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Posts posted by jungleinthefrunk

  1. gaia is right, please specify category. either way you should start working out a good split. my suggestion would be back/hams, chest/bis, legs, shoulders/tris, legs/abs...cant really say much about reps for ya since i dont know what you are going for. ..six meals a day with the right amount of carbs protein fats.

  2. im no pro but you wont really lose that much muscle in a week or 2. you may gain some fat if youre eating out, but try to keep that to one or two meals a day and make good decisions when you eat out for the most part. its ok to cheat, soon after you return to the gym youll get it back. its actually good to rest your muscles a bit for longer period of time once in a while... try to get a bunch of walking in to burn off some of dirty cals and have fun. im planning on a long weekend with eating out and some drinking two weeks after my contest, gonna bring some of the basics like protein powder, oats, nuts, cous cous... eat what i want come dinner, and then plan to cut back down for a comp 2 months from then.. you dont need a blender to drink the protein shakes, just add water...

  3. it bothers me that im so dependent on technology. like i need a good mp3 player (ipod) to get through a workout...and ive gotten used to having a smart phone and internet access anywhere. but beyond that i try to resist. i detest kindle and all the facebook spinoffs. i drove my car until she literally died, and im doing the same with my pc and my laptop...

  4. The final weeks are like you said - very tough! i have ups and downs..every time the thought of quitting goes thru my head i think about what u said - the ppl who want it and those who thought it would be "cool to do". today has been a good day for me so far cause i am not pressured to workout for the full 2.5 hours all at once, but week days are hard...nights are anxious and i have trouble sleeping....but its worth it since im losing every day. but yes i do need significant changes in the last 4 weeks im still quite soft, but i trust my trainer, and what ppl here are saying (you, gaia for example). Thank you!

  5. can't wait to find out. cause i gotta buy a plane ticket for austin, but if its boston ill drive. should know soon! if its austin robert better come thru for me!

    actualy it would be fun to drive to austin but i wouldnt trust myself to do it alone. id get back pain and possibly fall asleep or get lost.

  6. they say eat bfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. or some crap like that. i guess they say that for the purposes of weight managment but whenevr u can get it in i think thats good. gotta be good for your energy levels too throughout the day. thers no need to confirm to societal norms about breakfast...hell we'd all be eating mcmuffins if we did that.

  7. Depending on where my friend is placed (he is getting an internship) I'm either going to Boston or Austin in late June. I'm really excited. Well I guess there is a slim chance he could be in any other US city but most likely it's one of those two. Any tips and tricks and hot spots appreciated. Also will need to know the name of a gym where I could drop in for a small fee...

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