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Everything posted by Bigbwii

  1. Nicole, I hope you don't mind me asking....how do you go about finding photographers who are just looking to expand their own portfolios to work with? You can PM me if you like.
  2. YOU'RE INVITED TO JOIN THE PRESIDENT'S FITNESS CHALLENGE! F1 has started a group to take the President's Challenge together:Fruitarian Fitness. And you're invited to be part of it! WHAT IS IT? The President's Challenge is a series of programs designed to help improve anyone's activity level. Joining a group is a great way to make staying active easy. To learn more about the President's Challenge, go to: http://www.PresidentsChallenge.org WHY JOIN? Staying active with others can be a lot of fun. They'll help keep you motivated - even when you don't really feel like it. Groups are a great way to meet new people. There are even programs for people at different activity levels: the Active Lifestyle program aimed at beginners, and the Presidential Champions program for those who are already active. Signing up for a group is simple. And there's no limit to how any you can belong to. You can join or leave at any time. All you have to do is register. It's quick, and there's no cost just to participate! HOW TO JOIN: 1) Go to http://www.PresidentsChallenge.org/login/r...individual.aspx 2) Fill out the registration form. * Be sure to include the following info during registration * Your Group ID Number: 59300 Your Group Member ID: [Your Name] 3) After registering, start logging your activities. As you log activities you'll be able to track your progress toward winning a President's Challenge Award or Medal. Good luck!
  3. Well said Flanders....it's all personal choice! For me I've got a perfectly good juicer/smoothie maker...it's called my mouth, I put one fruit in at a time which means less stress on my digestive system, theres no cutting, no oxidation issue, no loss of nutrients caused by the speed of the blade, no loss of fiber, etc. But that's just my opinion based on what I want from my lifestyle. If people wanna juice then go for it.....
  4. Hey man... Are there any natural bodybuilders that don't take supplements, protien drinks, etc and are they usually smaller than the natural bodybuilders that take all the "legal" drugs? If you know of any pics/websites I'd appreciate it.
  5. Wuzz up.... I think your gonna struggle period because judging by your pics you've been abusing yourself real good and when you try to go raw all of that is going to come back to haunt you and in situations like that most people turn to eating for comfort.....hence the big grocery bills!!! I personally think you should be real careful about going raw until you really know what your getting into and what you should expect, do a whole bunch of research from reliable sources....too many people go raw without really thinking about it and then bail out because it got too uncomfortable or they weren't that commited in the first place. Where your at now I don't think your gonna be able to avoid the big grocery bills and I really think you should think long a hard about how far you wanna go with it because the initial period of going raw is really no joke. All the best
  6. Think about it this way....all cooked food is made from raw foods too!!! In my opinion raw junk food is any raw food that is altered, processed, refined, dehydrated...yadayadayada..... It's all down to you how far/natural you want to go, 95% of all the people that go raw are doing it all wrong, doing it the right way takes too much dedication and is too frightening for people so if having smoothies, raw cookies, raw ice cream is something that helps you get through the day then go for it, experiment see how things make you feel and have fun.
  7. Great to see people meeting up and having fun!!!
  8. It really doesn't matter what I do or think because I'm not you, everybody has different needs at different times, knowing what I do isn't going to teach you about yourself....try it for yourself and see if it works for you at this moment in time. Good luck....
  9. I thought you was joking.... Use the same poses for all the progress pics....
  10. You have great beauty!!! I love the pics and your so lucky to be able to work with such good photographers.
  11. Not sure what your really looking for but this is probably the best vegan fitness site around in terms of balance, you have people of all abilities, people are friendly and supportive and willing to share. There really isn't that many good vegan fitness forums out there to start with.
  12. That's a thought...yeah those guys didn't sound like longterm Fruitarians or very dedicated
  13. I got all excited, wasn't very informative at all really....pretty vaige article.
  14. I've started my garden, I've already got Oranges sprouting up and alll different melons too, the only things I'm waiting on now is the avocados and the veggies.
  15. Why would you need to? All you need to do is eat when truly hungry and stop when satisfied, anything else is over eating. For the last 3 days I've been getting by on 157 cals, plus getting through my workouts and walks, etc. You'd be surprised how much hunger is actually mental.....
  16. And that's with over eating!!!!! Sometimes I can go without eating anything at all for a day or so and still get in my workouts/walks....
  17. I just found out that I take in 600-900 cals a day.... So much for the 2000 cals that's recommended.....
  18. Well most people go raw for health reasons.... The whole process of going raw is a hard one and is not to be messed with, because of the detoxification process.. Like I say do a bunch of research.
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