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Everything posted by Gorilla

  1. thanks Paige! hi vege - i'm still tweaking to find the best thing for me - I appreciate your tips - thanks for the banana pic as well speak soon.
  2. you're inspiring me to go to the gym early before work i think it is advantageous to train early, then have those meals spread over the day, leaving the evening and nighttime to rest and not burden yourself by having food to digest in the evening/nighttime. i need to time my meals better! having the powder at 6am should replenish your muscles and restore a positive nitrogen balance, and you're eating something every 2-3 hours during the day with the powder at 3pm as well so that's good. should work well - the broccoli and sweet potatoes, and the lentils are all slow-burning energy so that's good too. i would be craving avocado because it's simply my number one favourite food - i've been eating two avocados a day for ages. i went without for a few days and didn't feel as good. my favourite combo is avocados with tomatoes. having said that i'm trying to get a lot more bananas into my diet now. and fresh dates - going for the 80/10/10 approach. i know we've mentioned 80/10/10 - i guess with your powder you're getting in the amino acids and essential fatty acids that you need so that should cover it. keep us posted
  3. okay cool hope the weather is nice for you - it's not as bad as people say
  4. good idea for a thread - will give newcomers some ideas ...
  5. Hi Ken - welcome to the forum. We'll help you achieve your goals. Keep us posted with a nutrition/training blog if you like - it's helped me and many others stay on track and take stock of what we're actually doing on a daily/weekly basis, and make adjustments to achieve our goals ...
  6. Welcome to the forum - there's lots of useful information here, and many nice, supportive people
  7. sounds good for burning the fat and feeding the muscle! Keep it up - keep tweaking to find the best thing for you
  8. Happy Birthday Robert! I'm grateful to be one of your Facebook contacts as well - have they increased the friend limit yet? I know it was capped at 5000 friends at one point. Anyway, I always get inspired seeing your photos and updates on FB and here. Have a good one, Gorilla
  9. cool - I live north-east of London: a nice town called Bury St Edmunds, not far from Cambridge. Are you going to visit Cambridge, or Oxford? I'm a graduate of Oxford University (BA Hons Modern Languages, French and German). Nice way to celebrate your graduation Where have you been studying? What subjects?
  10. yes - I also speak German. I studied French and German at Oxford. Let us know how you get on with this technique.
  11. hi vege - nice video I did some bear complex today but only on light weight while I get my form back. 25kg pre-set barbell. I used to be able to do overhead press 40kg pre-set so I'm aiming to get back to that level and beyond! I was in the gym today with a massive guy who was overhead-pressing 65kg. Although if you look at this video, Mariusz presses 159kg, 350 pounds, on the final set: I'm also going to be building in some negative/eccentric training into my routine: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-negative-training.htm I'm lucky to have a Smith Machine at my gym, which enables me to do negative barbell presses and squats. I can use the Smith Machine for PITT-Force barbell bench presses and squats as well. I see what you mean about PITT-Force dumbbell presses - I don't have the chains like in the video that you posted. I would say just sit up and put the DB's down while you re-charge for a few seconds then go again. I noticed that in the video he doesn't pause for very long to start with but then his pauses get longer. For barbell military presses I would do a rep with the most weight you can, rack the barbell while you re-charge your shoulders, then do your next rep etc. Same for squats and BB bench press - re-rack then go again. The girl in the video is very nice - one of the best female physiques I've seen. Yes - they're both good. Dargatz achieved one of the best physiques period - he competed and won against non-vegans.
  12. you seemed to get great results from Armstrong training. i'm going to start posting my results with PITT-Force.
  13. Hi vege - I'm talking about the bear complex: http://noscrolls.com/wiki/Bear%20Complex. "The bear complex is a sequence of barbell movements that flow together in a natural progression. The movements are (in order): power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, and another push press. ... all resting and re-gripping must be done with the barbell off the ground." there are loads of videos of the Bear complex out there. here's one of them - he does an extra push press before the back squat on one of reps but generally it's a good video: All I want to do is train, focusing on these complex movements! ... There's also the super bear complex: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVbbI7MiQMA&NR=1 His form isn't perfect on the overhead squat. He does Romanian Deadlifts as well, which I also do ... One last video, for overhead squats: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8YjmrIsz9s I just like it
  14. Hi vege, yeah for sure - as I mentioned earlier I want to burn the fat and feed the muscle and to do this I need to eat little and often, which I've been doing. I'm going to reduce the cardio slightly and make sure I hit the weights hard at least 3 times a week, focusing on deadlifts, squats, bench presses, cleans/overhead presses and rows. I've been doing the BEAR exercise as a warm-up to my squats. I'm working 50 hours over the next week but should still be able to train 3 times - will just have to wake up and get up a bit earlier. Woke up and got up at 12.15pm today, worked 1pm till 11pm. Ate all the food I'd prepared. Next training session on Saturday.
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