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Everything posted by Jeffrw

  1. I tore my rotator cuff back in 2005. I have the Turkish Get Up to the thanks for "rebuilding" my shoulder.
  2. arnold loved to swim. 'nuff said. seriously though, I swim. If you swim correctly, you'll be okay. And by correctly I mean that most of your propulsion is coming from your hips/core and not from you pulling yourself with your arms and shoulders. Check out the book "Total Immersion".
  3. Enjoy: http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mahler57.htm http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/mahler2.htm
  4. A good compromise would be the trap bar deadlift. Otherwise, I'd do it with the Clean and Press...also one of Peary Rader's routines (and I believed, if memory serves me correctly) mentioned in his T-Nation article.
  5. an exercise that does not get too much attention is the Snatch Grip Deadlift....basically a really wide grip deadlift. You can go heavier than rows and because of the grip placement, it's great for your lats and traps. The con to it is grip can be an issue at first for some people. If you know how to do a "hook grip" you've got a leg up on it.
  6. I'm a vegetarian from St. Louis. Sorry I am not a vegan. However, its really hard even for a vegetarian to find good advice when it comes to lifting weights and nutrition. This site looks like a great place to find others that share (somewhat) similar views without people jumping down my back and telling me I'm a hippie and need meat to get my protein. I become a vegetarian by accident. My wife and I had decided one week to eat down the cupboard and freezer to get rid of some food that had been around awhile. Over a period of two weeks we ate very little meat and both of us felt much better. We thought "what the heck" and decided to give vegetarianism a shot. That was September of 2007. I have cheated a few times with fish, but not a regular basis. "Fast Food Nation", the book, not the movie, also had a lot with me sticking to this diet. My training is based mostly around strength and not appearance. I'm big into Kettlebells (for about two years) and like to do heavy Olympic weightlifting and some power lifting stuff (cleans, presses, jerks, snatches, deads and squats.) I do not bench press or do isolation work. I do lots of sprint work and in the summertime I like to do triathlons. I can also do pistols (one leg squats) and like to mess around with some homemade gymnastics rings I have. Two of my "heroes" are Bill Pearl and Mike Mahler, a vegetarian and vegan respectively.
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