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Posts posted by Mik

  1. I got the invitation ages ago. Sorry, I haven't sent any pics before because I have been waiting to get some really flattering pics of me before putting them to the profiles page. I want to represent veganism as well as possible.


    I will be posting pics very soon!

    ditto. I want some in realy amazing light etc.


    Next year I'll be ripped enough to really represent veganism...just you wait everyone

  2. ...or whether i should be concerned about adding some frys, wedges, fried burgers , onion bhajis etc etc


    The latter are all foods I really love but i'd happily reserve them for very rare occasions is need be but if they dont impede performance and even help bulking up then i'd be glad to have them now and again

    Stay away from them! It's a slippery slope my friend.


    Cereal is healthy, no? But not when you can't control your addiction to it and you end up eating 1/2 box in a sitting.


    Foods that are tough to control should be very restricted I think...

    Aaahh!!! Thanks...but too late; i just bought a packet of hobnobs (they r vegan, i checked ) and have just got through a third of them :/


    I've been kinda poorly 2day therefore lazy :/ but most likely religious dieting will resume tommorow, one day of eating some grease coated sugary processed rubbish wont kill me

  3. thanks for you help



    I definately am eating much more then I used to, probably around 50 percent more within the last week. Also the amount of juice i've been drinking has really upped my calorie intake.



    Another thing though; what was your eating like? I know you mention that unlike most ppl you make gains with a pretty moderate calorie intake; I'm certainly nothing like that; I'm naturally quite skinny. But did you make an effort when bulking up to eat all 'clean' foods so to speak; some ppl i know who try to get bigger say they pig out on McDonalds, crisps, ice cream etc, which isnt really an option as a vegan but I'm undecided as to whether to stick to the clean eating plan i'm on now, which is loads of rice, bread, oats, grains, beans, greens, nuts, seeds and a little vegan 'meat' or whether i should be concerned about adding some frys, wedges, fried burgers , onion bhajis etc etc


    The latter are all foods I really love but i'd happily reserve them for very rare occasions is need be but if they dont impede performance and even help bulking up then i'd be glad to have them now and again

  4. Thank you very much!


    So far I've only completed the Chest and upperback workout and the legs and shoulders workout but i've really enjoyed them both; I definately prefer compound exercises, and the ones this workout features r my favourites



    for Chest and upperback I did Bench press, dumbell bench press (though i'll probably swap the latter each week for a differnt bench press type exercise), chin ups and seated rows.



    For legs and shoulders I did squats, and would have done legpress but I pulled a hamstring at the end so didnt, then standing press then seated military press.



    And for lower back, traps and grip, I was planning on deadlifts, weighted hyper extentions, shrugs, maybe some upright rows and some pinch gripping


    All the exercises using the reps and sets you suggest. I'm writing it down in a training diary 2 monitor my progress, thanks alot!



    And as for food this is what my typical diet looks like(this is what i ate 2 days ago, but in the last week i've followed a similar pattern but with more fruit and veg). I'm only 165-170 lbs so its quite alot...



    Breakfast: 3 slices of toast+ Jam with some pumpkin and sunflour seeds

    Mid morning: 2 medium pittas with vegan 'ham', humous and gerkins+ lettuce

    Lunch: 2 large potatos and a whole tin of baked beans+ lettuce

    Mid afternoon: Mix of raisins dates, sunflower seeds and pumkin seeds with apple juice (throughout the day i had a total of 1 litre apple juice)

    Dinner: Tofu curry, with soy yoghurt, rice, quinoa and 2 pitta breads (was a real challenge eating it all )

    Late evening: Mix of raisins, dates and seeds (my total seed intake must have been at least 150g)


    I also drunk plenty of water

  5. Okay I'm looking to bulk up somewhat while increasing my strength, this is what I ate yesterday; my other days have consisted of similar food (though with far more fruit and veg, yesterday was a little lacking), any pointers, criticisms and comments would be really helpful, thank you


    Breakfast: 3 slices of toast+ Jam with some pumpkin and sunflour seeds

    Mid morning: 2 medium pittas with vegan 'ham', humous and gerkins+ lettuce

    Lunch: 2 large potatos and a whole tin of baked beans+ lettuce

    Mid afternoon: Mix of raisins dates, sunflower seeds and pumkin seeds with apple juice (throughout the day i had a total of 1 litre apple juice)

    Dinner: Tofu curry, with soy yoghurt, rice, quinoa and 2 pitta breads (was a real challenge eating it all )

    Late evening: Mix of raisins, dates and seeds (my total seed intake must have been at least 150g)


    I also drunk plenty of water

  6. vegan meals should be the only meals available in prisons!!!


    1.) Nothing should have to die for people who have destroyed or damaged lives themselves

    2.) It can be done without breaching any human rights

    3.) Why waste resources when you dont have to? Everyone knows the environmental destruction caused by the Western addiction to animal products.

  7. Hey Veganessentials/ Mr Ryan


    I dont want to rob the thread of its intended content but it is kind of relevant


    I'm thinking of following the program that you endorse in your article 'vegan power training' written in feb 04 that uses this set up:



    Sunday - Chest and Upper Back


    Monday - Off


    Tuesday - Legs and Shoulders (arms if you feel the need)


    Wednesday - Off


    Thursday - Lower back, Trapezius and Grip work


    Friday - Off


    Saturday - return to Chest and Upper Back, start cycle again



    Basically I just want to get as strong as possible, and if that means an increase in size and weight thats fine too.


    So from my understanding, it seems that about four exercises will be done each day (excluding grip work and arms), consisting of five sets, two of which are progressive warm up sets for each...


