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Everything posted by LocalBrada

  1. I didn't make it to bed on time. Also I sorta rushed into th gym without mental preparation. I did however get in some shoulder stretches during the trip to the gym.
  2. Hit the gym this morning with rather low energy and hit traps and delts. As soon as I started going big on the trap work the routine intensity picked up. I muscled out the entire routine with a few variations involving delt cable work in order to keep the tension on the muscle all throughout the motion. Which translated into a bunch of crossover lateral movements. Of course all that was at the tail end of my normal routine. I had plans to do some jogging around the block or something, but it's raining something fierce out there today. The next two days are rest days which comes out to 4 days training and 3 rest days. Compared to my 5/2 that I've been doing for awhile. We will see how I feel perhaps next week when my work schedule isn't so busy and I have to sit on my ass without going to the gym for 3 days. If I do get a bug up my ass it'll probably mean getting out of the house and hitting the pavement.
  3. 5 x 225 lbs, 3 x 245 lbs = LOVE Also kick ass that you found a gym that close!
  4. @Dani hehe yeah I love that line. Thanks for the comment and you work on getting over the plague, ok! Sitting here while eating a bowl of barley. Sort of working with limited time which is why biceps didn't happen today. I totally spaced that I started combining rear delts with my lower/upper back routine. I got into the gym at 9:15a and ended up leaving a little after 11a. So yeah biceps needs another home...I'll think about it later this week. Especially since tomorrow is a rest day. Started off with a warmup back hyper-extensions then rolled into 115lb crush grip hypers with nice controlled squeezes at the top end. I wanted to make sure I had a nice top end contraction. Then moved into T-bar rows with a single plate to make sure I remembered my foot placement and form and then hit 3 plates, 4 plates then 4 plates and a 25 plate just to round it out. Moved to an alternating (non-superset) upper back lower back routine. Hit close grip lat pulldowns with close grip cable rows then wide lat and wide rows. Keep all of those at 160lbs. I didn't want to do too much since I was under the impression I could get biceps in. Then hit rear delts with wide grip then close grip, again alternating and not a superset. Then finished off the morning with close grip straight up and down lat pulldowns and behind the neck lat pulldowns on a lever machine. Ok, need to focus on scarfing down this barley and shower and dress and...and... and...yeah you know.
  5. Got into the gym and did the damn thang! Started off with a ton of leg and ham stretches then went ham-centric on lifting. Same ole routine just added another ham exercise and increased the weight. Later cooled down with more stretching. Today is inventory day so gonna have to run the shop solo plus get inventory done. "I think I can, I think I can!"
  6. Darn you might inspire yet another addition to my signature.
  7. Went into the gym this morning a little before 9:30a and stuck around until 10:45a. Got chest and tris all super pumped and super happy. My left biceps is a little tender but I'll be massaging it all week so we'll see how it goes in two day when I work them. Started off with some range of motion stretches with 10lb plates to warm up rotators and chest. Then hit a ton of chest and tri supersets since I wasn't sure what time frame I'd be able to pull it off. Hammer strength decline press with incline press all wide grip with 1m rest. Continued with rope pulldowns with flat press. Then overhead rope extensions with pec flys. Then bar pushdowns with pec flys, since I felt like they needed another stab at it at a different angle. Then went hammer strength decline press close grip with pretty heavy rack explosions aiming for partial contractions. Finished off the workout with my triset chest cable work with 30s pause at the end of each circuit. Keep the same weight all the way through and felt really good afterward. This week starts a jam packed work schedule. A lot of personnel shuffling so I will be working a full 8 hour shift from MON-SAT. My goal for this week is to make sure I hit my gym marks, my meal marks and get to sleep as soon as I dress down from work. No matter what! If I've got to leave a customer hanging to do it...I will. Majority of my food is made. I will have to cook one morning before the gym cuz I think I'll run out of the garbanzo post workout meals. Ok shower time then meal then dress up to head into the store. Did I mention how much I love working out and love blogging with such a supportive community? You guys are my motivation. Thank you.
  8. SAT I was at the house and hit the recumbent for like 30 mins with some all out peddling for a few then cruise for a few, rinse and repeat. SUN the rain was pretty much dried up so I jogged to midtown to get some food supplies and walked back. I planned to jog back, but the bag I had looked like stuff was gonna pop out so I just relaxed and enjoyed the scenery. Heading into the gym here in 30mins, will report afterward.
  9. Awesome, I own that CD...gonna have to redo my ipod mix before hitting the gym here in 30mins. Thanks for reminding me.
  10. LocalBrada


    Welcome jaskin.
  11. Welcome welcome Gratz on the new gym, the new plan and the new invigoration of a healthy lifestyle.
  12. Welcome Rob Bigwood. It's nice to see vegan professionals in every aspects of sports.
  13. Hello phillip and welcome. I too love dumbbells, especially how it allows each arm to track at it's own pace. Needlesstosay the wonder it does for your grip.
  14. LocalBrada


