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Posts posted by BlueRose

  1. I discovered by accident that I do best not so much on low fats, but low OILS. By cutting out as much oil as possible in my food consumption and keeping my carbs to protein sources with the occasional fruit, my complexion is the best it's ever been and my body is just plain happier. I never really bought the idea that oils were bad for you but I'm starting to wonder if they're just too prevalent in our diets and could use some cutting back on.


    Most of my fat content is from nuts and the occasional avocado. Then I have my veggie burgers and fake meats and oh, Gardein. I love you Gardein. <3

  2. Did Brazil Butt Lift's Tummy Tuck and High and Tight the other day, abs are STILL sore...wow.


    This morning did TF's Sculpt 30, good workout for shoulders which is what I BADLY needed.


    At some point I'll start taking pics again. I'm a long way from where I want to be and up 10 lbs since last summer, and I greatly desire to ditch those plus an additional 5-10. But the inches are coming off and that lovely circle is evident in my abs. Woo.

  3. I work in IT, as a Unix/J2EE System Engineer, so I chose "A traditional career" so on..

    I kind of just fell into this type of work.

    Throughout my 20's I was a professional musician, I love it but got really tired of truly being a starving musician.

    I would think a degree in Engineering Physics (I'm guessing that's Mechanical Engineering) would do well in Denver, if not look around Orange County, CA, there are all kinds of tech firms around here.




    Oh good, I'm not alone! I'm a software engineer myself, but I do .NET programming.

  4. I work for a Linux software company and provide technical support for (primarily) financial services customers.


    I chose "A traditional career (40hrs/wk, corporate, salary, drive to work)" even though I work from home. It was the most applicable, still 40hrs/week, corporate, and salaried.


    I chose that answer too even though I don't consider what I do "working for corporate". I don't dress business casual; I work for a dot-com. Right now I'm in jeans, a t-shirt, and sandals.

  5. Monroe, NY

    Ithaca, NY

    Guilderland, NY

    Waltham, MA

    West Medford, MA


    Boston is amazingly vegan-friendly, and as I wasn't vegan before I moved to the area after going vegan I am amazed at how spoiled we are here compared to other places. Ithaca's decent however.

  6. Software engineer. I sit at a computer all day. I try to compensate by being as physically active as possible outside the job and my commute to and from work involves an awful lot of walking and running up and down stairs.


    But admittedly if I had my way I'd be a full time fitness trainer and writer for a living. Then I could set my own hours, be less sedentary and undoubtedly much healthier.

  7. I have two cats and they are definitely not vegan. I am VERY wary of products and attempts to make vegan cats work; I don't want to run the risk of harming my kitties. In the end, we just don't live in a perfect world and we have to live with that...or not have carnivores as pets.

  8. Often, but I'm looking to a) lose weight and b) lose fat. However I don't JUST do cardio and I eat enough to both continue losing weight while having enough fuel for the workout.


    Your body starts to cannibalize muscle when you're lacking in body fat to burn and you're not taking in enough calories. Period.

  9. Ab Exercises?


    Ab Gym Equipment?


    Ab Gadgets?


    All of the above?


    Ab exercises, and core work in general. Most of it is done standing, not all of it is seated. I swear by bicycles myself.


    Only equipment I've ever used is resistance bands. Wrap around the tops of your feet and have the ends of the bands coming out in between, and do what amounts to rowing motions with your legs in the air with your knees at a 90 degree ankle. Basically you move your feet forward while leaning back (but keeping good posture!), and the bands add the resistance. You'll feel those too.

  10. Hello

    I really struggle with the last bit of fat/water/weight around my legs/ass/waist and hips. Im working out with weights for my upperbody but im really wondering whats the best thing to do for my lowerbody since i dont want to gain any muscle there. I just want to maintain the muscles and just loose all the fat and get really lean around my legs/ass/waist/hips.

    I know like squat and all those exersices tend to put on inches around your waist etc and i dont want that. I just want to maintain my muscles there but not get bigger or add mucles in terms of size


    What is the best approach for this? im starting with incline walking wich i think is good. Is it just running or should i do weights also for my legs etc to make it lean?