    Anyway, any pointers, regarding this would be really really useful, including any alterations you would have made if you wrote the program now or anything...


    Thank you very much!



  8. I'm confused about this infamous vitamin B12; some sources are claiming that you have to have it from diet i.e animal produces or in the case of vegans supplements or fortified foods, and others say that you dont need any B12 intake becase bacteria in the body make it anyway.


    Whats everyone's take on this? Also, plz say if you are vegan and have been for 15 years (apparantly B12 deficiency can wait that long to kick in) and had no B12 from any source. Thanks!

  9. Remember the shirt says vegan bodybuilding and "fitness." If you look fit that is the important thing. Looking sick and stick thin and low energy would be more of a reason not to wear the shirt. Not if your full of positive energy.

    200 pounds or not.

    True; a really slim and lean guy with tremendous amounts of stamina doing cardio or hundreds of push ups would be great wearing that shirt too
  10. Remember the shirt says vegan bodybuilding and "fitness." If you look fit that is the important thing. Looking sick and stick thin and low energy would be more of a reason not to wear the shirt. Not if your full of positive energy.

    200 pounds or not.

    True; a really slim and lean guy with tremendous amounts of stamina doing cardio or hundreds of push ups would be great wearing that shirt too
  11. My brother just called me on the phone from his car a few minutes ago. He and his family had just been to a dairy farm in central Illinois. He wanted to let me know how they (him, his wife, and their four children) got to milk a cow and see how cheese was made. He wanted me to know that the animals were not being treated bad at all. He also suggested that I go on the tour of the farm since it was inexpensive. I don't know what he expected me to say. I am ticked. My family has not been supportive of my choice to become vegan. My brother goes out of his way to prove me wrong about my decision. I have shared with him videos and my concerns that have lead me to making the decision to become vegan. He just laughs at me. He will call me from a restaurant and let me know how good the steak is that he is eating. He thinks it is a fun way to tease me. When I get upset with him and let him know that I am upset about what he is doing, he then gets angry with me and tells me that what I am doing is unhealthy.


    My mom was here visiting this past week. I suggested we get a pizza for dinner. She said I couldn't eat pizza since it had cheese. She then paused and said "You mean you want to order pizza without cheese?????? Amy, why are you doing this to yourself? Can you please explain this to me?" She was furious with me. I offered to show her materials and videos that have helped me to make this decision and she ignored me.


    My family treats me like I have an eating disorder!!!!!!! I do not force my family to eat what I eat. I do not make them feel guilty for eating meat. I want to scream and cry at the same time. I don't understand why my family can not be supportive.


    Thanks for letting me vent.

    I'm sorry to hear this; I'd never call my family supportive as such but they rarely get nasty about it.



    I suppose you could say something along the lines of 'empirically prove it or shut up,' but i guess you might have tried this and omnis tend to (when beaten) say a vague 'we naturally eat meat' even if you prove that by not eating corpses you are not actually missing out on vital nutrients. (I also like to point out that a herbivore can actually digest meat i.e a cow given meat feed and a carnivore can live on plants; vegan dog biscuits! so the fact that we can eat meat too means sod all).



    With my omni friends if no one is in the mood for an explanation i just remind them that I could kick their asses...but this isnt v ladylike unfortunately which might kind of put you off



    I suppose if you were super fit and healthy you can always rub this in their faces with a grim compare and contrast and attribute it completely to your vegan diet, oh and maybe point out some ailments that disapeared when you took it up (if there are none I'd personally just exaggerate/lie a little; its for the greater good!)

  12. Unless you have a serious physique I reckon wearing a VBB shirt in the gym could attract a lot of negative attention.
    I agree 200%!!!


    For a start it willl put vegans (not just the person) in a really bad light, because the omni gymgoers will immediately attribute the physical defects to being vegan, like complete idiots (even though gyms I've been too are filled with skinny rats who stuff themselves with corpses to try and get big)



    Once I can benchpress 100kg (right now i'd be hard pressed to do 90, but might just manage once) I'll probably wear a vegan t shirt


    I'm not v bulky but a ripped physique and tons of lb for lb strength (100kg for a 75- kg non bodybuilder with a slim physique and long arms isnt world class or near it but nothing shameful) will impress ppl...And I will have BOTH!!!

  13. I've had a brief look around, just on the net and I've yet to find a vegan food that contains creatine; if anyone knows of any please list them!


    Or alternatively if anyone has theories about us not requiring it from diet or something please share them with me; if possible i dont really want to be taking supplements.



  14. I never stretch before workouts, I warm up the muscle groups I am going to do with very light weights first, thats my warmup.After the workout I do not tend to stretch as I dont feel like I need to, but the next 2 days I get tight muscles & a good stretching session makes me feel a whole lot better.


    One thing I did see that noone else has picked up is you saying:


    I work out 5 or 6 days a week


    That does seem an awful lot of days to workout.Maybe try doing 3 or 4 days a week?


    My fault...i missed out saying that only 3 or at most 4 days a week is hitting the weights, but I also box, go running and am shortly going to be doing MMA once a week too.
  15. Hello fellow englander!


    Good to have you here.


    I was vegetarian for 8 yrs before I found this site.So I cut out the dairy in my diet (and occasional fish)


    I instantly felt alot better.Your body will adapt very quickly, I felt weird for a week or so but then felt better.The mind can be different, & it can be difficult, but its really worth it!


    Good luck buddy!

    Despite having been a big carnivore i actually dont notice too much difference; except that my digestion feels much much better



    @Richard; I'm from Northwest England

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