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Everything posted by EceGled

  1. That's cool, but... 1, why is the age 21 rather than 18? I have never seen that before. 2, I don't like any of those "charities" (non-profits) and would not want to donate to them. Code Pink is a very ineffective organization. I'd choose something more like Food Not Bombs, which is vegan and achieves the same purpose as Code Pink, and is all-around a more respectable organization.
  2. Damn, dude! I wish I could have that transformation... but I'm not male.
  3. Too bad I'm working all weekend, while interning with COK on weekdays. lol
  4. Doesn't it depend on your teacher, how you've learned? Aikido is often taught in an impractical way, but it doesn't have to be.
  5. I'm impressed by the maturity of this discussion. If one is a freak for being attracted to a transgendered woman, then that is the same as saying that a transgendered woman is a freak. I don't think a transgendered person would really appreciate the sentiment. I'm glad the people saying that, though, are at least willing to jump into the supposed freak pool. As for myself, I do not believe in gender at all, so anyone who believes in gender is a freak to me. Transgendered folks have my full support in whatever is their path to happiness, as do cisgendered folks, but I may never understand the need to actually have a gender... It's just too superficial for me.
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