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Everything posted by compassionategirl

  1. The loss of both human AND animal life in the face of natural disasters is tragic. Too bad the only one people seem to deem important is the former only. I can just imagine how many thousands of animals drown to death as a result of them, and how many animals end up orphaned (if they survive that is). Drowning must be one of the worst ways to go. Then again, pigs and chickens frequently end up drowning in scalding hot water WHILE STILL CONSCIOUS for purposes of hide/feather removal every hour of every day. Please go vegan if you consider yourself a kind and compassionate person. thank-you.
  2. Daywalker, this calender thing is a great idea!!!!!
  3. Good luck Topher. You sure deserve it!!
  4. I just got my vegan bodybuilding t-shirts today and I LOVE THEM!! They look wicked on me. I am going to be order some more different styles soon. ALl of us here should order at least one. I feel so proud wearing them, and it has already opened up conversation with people in the elevator. One of them even wanted a card!!!! (but said he wasnt vegan ). Oh well, maybe he will be inspired once he sees the hot bods on this site. Nice job Rob!!!
  5. Have you ever sculpted the body of a naked woman?
  6. ya, too bad she cannot talk some sense into her buddy Madonna, who shoots birds on her estates and advertises for Versace, a HUGE fur promoting designer. pathetic. I like her music, but not her character.
  7. I just noticed, another fellow Canadian!!!! AND you sculp too? vegan guys ROCK in so many ways.
  8. veggymeggy you and I are so much alike it seems in that I too am very "girly" , with the whole stilletos, purses, makeup and all. When I see something I like, I simply make sure it is cruelty free before I buy (ayt any which store) and it usually is and that is good for not only our souls, but our bank accounts as well!!! I really hope I meet you on our vegan vacation 2006!!!
  9. well said veganmadre. What is terrorism is what we do to animals in slaughterhouses, "research" laboratories, circuses, rodeos, etc. etc. etc. THAT is terrorism. And I am 100% for ANY action that is aimed at halting this terrorism, so long as innocent people AND animals are not hurt in the process.
  10. Ya if forgot about Richard Gere - I think his veganism was inspired by his belief in Buddhism (or perhaps vice versa?). Also, I agree that Demo Moore is SMOKIN for her age. Honestly she looks like she is 30, but she is about 45 ish!! Wow!!!!!!!!!!! Here is to PLANT based diets!!!!
  11. YUP, DIDO for me!!!!! P.S. I am so thrilled that your children have such a compassionate role model. I hope and pray that they carry on their mother's conviction and compassion veganmadre. Thank god for mothers like you.
  12. I just saw another one. Commercial for HP Sauce, with the slogan being "It makes your beef sing" and showing an image of a singing cow. Ya, like animals are thrilled to be hung upside down from a meat hook piercing through their thigh, having their throats slit so their own blood is running into their eyes and up their nose, and then getting their limds hacked off BEFORE they have finished "dying." The meat industry, and anybody that supports it for frivilous reasons, me. How about i hang YOU up from a meat hook, slit your throat and let you bleed out, one drop at a time. How would YOU like it?? Cut the bull shit and go veg#n NOW. Stop supporting the mass murder of innocent animals.
  13. Dont get me wrong - the bottom line (important line) is that somebody is vegan which is great news for themselves, the animals and the enviro. So I applaud veganism. period. But...I just dont get how people can be motivated by ONLY health reasons, and not be motivated by compassion and empathy. I just dont understand what it is about a human being that makes them resistant to OR uncomfortable with the notion of animal rights, or "ethical" veganism, or kindness to animalsl or whatever word you want to use. Why are people so threatened with the idea of extending compassion towards those who deserve it the most - i.e. animals, because they are so morally innocent, voiceless and defenseless. In fact, how could anybody NOT feel sorry for an animal riding in the slaughter house bound truck, terrified, weak, sick, hungry and thirsty?? This is something that just blows my mind and I am genuinely asking all you "health" vegans to please explain to me what mechanism it is within you that resists the idea of mercy for animals??? I am just baffled with this and struggle with it constantly. What better reason to go veg#n than the reason of sparing an innocent and sentient creature his life? Oh ya....its because they taste good. When somebody says "I am vegan for health reasons" I just dont get it. What about the animals? As if billions of innocent lives lost for something as frivikous as human tastebuds is not good enough a reason in and of itself to go vegan IMMEDIATELY. As if there is any question about the immorality and the utter descpicability of what you see in Meet your meat. I just give up. If a man has the heart to cut a chickens throat (or pay somebody else to do it), well, then I just dont know anymore. The true measure of a man's heart can be judged by the way he treats those that are utterly at his mercy: the animals. what do people find so hard or threatening about being kind to animals that make people so resistant to compassion for animals? It is almost as if the compassion and mercy in a human heart is zero sum, and if you give it to an animal, you will have less to give to humans. People are so odd. I believe that children have great, pure, unjaded, uncorrupted wisdom. Ever notice that most children have a natural sympathy for animals and arae drawn to animals ? I use to think that most adult humans had a natural sympathy for animals still somewhere deep inside them, even if this sympathy lay dormant and needed to be activated (as was the case with me). But honestly, I just think that some people are weak. plain and simple.
  14. remember jake the snake roberts???
  15. Final Analysis I had to search IMDB for it, I'm pretty sure I never saw it. Thanks Dan. Yup - Final Analysis. Kim Basinger - smokin hot.
  16. MAN, I could NOT have said this better myself
  17. man that is the one and prolly only thing I like about Canada - public health insurance. Surgeries, doctors visits, hospitals visits and stuff like that are all covered. I feel so sorry for my fellow Americans who have to pay for these things unless they have a private insurance scheme. That must be BRUTAL. PS. Is "stevia" considered a chemical/toxic substance/swettener just like aspartame and splenda, or is it better for you??????? thanks guys.
  18. Hi Crystal, Nope- i havent had any weird stomach reactions to tempeh either. Sorry that your stomhac did not agree with it! Have you tried seitan yet? Seitan is not easy to cook/master but can really be delicious depending on what you do with it. There are tons of vegan recipes out there - a simple google search will yield lots. There is a whole world of amazing vegan cuisine out there waiting to be discovered by you. hope you feel better . Damn tempeh!!!
  19. Ultimate warrior used to be my favourite wrestler, along with Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan. I know the Hulk still wrestles, but whatever happened to Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior? Anybody know? I heard that Elizabeth died of a drug overdose a few years back. How sad. She was so young.
  20. Check this site out - it has lots of articles by jack Norris, vegan regsitered dietician who answers lots of questions that some of us have asked on this board like about B12 vegan sources, vitamin e, etc etc. take advantage of this man's expertise and inform yourselves about a HEALTHY vegan diet. P.S. I think Rob knows this guy. http://www.veganhealth.org
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