrength section which are the furtherest you can be apart. I get into the middle of the gym to do triceps push downs on the cable machine. He decides this is the ample time to walk a bench over to literally 4ft from me and sits it down inbetween both cable machines. Then he just sits there on the bench and does absolutely nothing. He never reached for the cables, he never got up off the bench. Just sat there and looked around. Oh well, it just made me put that much more effort into my workout. IDK I have the music blaring in my ear so I don't have to listen or talk to people. If someone is in an area, I make sure not to get in their way. If they're using something that I was planning to utilize, I am knowledge enough to find another exercise that will achieve a similar contraction. But other than changing my gym time, which I won't do, there isn't going to be a way to avoid this cat. I'm just going to have to change my attitude regarding him being in what I deem is my personal space/area of comfort. And no I have no plans on befriending him or chatting it up with him. I'm there to work not socialize. Ok, no more ranting.
  19. Headed into the gym to work on chest and tris and early off started in with Act III of you know what. At this point it seems routine enough that I am going to consider him and his actions part of the gym fixtures. I just brought more intensity to the workout and hit a new personal best on tris even though I shouldn't be lifting heavy. The routine was pretty standard other than finishing the workout with super heavy static holds and weighted resistance posturing. I loaded a chest press lever machine pretty heavy, enough so that people started to migrate to the back area, and started the statics. People are pretty funny. On exit I packed away my ipod and started my shuffle out the door and got engaged in conversation by the front desk gal. So I got home a little later than I would of liked to have. Not that the conversation was dreadful... Note to self, if you want to get out on time for a meal: walk out with ipod.
  20. Twitchy calf muscles are hawwwt. Time to get down there and massage um, woman! The reason why I am so in love with that seated hammy is due to the isolation of the hams that it affords you. The fact that your lower back is NOT engaged makes it dreamy. Dreeeeeeeamy hehe. I find that with the prone my erectors and gluts engage a ton and since I have a back day proceeding a leg day...I don't want that. My suggestion when doing the seated ham-of-love-machine (it's just a love machine) is to seat yourself with your pelvis slightly tilted forward, a neutral arch in your lower back and most importantly plant and spread your gluts as wide as you can throughout the seat. That way your base is as solid and stable as possible and you can focus on contracting your hams and nothing else.
  21. @VV It always tastes as good as it looks when I'm involved So rude dude cruised over your way huh? Went into the gym an hour earlier to work on cardio, biceps, abs and forearms. Went in with a 10 min brisk walk then 2.5 min sprint and a 2.5 min fast back peddle. Hit bicep long head then 5 min sprint. Proceeded with bicep short head and another 5 min sprint with a 10 min brisk walk. Went into an ab routine then 2.5 min sprint plus 2.5 min fast back peddle. Hit forearms then a 5 min sprint and concluded the morning with an easy 10 min jog. Forearms were the highlight of the morning. I got an insane pump while doing a behind the back bar curl on an adjustable cable system. I decided to go with this since it is easier to setup. I don't have to hack squat the bar on start or finish. And it helps getting the weight not to sit on my ass. Yeah that's right, my big juicy muscular ass. Anywho gonna relax here before heading into work. Tomorrow is a rest day and I'm off of work. So another bum day before I rinse and repeat for MON.
  22. Headed into the gym to work on traps and delts. I planned on going light on delts, but my delt routine got a jolt of energy from Act II of Mr. Rude Stalker Guy! I won't go into what he did, but I ended up walking around like I was in a Federal Facility. Nothing special for the rest of the day other than bum time.
  23. I wouldn't quite say a cookfest, but here are some mock duck highlights from today. mock duck, cabbage, mushrooms and furikake mock duck, mushrooms and garlic mock duck, brown belt mushrooms, green beans and garlic
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