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Posts posted by HawaiiDolphin

  1. On my legs and shoulder days (I combine them), it's squats, deadlifts, lunges, overhead shoulder press, pulling the weighted bar up (don't know what that's called), and finishing with shrugs.

    The way my personal trainer explained it is that you start with the biggest/most muscle groups, then work your way down to fewer/smaller groups. Shrugs are pretty small compared to deadlifts, so, according to this reasoning, after is better.

  2. I was on 1000-1300 for a year and nothing happened, I was just EXHAUSTED and fat. Now that I'm up to 1800 I have to work extra hard to maintain my weight, but I have plenty of energy, generally. I've been on 1800 for about 4 months now.

    My trainer says the way I time my proteins is important so I want to get this right.

  3. I love food too, but supplements are pretty important for me. I can only have 1,800 calories even on my heaviest training days, so in order to get enough protein I really need to focus on supplements, unfortunately. (I have a metabolic condition that is not yet under control.)

  4. I can't find this anywhere, so if it's been posted before I'm sorry.

    My trainer keeps emphasizing the "speed" of proteins, saying I need a fast protein like whey at certain times and a slow protein like casein at other times. What are the vegan equivalents? I can't find this info anywhere.

    Thanks for any help!

  5. I find that a fast-digesting carb right after a workout helps recovery. Try a piece of fruit or sports drink. Rice and beans are very fiber rich, so would take longer to be absorbed.

  6. I LOVE Daiya but I try to use it SUPER sparingly since the nutrition facts are not as good as one would hope, but every now and then it's an AWESOME treat. I like to grate some into mac and "cheese" for optimum gooeyness.

  7. I just got hired to my first real fitness job as a yoga instructor at my gym this week, and I'm really excited.

    For those of you that have worked in this type of environment, any advice? I'm nervous about having to deal with such a wide spread of skill levels, all of my experience has been as a student in actual yoga studios, and I used to teach kids.

    I'm pretty excited, plus its an extra chance to plug veganism every week!

  8. If you're looking for just regular spirulina, the cheapest I've ever seen is veganproteins.com, and I know that everything they carry is fantastic. Definitely check them out because they're friends of the forum and always have great stuff for great prices. That being said, I'm not too familiar with Now or Ultimate Life.

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