    Welcome to the community. The likelihood of you getting attacked here for what you eat or lift is next to nil.
  15. @RC Thanks man. There's nothing like family. Popping in quickly to note that I didn't do bi/tri on SAT and stuck with just doing some light cardio yesterday and today. I wanted to get the additional rest in and combo triceps with chest for MON. As well as biceps on back day as well as an addition bicep night/evening session. This weekend I really felt my biceps mending so I gave it the additional time. I'm possibly overtraining them, so gonna do this switch up. I know for a fact chest and tris I can get done and not go over my time limit. As for bis and back I'm not sure. We'll see come back day.
  16. Rest that shoulder and if you need to work it out there is no shame in going light or jumping on a machine. Nurse it and don't don't give a hoot about what others think when they see you going light. Nice to see the workout update, Dan-Dan!
  17. @lobsteriffic Inari is one of my favorite sushi. Started the session with the systematic slaugher of delts and traps. Slowly and steadily succeeding in the stride towards seperation and striation! Oh yes, it was simply sensational! lol, ok getting away from the s's for a minute! Hit the gym early at 9:15a and stayed until 10:50a or so. I went ahead and started with my killer shrug routine then moved to overhead delt work then a ton of lateral movement. I hit a few different variations on the lateral movement that just felt right. One of them was a climbing alternate front lateral raise tri-set that involved standing alternating front lateral raises into 45 degree bent over alternating front laterals finishing with 90 degree bent over alternating front laterals. The motion felt really good in my lower back and delts when I slightly bent over to make sure my form was correct so I decided that I'd do a tri-set and hit the angles. Another excerise I did was on the incline bench side where I laid on my side and did side lateral raises while making sure to cross over. Again another angle that felt really nice. Overhead work wasn't anything special since I've been concentrating on slowly increasing the weight and doing some machine behind the necks to protect my rotators. I did however end the morning with a variation on a single handed dumb shrug that had me in a standing side crunch position with the focus more on the center of my rombs. Loved it and didn't hit the 100s, but hit the 75s since it was a different angle. Ok that's enough writing for me gonna eat and shower and spend majority of the day with family.
  18. Dang that intro has me all wanting to own the series on DVD. My b-day is coming up in a few months, I think I'm gonna put it out in the ether and hopefully... If I wasn't such a hermit and actually got away from the house, the gym and work I'd post more goofy pics.
  19. Just got back from hanging out with my sister and I figured I'd share. My first buffet in a long time. Mainly ate a big plate packed with white rice and covered in kim chee (no shrimp stock/brine), kapa maki (cucumber), inari and kombu soup. Here are some pics of me with the Hawaiian Sickness (sleepy after eating plenty). And yes that's a vintage Thunder Cats T-shirt. I evoked the snarf snarf to help me scarf scarf down the food food! goofy I know bedroom eyes? laughing from all the poses
  20. Big back day plus rear delts. Nothing eventful to report other than adding neutral wide grip cable rows in the mix. Today and tomorrow I've got off from work so I'll be relaxing this afternoon/evening with my sister and probably my uncle tomorrow.
  21. Hey RC, get as much out of those 10 days as you can. Rest, recovery, recuperate, relax, re-energize, rebound...you know all those R-words! We are all rooting for you!
  22. Went into the gym this morning to do legs and I was excited from the night before about going in and making the most of calves. I started with 600lbs on the leg press and hit calves, then increased to 800lbs then on the last set went to 690lbs. 800lbs felt good, but with 1m30s rest I didn't feel like it was smart to go 800lb. I then took a 2m rest after setting up the donkey calf machine and went 400lbs (which is about as much 100lb plates I can stack on the thing) and hit 4 sets with top squeezes and bottom stretches. Then I went to the rotary calf machine and set it to something close to 200lbs and just went to failure. After resting for 3m I hit a mix of quad and hamstring work with 3 sets of 8 reps on 2 different exercises per group. Then went big on leg presses 3x8 and completed the morning with hack squats. I am not ashame to confession that I again fell on my ass. I was increasing the weight on the hack squat at the tail end of my workout. I started off with 2 plates each side and it felt real good so I rested for 1m30s and went 3 plates each side and still felt like a champ while huffing and puffing. I then tossed 4 plates on each side and had myself totally mentally prepared to go big or go home. It felt good coming out of the hole and when I got to about mid sticking point it felt as if I ran out of air (I was probably holding my breath or not breathing right) and had to dump it. A few people looked at me, but that didn't bother me at all. Since I wasn't hurt, it was the end of my routine and most importantly I knew if I didn't try it I wouldn't know if I was capable of doing it. I've come to know that you should not fear failure if you intend to better yourself. Failure is a part of life and you're not adequately challenging yourself if failure isn't evident. So for you out there looking to grow, know that failure is fine. At least you went for it!
  23. Things sure are warming up down here. Tons of people out and about in their shorts. Showing off skin...YB! *wink wink* Headed into the gym this morning for chest and absolutely felt great about my routine. Started off with an incline, flat then flys with 1m30s rests inbetween 4 sets, warming up and graduly increasing the weight. Then went to hammer strength machines completed a circuit with 2m rests inbetween all 4 sets and was really feeling the pump. Finally finished off with a cable circuit hitting all 3 angles with moderate to light weight and 1m rests between all 4 sets. So yeah switched it up to make chest interesting since it isn't my favorite to hit. Walked out of the gym huffing, puffing and rank...I bet! Today's gonna be a tight schedule since I've gotta be there for the grand opening of the new store all the way in the boonies. The drive should be a little over an hour to get there, so I'm gonna have to leave early and drink a shake in the car. I'm not gonna miss this meal, even if I have to pull off to the side of the road to shake it up and drink it. The good thing is the place closes earlier than the other stores, so only like a 6.5h day.
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