    In that case how should my approach be? more reps and less weight etc?




    Your username doesn't give your gender away, but may I assume based on wanting to reduce the hips/thighs that you're female? If so, congrats, welcome to my world. I'm an hourglass and the only way to get rid of that is really to watch the calories in versus out, do cardio, and get some good exercises in for glutes/thighs. Squats, leglifts, deadlifts...they're all wonderful, wonderful things. I swear by ankle weights while doing lifts myself.


    I haven't gained any inches from doing squats in my waist or otherwise, and honestly don't know how you can. However, the abs and midsection is the first place I lose weight and the easiest for me to develop as far as lean muscle def is concerned. Women who worry about "bulking up" really are just putting on muscle under the fat they've got and haven't burned off the fat yet. We don't have enough testosterone to bulk up. Muscle burns fat (and more calories) and the more of it you put on, the more calories you will burn.


    Don't worry about reps and weight. My ideal is this: I do the right amount of weight to do about 8-12 reps and REALLY be feeling the burn on the last 3-4 reps. If I'm feeling the burn sooner, I lower the weight. If I'm not getting the burn, I either increase the weight or if I'm unable to do this, I increase the reps. And I focus on being able to increase that weight as time goes on.


    I'm no expert, but I hope this helps.

  11. ....I sell the programs and have very happy Beachbody clients so please, for the love of the gods...don't pirate. Support a fellow vegan's love of fitness and helping others to get fit, and get it from me instead. If you want to save some money on it, sign up as a coach and get 25% off of it and other products.


    While I agree with the sentiment, I feel that Beachbody is a typical 'diet and lifestyle' corporation, gouging money from people who are desperate to buy into their late-night infomercials. This is just my personal feeling though, so to each their own. If I know someone who actually wants to buy the program, I will definitely send them your way!


    I know of far, far, far too many people (self included) who have turned their entire lives around using the programs. They work. None of us are fitness models looking to "gauge" or deceive anyone.


    I for one am looking forward to their vegan version of Shakeology

  12. It's a 6 day a week program where you work out a different muscle group every day. It emphasizes strength training with some yoga and cardio thrown in.


    I sell the programs and have very happy Beachbody clients so please, for the love of the gods...don't pirate. Support a fellow vegan's love of fitness and helping others to get fit, and get it from me instead. If you want to save some money on it, sign up as a coach and get 25% off of it and other products.

  13. Thank you for posting that link - I find it pretty inspiring. I'll be 31 next month and was wondering if maybe I was too old to really seriously look in to weight training/body building. Seeing the phenomenal results another woman in her 30s is achieving, gives me hope and inspiration - and is shifting my fitness goals a little bit more, than just a few hours ago when I joined this site.


    Are you serious? You can't be serious. Please don't tell me you're serious.


    Tony Horton is in his 50s and he developed the P90X program. A great many athletes and bodybuilders are in their 40s and 50s--and even older. I don't think 30s is "too old".


    FYI, I'm 33.

  14. Thanks to travel and working late, I redid week two of the program. Almost done with it, then to week 3. After week 3 it's ALL NEW EXERCISES!!


    I'm going to try to add on P90X and Brazil Butt Lift exercises on the days when the workouts are less than an hour long. This is of course dependent upon what can be my crazy schedule. I'll be using Chest and Shoulders, and Legs and Back from P90X and from Brazil Butt Lift, High and Tight and Tummy Tuck. Anyone who's done Tummy Tuck knows it even beats the pants off of Ab Ripper X, and that's no lie. It's the most challenging core workout program I've ever done and it's what gave me my ab definition last year for the first time in my life.


    I've already been told I look like I lost weight, and I know as of a few weeks ago I was down eight pounds. Ideally, I'd like to lose about 17-22 more, but what will be the indicator will be my clothing. I don't care WHAT the number on the scale says as long as I can fit into all of my clothing. If I'm five pounds higher than I used to be but everything fits, that's muscle baby, and I won't sweat it...no pun intended. XD


    Also, I have biceps. Like, defined biceps. I never had that before. My triceps, upper thighs, and glutes still need some more love but that's being an hourglass for you.

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